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Summer of Secrets / Safes / Gumball Machine


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Guest thepikey
America is HoH and gets to put up 2 people for eviction.... Oh how great would that be.

That would be awesome. I'd love to see the look on two of the Nerd Herd's faces when they realized that America hates them.

Do any drones at CBS read these boards? Forward this suggestion over to Uncle Arnie.

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anyone else ever notice that the only people just dying for america's choice eviction is the kaysar cult? LOL since they cant manage to win on their own, after kaysar got 2 chances, lets sit around and figure out ways we can win it FOR them shall we?

sheesh let it go people. they got outplayed by the friendsheep like it or not. while they were sitting around telling each other how pretty they are and how smart they are and how much better they are and will always be, the friendsheep somehow managed to play the game in circles all around them.

i realize ya'll hate to see the sov kult lose but deal with it, they are losing badly because of their own mistakes and i dont think they should be handed victories as a reward.

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Guest sunflower0501

the reason people are thinking that this could happen is, because someone got voted back in, so it is natural to assume this might happen. even the houseguests themselves talked about this might happening.

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The secrets might be a bust but the season is the best ever. This season is more interesting and exciting than any I've watched in the past. The characters are real and the rivalry and at times downright hatred displayed is that of real people not actors. Last season was like a three month audition for most of the hg's. Everybody was trying to impress agents. This year is great.

If America is HOH this week I want Janey in my HOH room! :lol:

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Guest sunflower0501

i don't think it will be a bad season, just don't want any of the friendship to win. it will be remembered by a lot of people, as bad season if that happens, because the friendship are so hated.

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America is HoH and gets to put up 2 people for eviction.... Oh how great would that be.

That would be awesome. I'd love to see the look on two of the Nerd Herd's faces when they realized that America hates them.

Do any drones at CBS read these boards? Forward this suggestion over to Uncle Arnie.

Just because the SOV fans hate them does not mean America hates them. They had America vote during the first BB(maybe the second I don't remember) and it did not work well at all. America is pulled in because someone is "cute" or "hot".

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so far the secrets have been PATHETIC

there have only been 2 secrets....an America's Choice and the secret pairs (which was explained even before the season started)


oh yea....lol...there was the pathetic PB and J pass (LAME)

those other two safes better open up soon and have something worthwhile in them

Lol! I agree! I've read Edith Wharton novels that were more shocking. The season can only really be redeemed if those safes hold whatever was in the suitcase in Pulp Fiction. (Marcellas's soul?) Or, erm, a pass to evict someone willy-nilly, or a hair-shaving cultural challenge, a la The Amazing Race.

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OMG! Summer of Secrets is a BUST....so far the secrets have been PATHETIC

When I first read the thread topic, I thought you might be referring to the predominance of plastic boobies (Howie's fave word) in the house this summer.

I agree that the twists are a bit limited, but they were more limited last year - wow - a twin twist and the whole Nakomis/Cowboy thing. Michael never would have been on BB if his daddy kept it in his pants way back when.

The twists this summer might have worked with a different cast or at least a more diverse one. This cast was too similar and too close to their high school years, which could be why they went from acting like a bunch of frat boys on speed to acting like a couple of cliques jockeying for position on the popularity ladder. Their adolescent antics, like April repeatedly saying how she has more money than Howie and his juvenile comebacks to her about it have become more interesting than the twists.

Come to think of it, this could be why the boards are so divided this year. Here's how Julie would present it:

Could the biggest secret twist be to bring out the inner high school kid in the live feed followers where those who were popular or wanted to be ally with the sheep - the all-powerful but hated group just like the jocks and bops? Could it be that the former high school rejects ridiculed by the in-crowd but loved by their teachers line up behind the outcasts who are loved by America yet powerless against the herd? Tune in this Tuesday to see where floater James fits in.

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Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret vow. Something studiously concealed; a thing kept from general knowledge; what is not revealed, or not to be revealed.


A thing not discovered; what is unknown or unexplained; a mystery.

OK well as far as the above definitions go as it relates to "the summer of secrets" I am not impressed with CBS in that regard. Voting someone back in is not really a secret is it? So besides the pair twist - what secrets have been revealed? The prize money? We found out about that the first week of the show.

I mirror the thoughts of many on this thread that the 'summer of secrets' is a big letdown!

