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Summer of Secrets / Safes / Gumball Machine


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I think it's amusing that we gave the producers so much credit.

we all had theories of other rooms, a larger jury, HGs being sequested in the house, all hgs being connected by a link, people who know more then one other person, theories on the 3-17, etc.

It's actually really funny how pathetic this season is when you compare it with things that could have been.

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Ok, While I do agree that the "Summer of Secrets" was not quite what I imagined, I will again post a few points that people need to consider.

The Theme of each year is not so much for us, the viewer's, as it is for the HG's. Of course there weren't any big surprises for us, but we have the live feeds and message boards. The HG's however, are trapped in a cage and have no idea what is coming next. So they had the pairs, the gym, the safes, the gumball machine, the hidden wall panels, the gold room, the return of an evicted HG, 2 double on the spot nominations and evictions. While not secret to us, it definately caused some stir in the house and I think that was the intention. Folks I know that do not follow the boards, do not have the feeds and just watch the aired shows actually really are surprised and excited about the season. So, CBS has done it again. And the ratings have once again been good.

As for the comment above that this season is the worst except for season 1, I again have to disagree. Season one was actually the purest season of BB and had evereything that alot of posters (not me) want back. The only reason season 1 gets such a bad rap is because it was very low budget and because of that not especially exciting. But it was a new idea and all new ideas have a few bumps.

Season 1 had the following:

A cast of very different, total strangers who had NO IDEA what they were getting themselves into. No agents, no being worried about morals and the cameras and what the Internet folks might see. No twists, just a group of real folks who had to play what they were dealt.

A more "unkind" BB. The voice of BB in the house was not so nice and the comps were not so cut and dry (anyone remember the 48 hours dance marathon?). Or when BB would start blaring crap music at all hours of the night and no matter what the HG's were doing, they HAD to get up and dance for as long as the music played? Many times this happened in the middle of the night when they were sound asleep. And even Eddie, who had 1 leg and won the whole season, managed to get through.

The HG's actually talked about their lives and their history and had fun as well as competed and they switched alliances every week and they realized that it was a game for money.

The feeds were FREE. Although I do not think they should be free now, they should be availiable for 15 bucks for the season. This would get more live feed viewers and would totally screw the losers that ask for a refund towards the end of the season. They could just say no to refunds. Even at the price the feeds are now, anyone who asks for a refund during the last month of the show just cuz their team isn;t winning........kinda lame in my opinion and not a true fan.

BB1 also had America voting out the HG each week. And I totally understand why they stopped that. Unfortunately, during season 1, America voted out the most interesting people each week. It may be different now with the new producers casting the show, but I am not so sure. If you look at Kaysars rating of popularity before the show even started, he was the least popular and I am assuming it was because he was Iraqui. If america had voted the first week, he would have been gone. What a huge mistake that would have been.

The only way I can see bringing back America voting is to only allow 1 vote per household and make it cost like $3.00 to vote so that people can't go and vote over and over. No internet voting allowed. And there should be 3 people on the block.

Basically, if they went back to many of the positives of season one, and quit trying to create twists that don't work, the drama would be more real and the original intent of the show be a "Socialogical Experiment" would play out. It works that way in every other country that BB is aired. Everywhere else it is about what happens when you put real people in and show ALL of their positives, negatives, their nudity, their racism, their political views, their sexual behavior. Basically all of their scabs and all of their redeeming qualities. And the the viewers vote.

Bring back that concept, with the production values they have now? And you just may have a BB that is REALLY twisted and interesting.


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I will start by saying that I agree 110% that the Gold room safes have sucked ass when it comes to payoff. That said, could Safe 3 possibly redeem this somehow? Could the 3rd safe possibly affect the actual game? IMHO, I'd say there is about a 50/50 chance that the safe will matter. Though, one interesting prospect would be a "Safe Card". This late in the game, BB could make that mean anything.

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I will start by saying that I agree 110% that the Gold room safes have sucked ass when it comes to payoff. That said, could Safe 3 possibly redeem this somehow? Could the 3rd safe possibly affect the actual game?  IMHO, I'd say there is about a 50/50 chance that the safe will matter.  Though, one interesting prospect would be a "Safe Card".  This late in the game, BB could make that mean anything.

I think the 3rd Safe will probably contain a note saying something like "We've got an extra $500,000 on hand and we'd like America to vote on who should win it".

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