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The Late Late Show

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So they showed him the clip of last weeks veto, with the honey. And while they were talking about Jerry and that comp, Craig said he was more focused on April's boobs. Julie told him that April let people feel them. Now he wants to feel them

Those HG were hilarious. Jessie went a little crazy. Craig pissed him off, lol. It was good, funny, but too short, IMO.

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For anyone who didn't see it, here's a synopsis:

Craig first showed a clip of the BB10 competition where they had to go through the honey. They showed Jessie and then April's boob shot w/ honey clinging to her and Michelle. Julie Chen came out and told Craig a little history about the show, having past HG's that had previous relationships and how BB10 was going back to the roots. She mentioned that April proved to everyone that her boobs were real, much to Craig's delight. It was actually quite hilarious. They talked about Jerry being the oldest HG, retired Korean War vet. Then Julie came on, announcing that we would go in the house live and we see the HG's.

Julie tells the HG's to expect the unexpected and asks them if they hear something. Michelle says she hears helicopters to which Craig replies he "hears" things all the time, but tries to ignore them. Julie reveals that all of them are guests on the Late, Late Show. Julie tells Craig they have not seen any human beings other then themselves in 2 weeks. Craig asks if they have any of the honey left. They all laugh and Jessie thinks this is the Jessie Show, gives them a thumbs down and boos the honey. Craig asks what happened to the honey and Jessie says "I won, that's what happened." Craig says "I'm not talking to you, dude, I'm talking to the girl..." (April is sitting right next to him, they are all cracking up at this). Awww, poor Jessie the Tool gets his ego crushed and you can tell he's put off by Craig. Julie tells April to say hi. Craig asks "Who's this girl who supposedly has these mythical "real boobies"." April puts her head in her hands and laughs. It was cute. Craig said it was the biggest story in America, her picture was on Time Magazine with her boobies. LOL. April says if he was there, she'd let him feel them. Craig doesn't hear it right away and Julie tells him what she says and Craig quickly interjects "THAT'S LEGALLY BINDING! YOU SAID IT ON TV!!!" Julie recaps about her proving the realness of her boobs and April says her boobs are used to being touched, so it's okay. Craig said it's the greatest moment of his life.

Next they talk to Jerry, asks if he's doing okay. Jerry says he's doing great, got his hearted started the very first night (touching the boobs). Craig asks Jerry if he's ever felt false boobs and Jerry says no. So Craig advises him to go around the house doing a comparison. LOL. Craig asks if they're all getting along (to everyone). Tool Man does the "cut" sign to signal no. Of course, he's gotta be center of attention. I think Craig is put off by him, too. Julie explains Jessie is the "boss man" / HOH (sure he loved THAT). They ask why he's signaling no. He says "Because people are already starting to stir up stuff. It's the name of the game. If you were in here, you'd be listening and you'd be able to hear everybody talking bad about you or you'd be paranoid when you walk by two people and you just automatically assume that they're talking about you." Julie asks if he's busted anyone talking about him. He says he hasn't heard anything about himself but he's sure other people have said stuff about him. Craig asks what if they haven't, they just say "Who's that dude again?" and everyone forgets about him...wouldn't that be worse? Tool pops off that, "I'm HOH, they HAVE to talk about me, so don't worry about it." [ego much?] Craig asks "You're what?" and Julie explains "HOH". Craig says "It sounds like ho to me." The other HG's revel in this, laughing. Tool does NOT look happy. Julie jokingly warns Craig about Mr. Tool's bodybuilder title. Craig says, "Let's see what you've got, let's see the guns." Jessie happily obliges by taking off his shirt. Whatever...It makes Jessie happy for awhile it seems. Craig flippantly says "Yeah, that looks good...sorry for anything I said to you before" and kind of shrugs Jessie off. Craig says "Well done, Big Brother housies. Keep it up! More Honey!" The HG's laugh.

Thus ends the interview.

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Just watched the clip. Jesse acted like the attention whore he is. I'm pissed that Jesse, April & Jerry got all the attention. I think they should have at least mentioned the 2 nominees for eviction, Steven & Dan. I didn't understand what Julie meant when she asked the HG's if they hear anything outside. What would they have heard?

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I'm not sure why they heard helicopters, but maybe it was just feedback from speakers or something. But I believe she was referring to the noise from the audience on the show.

As far as who they showed on Craig Ferguson, yeah...it would've been nice to hear from the other HG's, but they only gave them 10 minutes. It was a pretty funny interview though...even seeing them take Tool Man down a couple of notches. That was great!

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Julie looked great and kept up really well with Craig's quick wit...he goes a mile a minute and doesn't really hold back. I think he's hilarious!

April and Jessie...a couple of hos....too bad they got most of the attention but it was appropriate that they got to be the butts of Craig's jokes. Jessie is such a tool...proved it once again. Jerry came off well. I would like to have seen a bit more of everyones else...but what can you do?

I think overall the hgs were really disappointed in the surprise...and probably rightfully so. They were thinking they were going to get a party or a concert or some fun and entertainment for an evening...instead they were on late night tv for a few minutes. Big deal really :rolleyes: when you think about it...BB is on in a better time slot(s) and probably gets more viewers than Craig Ferguson. Not much of a treat for them...just CBS/BB way of using them for a bit of publicity.

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yes...great way of looking at it! Any opportunity to bag on Jessie is a treat for us. :lol:

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Oh no...I just tried to watch the clip but it says that it has been removed from the site. Does anyone know if it's posted anywhere else? I love Craig...I think he is just hilarious!!

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I'm not too sure what is up...I tried it again but still nothing. I did manage to find it on Clipser and it was hilarious...LOVED IT and I LOVE Craig!!!

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I had never seen his show before, but that guy is really funny. I loved the whole interview and how he blew of Jessie until Julie encouraged him to take off his shirt. I also thought it was hysterical when he encouraged Jerry to go around and check for fake breasts. Too bad Julie stopped him! Very funny show though, I'll be tuning in again. My only complaint is that segment wasn't longer.

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That for the posts!!! Now let me str8en this out...Craig didn't talk to any other HG except the two biggest HO'S????LOL....Jesse, Jesse, Jesse ... the higher you rise, the harder you fall...it's called "gravity," oh not-so-great one!!!!

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