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Sunday, July 13 Tv Show


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Nothing will get you kicked out quicker than being a party pooper.. hell the old man is staying up.. don't go to sleep and then whine because people are noisy.. if you want to last past the first week

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brian reminds me of dr. will

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Renny is what's known (in the South) as a "cheap drunk"...she's the girl you can take out to a bar, buy her one drink and she's looped for the next 12 hours! Living in a party town like New Orleans can only mean she's possibly the Belle of Bourbon St.!!!!LOL!!!

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Crafty lil Ryan.......hmm...one to watch out for. I agree, he may be trying to duplicate the Dr. Will in one or 2 ways, but will NEVER master it!

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jesse won pov

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If that's the case, I wonder who the replacement nom will be......

Damnation, Brian is soooooooo full of himself. I thought he was a cutie first, but not loving him at all. And I hate people that talk about themselves in 3rd person.

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Well, so far I like three people quite a bit.

I like Jerry because he seems like a nice guy.

I like Brian because he's really playing the game right at the start.

I like April because she's pretty but she doesn't seem like the typical blond bimbo they have on here.

Ollie seems pretty cool too but I'm not sure yet. I think he really will be a man of his word and him and Brian could go a very long way with Jerry and that other guy.

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the guys are playing hard

i hope girls are too

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The show focused a lot on the boys (other than Renny) What were the girls up to. I am glad to see that they are all "Let form an alliance" But on the other hand I would love it of the girls would see that they always get picked off - get it together girls! :ninja:

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I am not sure about Brian yet, I guess because I have a huge disdain for Dan already, and if Brian wuld hook up with Jerry instead of trying to manipulate him(which will backfire) he would be better off, I like Ollie. I do not like Memphis either, or Jesse, do not like the guys cept for Ollie and Steven and Jerry so far, hope the girls have some game. Renny's got NO GAME, she is annoying as hell, we did not see much of Libra.

If it is true and Jesse won POV, I would love it like crazy if Jerry put up Dan as the replacement, not only would it show Brian, you are not manipulating me, but quite possible he could go. I really do not like him.

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Marty I was thinking the same thing. It doesn't seem like there are going to be twist, AP, or any of that other crap. My daughter was watching it with me tonight, I said to her, man they must have replace the producer or she thinks it could be cancelled if she didn't go back to the original ideals that the show started with. I really hope I'm going to enjoy this season.

By the way I became a grandmother on Jun 27, my first grandchild. She watched bb with me. No real reaction yet.

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