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Sunday, July 13 Tv Show


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So far so good. They bleeped/fuzzed Jerry when he was in HOH, but thats about it. Renny is proving to be the nut-job I thought she was gonna be, she couldn't figure out how to turn a door knob??? And her laugh is like nails on a chalk board for me.

Jessie is in love with himself.

One bimbo so far......letting everyone touch her boobers. Jerry seemed to enjoy it. Pretty funny.

I'm gonna try and watch BBAD......see how they are on it. Seems like a fairly nice group, but this is ONLY the first night.....lol

jmho :pixiedust:

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I Loved it!!! But I always love the first episodes. This cast definitely seems to be A LOT better than BB9. I do like Jerry a lot, but Renny and Dan grated on my nerves. I can't wait to see what happens this season!!

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