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anyone else ever notice that the only people just dying for america's choice eviction is the kaysar cult? LOL since they cant manage to win on their own, after kaysar got 2 chances, lets sit around and figure out ways we can win it FOR them shall we? 

sheesh let it go people. they got outplayed by the friendsheep like it or not.  while they were sitting around telling each other how pretty they are and how smart they are and how much better they are and will always be, the friendsheep somehow managed to play the game in circles all around them. 

i realize ya'll hate to see the sov kult lose but deal with it, they are losing badly because of their own mistakes and i dont think they should be handed victories as a reward.

so true team friendship royally own team kaysar

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America is HoH and gets to put up 2 people for eviction.... Oh how great would that be.

That would be awesome. I'd love to see the look on two of the Nerd Herd's faces when they realized that America hates them.

Do any drones at CBS read these boards? Forward this suggestion over to Uncle Arnie.

I get really sick of reading how America hates the Nerd Herd.....I am part of America and know lots of others who are part of America who don't hate them too......

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Guest sunflower0501

i think the the way some of the twists were done was stupid, but i don't think this season of big brother is a bust, as long as a friendship doesn't win.

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I think when they planned out this season for BB, they didn't expect to have a house so divided like this. If everyone was playing the game to WIN then the partner million would have gone over better and would be more strategizing instead of just lets go to sequester and have a paid vacation, even the PB&J would have gone better due to their would be more P&B weeks. I have noticed lately that they have been just giving them food. As Kaysar said, it was getting boring in there because there was no real challange. I feel for James, Jannie & Howie because they really want to play the game.

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While I definately agree with alot of the things said, I think those of us with the live feeds need to step back and accept the fact that we know things in advance and we watch things many hours everyday, so nothing is a surprise or secret to us. Most of my friends don;t have the feeds and just watch the show and they think the secrets are fine so far this season. I think having the live feeds definately changes your perspective, both on the game and on the players. We see sooooo much more of certain sides that never get aired (see the HC's with Arnold Shapiro as to why certain things are not shown on the air).

As for America voting someone out, or nominating, don;t hold your breath. The fans blew it season one by voting out the most interesting people each week (at least in CBS' mind, and so that's why they changed formats)

Also, remember that the Summer of Secrets is not so much for us, as it is the HG's. So far we have the pairs twist, which was a bad idea, and even worse that sooooo many of the cast were from Florida. I find it funny that they couldn't find pairs from all over the country, and pairs who didn't live in the same state. As soon as people started figuring out that most of them were from Florida, then pairs thing was a bust. There was the Hidden room, the hidden clues to the first safe, the PB&J pass in the first safe (which would have worked if A) there were 14 strangers in the house, and B) if the person who held it, could keep it a secret until necessary, when it would benefit them most). There was the gym, there was America's choice, which then HG's didn't know about. There was a double eviction last week, there are still 2 safes, the gumball machine still may hold some secrets, and according to some folkls, there are still some secrets the house itself holds. Now if you are watching from the outside, you say, blah, nothing special. But, if you are one of the 14, locked up inside with no communication, alot of down time, and homesickness? You might be surprised at how much a little secert that seems lame to us can mean on the inside.

I think the twists do need to become more "powerful" in the game. I think that they need to start though by going back to 14 normal folks and not beauty pageant wannabees, and hardbodies, and people with agents.

Then, they need to take some of the ideas used in other BB's around the world and really make it a have and have not environment so people are constantly having to play to win, no one can just glide through. I think they should ration hot water, ration food, mayeb even ration sleep, unless you win it. But stop relying on the next big twist, which may or may not have any effect on the game. And I think they should go back to no discussing who you will vote for before nominations, and all voting should be done live.

But, I am a fan and will continue to be. Regardless of the flaws, I still love the show and always look forward to meeting new folks each summer, love em or hate em. I really do find it what it was originally intended to be...a fascinating social experiment.


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  • 2 weeks later...

What could be in the last safe? and when will it be revealed?

I think it is Immunity or Money.

However, since there seems to be no luxury compatitions this season ..... the last safe probably has a $10,000 gift card in it.

I hope Janelle wins that too.

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that would be a good twist...

The producers of BB need to be fired and replaced with just about anyone on the message boards

I agree lol

I was reading the media tidbits at the top and Shapiro said in one interview that everyone had a secret and all the secrets would be revealed like an onion pealing one layer off after another each week all summer. So where are all these secrets?????? That idea about replacing a HG is a great idea, especially if Janelle wins it. Replace Rachel with Ivette.

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