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Sunday, July 13 Tv Show


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sorry lala

i was surprise you didnt make it yet

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lol :animated_rotfl:

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well here it is and we are patiently waiting for tonights show,lol so we can discuss!!!

I just noticed that you UPV joined up here the day before me and you have like almost 8 thousand more posts than me, wow, that is crazy, it isn't that I don't like to talk, that is for sure, maybe it is because I wasn't always here in the off season.

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i am active here year around

i post alot in idol section pretty much all the forums

i cant be a member of a board and just lurk

buty marty :lol: has 5k more than me

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oh I know, I have posted in the idol thread and Survivor, also Kid nation when it was on, I guess I just get into BB more, or that people are here yakking more, I am never lurking, if you don't see me posting I am prolly not even on line or not here,lol I just moved and had no internet at all for over a month, now that was bad. I need to catch up,lol

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I would go insane without the internet for a month. Shoot, I was going bonkers the other day when the power was out and I couldn't get online for over an hour!

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I really felt cut off from everything, I really hated going to the library to go online to pay bills and stuff, it was hell, I hope I never have to go thru that again. I use it for everything, even looking up a phone number, or if you need to know something, anything, all you have to do is click to find it. What did we do before all of this??

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:animated_wave: hi Alexandria, you must be at least 17 1/2 now right?? Good to see you back again with us, you always have profound things to say for someone your age!!
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I always tell people i'm on bb time.. and they never seem to know what I'm talking about..lol. I'm just blessed to be able to let my addiction run wild.. no job.. so i can stay up all night and watch.. I sleep when i put my 10 yr old on the bus.. till it's time for bus home..lol.

Like i told my Mother (who hates my BB addiction), I could be addicted to drugs or alcohol.. which is worse?

I can't wait for tonite :animated_bouncy:

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Hello everyone! 39 minutes to go according to my clock. This is the first time I've ever participated in the prediction challenges. Even though I missed a few of the pre-season challenges... hey... all I have to do is get a whole bunch of information correct DURING the season. Maybe I can catch up. LOL

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<stands up> Hello, my name is Liva and I'm a BBaholic <tears up and sits down> :lookaround:

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