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Poll ~ Should Julie Call Out Jerry


Should Julie Call Out Jerry  

158 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Julie REMIND Jerry that his actions against Dan are just a little hypocritical!!! Jerry did the EXACT same thing in week one with Brian. I think Julie should point that out to Jerry!!!

    • Yes
    • No

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Should Julie call out Jerry for his SLANDEROUS, VILE, RUDE, UNCALLED FOR tirade against Dan?

I think she should make Jerry look like the Arsehole he is - he's a nasty old fool and I think Julie should call him out and REMIND him that HE did the EXACT same thing back in week one with Brian. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!!

Julie Chen, grill Jeritols butt over the coals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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go for it

she does libra and few other hg

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I have never seen a poll that came out at 100% before. LOL


She's been calling out Libra and its time for Jerry to be told that America is watching his hypocrisy and doesn't really like it.

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Well look at me being different! LOL I think he's an ass, but my first instinct was thinking that the host should not show opinion...but then again, you're right she really is calling out the HG's when asking questions...and it would be cool to see him called out! So cxl my vote please! LOL I would really love to see him squirm! But I somehow doubt he will...I realllly dont think he will GET it...he thinks he is right and no one will be able to tell him any different!

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Oh, please do!!! call his sorry arse out. When Natalie asked "What would Jesus do" what a joke, Jerry is no different with the Judas crap. Dan is not Judas. Natalie was not hanging from a cross. Jerry was not at the final supper!!!!

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Oh, please do!!! call his sorry arse out. When Natalie asked "What would Jesus do" what a joke, Jerry is no different with the Judas crap. Dan is not Judas. Natalie was not hanging from a cross. Jerry was not at the final supper!!!!

Are you sure he wasn't at the LAST SUPPER?

I think that is him the third one from the left, in the painting, making a ridiculous speech about SOMETHING,even he really doesn't know what it is about!

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I voted no since Jerry's actions pretty much speak for themselves....no explanation necessary... He so clueless he'd turn it around as Julie condoning what he did....

Jerry's just best left ignored..

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Oldguy, BUT if Julie said that to Jerry he would just look around to see who she is talking about. You know Jerry is all buff and stuff. He aint your "typical" old guy. '

He may also think it's just Julies way of flirting with him.

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I like Oldguys suggestion, and I voted YES. She calls out others (such as Libra) so it's only right that she call out Jerry. Not that it will be able to get thru that thick skull of his! :footballhelmet:

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imo, calling him out will just be a moot point as in the end he is going to feel enough like an idiot once he sees the tapes, and already senses he is barely tolerated in the house. i think he is one of those people who get obnoxiously louder as their self-esteem gets secretly lower, so why wave another red flag at an old raging bull?

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You're right Ginger, he would love it. I change my mind, she shouldn't even acknowledge him this week. That would be great!

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I voted yes. But, I don't know if she's going to NEED to do it. I'm sure the edit of the PoV ceremony isn't going to be very pretty for Jerry.

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