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Keesha - Week 5


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Wow! been away from the computer and didn't get to see the Thursday show......I'd rather Libra go than Keesha.

jmho :pixiedust:

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King123, that would be a great scenario, but I still think it would come down to a tie, and Manchelle would vote to evict Librat, without hesitation...

If Renny wins the POV and saves Keesha, I see the votes going like this (If Ollie or April went up)

Jerry, April/Ollie (Depending on who votes), and Memphis to evict Libra

Keesha, Renny, and Dan to evict April/Ollie

3-3 tie, and Manchelle evicts Librat (JMO, of course)

edit: Actually now that I think more about it, Memphis would vote to evict April, definitely (So, in that case it'd go 4-2)

I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

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I don't care how they get there as long as the take Libra out this week :furious:

She should've been out before sequester tho and be sent home to be with her babies where she belongs. Now the others will still have to put up with her mouth for 2 more months in sequester :disgust:

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Memphis promised his vote for Keesha.. We know Renny will keep Libra. and probably dan as well.. there is at least 3..

If april wants to try and pull one on keesha, then it could only be a tie.. michelle sends libra home.

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If Libra wins POV, I would love to see April up agains Keesha to get rid of April. If we can't get rid of Libra at least let's get April out of there.

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Good Post FM

I have been very fickle this year and some some flip flopping.

I have disliked Keesha most of the season and she has been in my bottom 2.

The last few days I almost like her. She seems to be genuine in her caring of Renny and she has nothing but nice things to say about Dan when Jerry was trashing him. She tried to defend him to Jerry and I thought that was sweet. The vain stuff is yucko but she seems to be less catty lately.

My favorites Brian, Steven and Angie were gone bam bam bam and that really put a damper on the game for me. My very favorite was Angie. I just liked everything about her.

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I have never disliked Keesha but don't say too much on the boards about it as I am one of the few who doesn't feel she deserves to go any time soon. There are bigger fish to fry, that is for sure.

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Anyone notice Keesha is missing some back teeth? She must be so self conscious about that being a model and all.

Probably had them pulled so to give the illusion of higher cheekbones.

Fear of dentist?

Hasn't discovered they're missing yet?

Keeps it that way so she can blame the bad voice on loss of teeth.

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she gonna win bb 10

every hg is falling for crap and jumping over walls to protect her

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yep i had to give him the stage

very sad to hear he passed so young

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