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About wolfrider

  • Birthday 03/16/1963

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    Normaly my Husband is my main interest and learning his Native American Heritage.

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  1. I completely appreciate all of your spoiling that you do! Thanks for the hard work!

  2. Just a note to my friends and family that I am back , I got the live feeds so will do my big brother best between work. I work 4 on and 4 off , 12 hour shifts. I alternate day and night every month. So I should definately be able to pitch in. good to be back missed ya'll Wolfie
  3. I personally want to thank everyone that put up with me and my pics , lol . I want to thank Morty for just being here and starting this . I have been on this board for a year or two now , mostly as one of the silent readers posting only from time to time . This was the first year that I pitched in . Jem taught me how to get the pictures of my live feeds from her directions on the pictures section. And the posting of the live shows that I could do before work started interfering , omg you don't know the fantasy it fullfilled for me . As a teen , many years ago , wait not that long just long enough, I always wanted to be a journalist or write books. Well my parents could not afford college and I knew this so I never even asked ( got married instead ) . I was stupid not to realize that as the daughter of a retired Military person I could of gotten help that way for college. So here Morty and ya'll gave me the chance to do what I always wanted to do and report interesting facts . I thank you all so much for that. Thank you Morty for giving me something else to occupy my time and give me more chances for creating computer things . I do lots of graphics , I create rooms for Palace Chat and I think I do pretty good. I also create Many Pics , I do lots of native american pics . But all that does grow old and a new avenue is always needed , so I will be back next year and one more thing. Mortys needs your contributions to keep it as great as it is , I will tell you as soon as I have some extra money ( saving for the move and having to fix the air conditioning in over 100 heat in Tx left me a little tight ) But sometime before Next season Mortys will see my help in that department and I urge all that want to return next season to do the same. Till BB7 , I will be browsing around , see many of you here and there , well wishes.
  4. If I remember correctly they will be back Friday and Monday and will continue at different times and will let us know.
  5. Not saying I am right but I don't remember either Gretchen or Marcellas on House Calls last season. I thought last season was the first House calls and I thought it was Richard and some one else , maybe I am wrong , I know Richard from survivor was the First HC host who he was with I don't remember. I never watched it before now. Wish if they were going to put gay men on it , they would bring bunky , he would be funny and fair.
  6. which house guest will be new hoh , find out saturday when we reviel the winner and the new house geust nominated , secret if you let go of button must open one of these boxes the 8 in room , some are good and some are bad , she opened first box , which was full of flies , now joining them in there presure cooker , last one with finger on button will be new hoh , no bathroom breaks or anything . I will watch long as I can tonight on feeds to show who is doing what and who drops out. though so far feeds not up yet , usually they are for me , maybe they going to fishy it till a winner. we will find out okay I have my feeds , when I can get back into mortys to post this last bit you all will find this out.
  7. with kaysar returning the hoh comp more important than ever . julie tells kaysar welcome home and all go out to back yard. the power is up for grabs , comp called pressure cooker and all but howie step in to it . here is how it works , 9 buttons on wall each choose and hold down a button , when I say go the game will start and the room will lock don't let go of button no matter what you do. the game has begun the one to hold it down the longest will win , the only way to unlock the box if three release the buttons , there will have to be another three for more to go , another surprise instore for them when they return.
  8. Eric and Kaysar one of you getting a fresh start but for the other the game deffenetly over . hoh when you here the doorbell one of them coming back America's choice is Kaysar . he rings the door bell and walks back in . lots of people jumping and laughing about his return. they are thinking america. Kaysar got 82% of the vote says julie
  9. its a summer of secrets on Big Brother but these former house guest have not gone home and been sequestered in seperate locations with no contact with outside world , no idea who has been evicted since they left . america's choice is kind of scary to us says jen , we want them to leave not come back ivette says please bring my cappy back maggie says she would love eric , but may have to run over ivette to get to him janelle says didn't america see him as he was , his strong arm tactics racheal says michael got a raw deal janelle , god hope it is michael , I been so miserable with out him , even though kaysar a better game player. April hopes is Eric or Kaysar , but kaysar would take maggie , beau and ivette before her and jen , where eric will side with the three Maggie says Eric would make this place a furnace and americas choice will make a big impact. enters michael , hi julie says and michael says good to see you julie ask what he would do differently and he says has to do some homework to catch up , and wants to see kaysar and janelle first enters eric , eric and michael hug and shake hands , eric says he thinks they made ammends before they left and all is good from there , michael says lets hang out in vegas , eric says he is a man of passion and attachement and he will be who he was and is enters kaysar , eric says on wow , all hug and shake hands , eric calls them the three stooges and michael is shocked to see both the guys , kaysar promises more surprises if he goes back julie telling the hg that the three are beside her , say hello and they all say hello the response was over 5 million votes two with most votes are Eric is first person joining eric is kaysar one of them going back , michael not coming back they say buy michael and julie says to michael we will see you back on finally night when we come back america's choice is revealed.
  10. Julie says , when we come back the evicty's will face each other for the first time since eviction
  11. julie to sarah , hi , sarah says nice to meet you people hugging , james looking sad. julie ask sarah when howie won hoh you thought you was safe , how surprised are you , sarah says I am very surprised but I knew after this was going to happen sarah thought she wanted kaysar , but finding out a few things this past week he might be a threat to james so really don't want any of them back james says she is amazing woman and he is very lucky to be with her and looking forward to seeing her again and of course he loves her. she believes she will be with her forever and he is her hero, she says she got to know him more here than any other time and expericanced more here then many couples ever get the chance to do. hopes he gets next hoh contest , he can be a mean guy if he has to .
  12. time to talk to hoh howie , julie says it was a tuff week , put james and sarah on block , do you regret it he says this going to come back to bite me and so far is coming true james insisted that he was not going to put racheal and howie on block does he beleive it not at all howie says , if not now then later julie who do you want to see come back kaysar or michael , since michael did not stir anything up game wise , Eric since him and james left on bad terms if he can come back and protect him that would be good too. Diary room: Maggie alot of grey and people see ivette and bigger threat then sarah Racheal says if Eric comes back then ivette will kling to him like saran wrap james voted to evict ivette . julie gives the to on block chance to speak sarah thanks all who made her a part of this and this is a game and she understands why she is there and no hard feelings , and we are all friends. gets teary eyed ivette says first and formost , thank you my girlfriend and family for being my heart and strength in this game , and some will be life long friends but all will be , thanks beau specially , by a vote of 6-1 Sarah you have been evicted.
  13. Re Capp of Last Show: who will america send back and who will be new head of house hold , find out live tonight. good evening I am julie chen and it is day 40 , hg anxiously awaiting who is coming back and tonight we will reveal who you chose to send back. first is also eviction night , howie nominated sarah and james but james run veto 3rd time in a row a BB record and howie put up Ivette. Its been promised to Ivette that the votes are not for her , but however nothing will shock her. Votes are supposed to go 6-1 for me( Ivette ) to stay but if she can not count on rachel and janelle then should be 4-3 for her to stay but april and jennifer are lose cannons right now she says. April says that all made a promise to vote sarah or james off , but howie put a big question into her head , but it showed her bringing up the connection between ivette and james. jen says sarah knows where she is coming from but who is the bigger threat howie says Ivette or sarah. Maggie says they got unfortunately dangerously close to not make this group vote the same. Ivette says how would you feel if after you volunteered to go up no one approached you and said , its okay your staying and april went right up to hoh room after I was put up , Maggie says I think you are saying. Maggie says the fact some are even wavering means there are people that don't care about there word in this game. julie says lets talk to the guest maggie what would it feel like to have eric back , she says she would love that and that is what she is hoping ask racheal how would kaysar or mike coming back change things she says , anything would be a change and she would love to see any of them come back. james says he feels would be better for him to stay around the extra week , just to scare people and sarah can see her family Beau would love to eat a week of deserts the pb&j Diary room Janelle don't want to keep ivette april says ivette gets riled easy , if I can not cut off the head of the snake which is james then has to go for his other part janelle says she trust james beau votes to evict sarah.
  14. Okay Ranster I am here tonight , will do my best and copy all I type to word pad in case we lose the band width . I would put in a request if can that people hold up for the live feeds , hopfully keeping the bandwidth down so those of us posting can get it in with hopefully stress free effort. see ya'll at show time
  15. The feeling is mutual Morty , We wish you all the best too . And our Hearts and always conected and with you.



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