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Keesha - Week 5


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I like Keesha, Renney, (ok April sometimes), Libra, Dan, and Memphis. This new alliance seems to be interesting. I would like to see Keesha and Libra both survive this one this week...

Keesha got rid of Angie for selfish reasons, She wanted to be close to Memphis and she believe Memphis would get her farther in the game. I am glad she did get rid of Angie. The game is more interesting now.

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It's hard to watch the show when she is on... Chick has issues...

she pretty much ruin feeds for me

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I agree UVP, I tried to like her. But to no avail. Between her talking, laughing, eating, smiling (can't she put a chicklet where that tooth should be..just saying) I can't watch her on the feeds...I've tried..just can't

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gmta :wub:

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yes, I did King. I saw potential in her, I tried to like her. The thing with Keesha for me is, if I thought her "nice to your face, throw daggers in your back" was part of her game, I could respect that. However, I don't think it is. I think she is just one of those catty emotional females, and I believe she is like that in real life.

awww, I made uvp blush ;)

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There are so many HG's I dislike more than Keesha. She is not even at the top of my least faves.

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As much as I was glad that the hgs finally went against the "follow the leader" concept, I think it was a bad move for this week. I do think the Libra/Renny/Skreesha side is weaker and going against the grain this week hurt them badly. Too many enemies now. Memphis is not a sure bet, Jerry is still stuck in "HOH rules" land.

I think she should have voted out Memphis and tried to grab back Michelle and Jessie even if it meant giving up Libra this week.

They outsmarted themselves.

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they never took into account that maybe michelle or rest could win hoh

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No, they didn't. They could have let this week pass, try hard to regain HOH and then start to rule the roost.

Renny and Skreesha will throw Libra to the wolves in an attempt to do some damage control. Hopefully by then, someone in the house will realize what a witch Skreesha is.

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I dont know, they have a strong alliance here with Dan, Keesha, Libra, Memphis, and Renny. Right now Memphis is doing his best in persuasion. He told everyone to just lay low and let him work on her... He did get caught talking to the other side, however, Manchelle plays with emotions and she might still listen to him. If one goes, then they would still have an alliance of 4 to 3 because Michelle is not really with them... They with throw her under the bus to save them.

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