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Who Most Deserved Their Win And Who Least Deserved It?


The winners  

67 members have voted

  1. 1. Who most deserved their win? (in order from 1-9)

    • Eddie
    • Will
    • Lisa
    • Jun
    • Drew
    • Maggie
    • Erika
    • Dick
    • Adam
    • Boogie (forgot to add him)
  2. 2. Who least deserved their win? (in order from 1-9)

    • Eddie
    • Will
    • Lisa
    • Jun
    • Drew
    • Maggie
    • Erika
    • Dick
    • Adam
    • Boogie (forgot to add him)

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Good poll question. Will is the bb king, imo. Dan may run a close 2nd, depending on how this season turns out. I'm really impressed with him thus far.

Maggie was just despisable. Janelle should have won bb6. I'll never get over that season. :P Even after years of intense therapy. I so hated the nerd herd.

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Erika the Pilates instructor didn't win?

Technically Dick didn't deserve to win because if it wasn't for AP he would've been gone week 6, when the house flipped and Dustin left.

Everyone else won fair and square, even if their gameplay/personality sucked. Hey, it got them to #1, didn't it?

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lol maggie least deserving lmao

maggie outside of will was thee best bb player ever

least deserving is lisa

most deserving tie between will and maggie

4 allstars from bb6 and she beat em all

the level of mind control was one of best ever

she got howie to team kill one of his own

and she is least deserving

who was more deserving janelle who had no social skills

kaysar who was evict twice

howie who evicted one of his own

ivette who was a big cry baby

maggie even had to throw her a hoh comp so she shut up

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How can anyone even consider voting for Dick since America's Choice kept him in the game no fewer than TWO times. Were it not for outside interference he'd have been gone TWICE.

The whole of season 8 was an absolute joke and should be stricken from the record because of America's Choice.

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i wasnt dick fan but i wouldnt say he was least deserving

he won a great amount of comps

perfected bullied tactic

and when eric saved him due to america player he did win veto so if he wasnt trying to save dani technically he would have been saved if he used veto on himself

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dick ... he did win veto so if he wasnt trying to save dani technically he would have been saved if he used veto on himself

Also dick knew that the only way he could win big bucks would be opposite Dani in F2....not that she hasn't been on the dick bandwagon for the last couple of years!!!!

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Surprised there are so many votes for Maggie as least deserving.. I didn't like her at all, but I definitely think she played the game.

Maggie is one of the most hated HGs in history on these boards and Dick is one of the most loved.

I think it's really as simple as that.

I picked Adam as my most deserving and I obviously didn't like him but I'm choosing to show zero bias. The guy was wanted out the first week of the game and stayed to the end, winning it all. He knew how to get in good with just about everyone in the house and manipulated people like Natalie perfectly. He also won his share of challenges.

If you can get to the end and win it all when week 1 most of the house wanted you out, you've done some damn good game play.

...and he did all this without AP.

See, Adam was a middle man in that house. He knew how to get in good with both sides of the house, befriending Jame's side AND Natalie's side. That kept the heat off him and then he started winning challenges when he needed to.

I didn't see Will's season so I couldn't vote for him (that's the only season I never saw along with season 1).

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I don't really have a most deserving, because I could not stand Will. But, I haven't to admit...he played the game well.

But my least deserving was Boogie because he rode Will's coattails and he was an awful, awful person in the house.

(But Maggie is a close second for least deserving)

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