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Well, maybe if they do have it early, the weather will be too chilly for bikinis. Then, maybe the casting people will get some normal, everyday people in the house, instead of worrying about how they will look in a bathing suit.

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Good point. I don't know how LA is at night in February, but that could force them to be together more if it's too cold for them to hang out outside.

Off topic.... Catnip what does your Avatar say? I can see the Kmart symbol, but I can't read the other parts. :animated_scratchchin:

Well, maybe if they do have it early, the weather will be too chilly for bikinis. Then, maybe the casting people will get some normal, everyday people in the house, instead of worrying about how they will look in a bathing suit.

That is an excellent point! Unfortunately, knowing how they love to cast those hard bodies (sans a few sticks and chubbies here and there) I'm sure they'll provide some shelter and a heating unit for the pool so that the bikinis can run wild. You know they'll do anything for ratings.


Something strange!

I just watched TAR, and there were a preview for BB auditions.. but it said "Want to be on BB?"

it usually would say "think you have what it takes to be on BB9?" OR something about the season...

Maybe something fishy is up. hmmm...

Maybe something fishy is up. hmmm...


I'm sure it is just a precaution that's depending on the writer's strike. We'll know more, soon, no doubt.


True... BUT, they could call it something like "BB: Winter Edition" or "BB: The Big Chill" (since it's during winter) or something along those lines. But like you said, it would be BB9, regardless. They're just being vague about it right now because I'm sure even Grodner doesn't know what's going to happen. I'd be happy with a February edition, as long as a summer edition was guaranteed, as well. :)


I don't think they know what is going to happen, either, so they're trying to be prepared for anything. I really hope that they have a Summer edition, even if they have one in February. It seems to make sense for them to use the house as much as possible, since it's there, anyway.

Lynnmurr, it's much clearer on my profile page.

Has anyone read anything as to whether or not they would have both the winter AND summer edition? I don't want to give up the summer one for a winter one. Having both would be fine with me though.

Over in the Could Writers Strike Mean Bb9 Starts In January??? thread, WolfRider posted an article from the RealityBlurred website which stated that Entertainment Weekly was reporting that having BB9 start in February "is unlikely to affect the regular summer run of the show.


I'm going to be optimistic and start getting geared up for the Feb season. As much as I've complained about some of the BB8 hg's...it's still my favorite show and disliking certain hg's is sometimes more fun than actually liking others...for me anyway.

I really just hope though that this is not an indication that they expect the writer's strike to continue for the next few months. It appears that this is some kind of reaction to keep network programming running with new shows. I feel somewhat conflicted because reality tv doesn't employ writers...so they can run this type of show...continue to get advertisers and ratings and thus eliminate the pressure to resolve the strike. BB in feb shouldn't be used as a tool to force the writer's to unfairly settle. I really hope that the strike is settled fairly and quickly...and that reality and scripted tv can continue to simultaneously share the network programming without negatively effecting the other.


I don't get pumped up when they say there's going to be a new exciting twist ...or even when they say two big twists. It's never as exciting as they make it sound. As long as IT'S GOOD ...I don't care what twists or changes exist.


My husband was watching the early show and Julie said that BB may be starting even sooner then ppl are talking about. I am excited to watch this through the winter. I never have time in the summer when the kids are home plus I love being outside in the summer.


i liked some of the twists... like the Veto, then the Golden Veto... those were good twists..

And i like the TWIN twist, up until it was revealed. i like the coup d'etat. i wish it would have been used though..

i like those challenges, Brain competitons like that, that last for days.. more of those...

i like the green idea too.


somebody with a cane!

hey hey hey... so i was watching BOOTCAMP reruns the other day. and one of the gauntlets competitions was standing in a big ICETUB with water pouring over them... that could be a good enduarance comp. that wouldnt last forever.


There are so many AMAZING ideas out there like that one, for competitions..

They just can't do it to the actor wannabes on the show..


Winters in LA aren't that cold, the HGs would be very comfortable in a heated pool, and a hot tub. So those of you BB fans who like to see skimpy swimsuits will still get to see them. That is if BB9 has the hot tub and heated pool. The smokers can still sit outside and smoke, they will just have to put on a jacket. Really the S. California winters are very mild compared to alot of the USA.


Yeah, I never expected February weather in south Cali really affecting much..

Now if it were in Buffalo.. That'd be baaddd


I love the idea of tougher competitions. Although the brainy games are good here and there, to see who really wants to win, they need more endurance competitions.

Love the idea of the ice thing, that would be tough and wouldn't last forever.

Side note: I will be trying out for BB9 at both of the Houston casting call locations. Anyone have any advice?? I'm a 22 year old OUTSPOKEN female, hoping to impress the judges and get in there.

Has anyone reading this tried out before? If so, what's it like?!?!

Thanks, and glad to join the group here.


I think the trivia comps related to house happenings, i.e. contents, things the HG have said or done, etc. are important. If it's something that happened in the house, then it's something they all have a fair shot at. Even though I KNOW for a fact, some fans will take issue with a contest no matter what it is or who won it. :lipsrsealed2:

Oh and Welcome to the Board BB9hopeful. I have no suggestions for try outs, because I have never done it. But, I wish you luck :)


I was watching CBS verion of Macy Parade today and they had. Neil Patrick Harris interview BB8's Eric, Jessica, & Dustin. at the end they were jokin about ants in Big Brother house and Dave Price(host) said how Julie Chen shold take care of the ants, he said "well there gonna be startin another season and you shold watch, and Harris said "yes commin earler, very soon." as they went to break

so that with CBS Dave Price(who is the weather man fot Chenbot's morning show) & Neil Partick Harris confirme it commin early i say 100% it is. but they never said its commin in Febuary just Harris said very soon(so nabey even by January?)


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