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Allison Grodner


Shuld Allison Grodener be replaced  

157 members have voted

  1. 1. Shuld Allison Grodener be replaced

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    • Don't know

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yes she the worst thing to happen to bb :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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I have been a big brother addict since season 2 the Will kirby show LOL!!!! I mean and last year was the all star and again it was the will show hmmm I think this year gets a bum rap cause there is no one who can measure up to will and chill town I mean howie jani and kayser was great but will is da man!!!!! SOOOO I hope next season has someone who can come close anyway

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I think the problem with this season was that there was no particular character that everyone could love to watch and enjoy. I mean we had Dick, but he also caused a lot of controversy and some people loved him and others hated him. The same was said with others like Jen, Eric, Jess and Danielle.

You also have the fact that the previous two seasons were quite awesome. Season 6 was one of the most dramatic seasons ever and in Season 7 we once again saw Will dominate the house and of course Janie dominate the competitions.

I would go more into it, but I'm just so tired now. But what I am trying to say is that the characters have a lot to do with loving/hating a season and in this season there were too many mixed reactions with all of them.

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Personally I hate the double Ds winning, but regardless of the outcome (it could've been my faves Jen or Jess winning and I'd still feel this way!), I feel that this season has been too unfair. I don't agree with the fact that rules keep changing based on events and they always seem to change specifically for Dick. In my opinion, it isn't right...

What they need to do is go back to 13-14 strangers (that's 100% strangers), throw in competitions that make them do something more than sun bathing and eating, and if she can pull that off next year without changing every other rule each time an event occurs in the season, then I'll applaud her. Until then, she has boos from me (and my friends!)


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I'm not saying that I hated the season. If I hated it, I wouldn't watch it 3x a week with the little amount of time I have! I even admit that one reason why I kept watching was to see what Dick would do the next time I saw. However, I don't agree with changing rules or being fuzzy about rules every time he does something. I just want the old BB back with strangers :)

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I am estatic about who is in the Final 2 but I just didn't feel it this year. In years past there were a lot more twists that really kept the HG on the edge. This year they were figuring out when the double eviction would happen ahead of time. There just wasn't as much suspense and twists this year as past seasons.

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On one hand, Alison did get the ratings, but that could also be attributed to this being BB's 8th season. I thought by and large the season's cast was very good. lots of dynamics, lots of backgrounds, lots of flavor. I also liked the America*'s Player idea. My problem was it was too much all together. I think I would have preferred this cast without the AP twist. I also think i would have preferred the AP twist with another cast (like AllStars or something). I just didnt like it together.

Alison gets kudos for ratings, which means $$. She does NOT get pass on the controversy that has alienated some Big Brother fans.

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No, she should not be replaced.

As much as I dislike D&D and wish anyone but them were in the final 2...I still love the show, especially all the discussions, drama, controversies, conspiracy theories,etc...

A lot of people feel the show is rigged and production exerts a lot of influence and control in the final outcome (which is most likely true) but I accept it as just another part of BB....in the true sense of the original 1984 type of dictatorship that BB exhibited. It's like BB is another player or the master manipulator that the contestants also have to strategize with...and if that means they need to be an interesting character on the show and garner ratings...then so be it.

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Like I said in other posts, Grodner should be gondner.

She took the scripting to new heights this year and if I wanted to watch a soap opera, I'd watch it during the daytime, not during primetime.

On top of that her twist this year was, in my opinion, the worst ever and in many respects took part of the game OUT of the actual player's hands (talking about AP here).

The bottom line for me is, if she stays you can bet the show will become more and more "storyline-centric" and the reality show aspect of it with comps and twists will become less of a priority which, in my opinion, is what the show SHOULD be about.

Hey, if a scripted, storyline driven drama is what people want, keep her. That's not what I want. I want Big Brother back.

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The rival twist was lame and the AP twist completely backfired. I think her intention with AP was that we would help him get to the end instead of using him to get other HGs to the end. I liked Eric but I can see how other people might not have. AP needed to be a player that everyone was going to like. Allison couldnt have known before the season started which HG we were going to like the best AND would also make a good AP.

As far as people going into the house already knowing another HG. Its played out. Not only should they not know anyone else in the house but when Julie says in the first episode that the HGs have never laid eyes on each other before it should be the truth. I'm refering to Nicks comments about going home from finals and telling his mom about seeing the "perfect girl" meaning Dani. And I'm sure anyone who watched season 5 remembers the Santa Monica Van Boys. Jase, Scott, Drew, Cowboy and Marvin were all shuttled around together before going into the house. It might take a little more time and effort but I think it can be arranged so that none of the HGs even have a clue about other HGs.

And "casting" the show as opposed to picking from the applicants just feels wrong. HGs should be people who are fans the game and would give anything to play. I would love to play BB and I think I'm a decent strategist (I know, easy to say from the outside looking in). But there is no way that I would apply, knowing that they would rather cast what Janie calls "the hotties with the bodies", because I dont fit what seems to be their number one criteria. I would love to see a house full of people with strategic minds like Kaysar, Eric, Will, Jani and James regardless of what they looked like. Its a shame it will never happen.

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I voted yes Allison should be replaced because it was a black or white vote. If she can learn from this experience and make next year better then I might change my opinion.

One of my favorite players even won this year but that can't take away from some of the pure, pure boredom that we had for long periods of time this year. It seemed that Allison was assigned the responsibility to do the show as cheap as she possibly could and still keep the ratings up. In so doing she brought us 2 HG's that in my belief were not mentally stable. Now I am not saying that as far as characters go I happen to like a lot of different personalities in the house but I honestly felt Amber's selection was just sad. This girl is going to need some serious counllciling when she gets out and I feel very sorry for her family having to deal with this after the years they have had to already endure. As far as Jen well enough said.

Not giving them more items to win or votes for Americas Favorites getting things really made for boredom also. Also please please give them more things to do when it gets down to 6 or so. I really doubt Showtime will want to participate next year if they are not promised a better show especially later in the year.

As for rule changes I think that quite a few of us would like to see everyone be allowed to play for HOH every single week even the outgoing HOH. So what if someone is dominate let the HG's deal with it. Also allow all to play for veto. Maybe throw in some HOH twist like 2 HOH weeks where 2 HG win and each have to pick only one person to go up. Oh I don't know just spice it up some.

I think the AP might have worked better if you had let America Vote for who we wanted after the first or second episode, then that person briefed in a DR session what was his/her responsibility would be for that week.

But even after all this I will watch again next year and there will be ups and downs again but hopefully changes can be made to make the show even better.

Have a great rest of 2007 all and see you next year!


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She didn't do herself any favors by going on Housecalls and totally "dumbing up" when it came to answering any reasonalble questions. It was a disgrace to the fans what she did.

I think this show has baby'ed the players for too long. I think they should take away some things. Like no washer and dryer. Stuff like that.

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Well I don't think the year was that lame. I do think the AP bombed because of the anger it caused with the internet watchers. I think it took away credit from players where credit was due.

I think they should have had an America's Choice and a few more prizes. I am sure they could have gotten a dealership to fork up a car.

I just don't happen to think Allison Grodener is related to Satan.

but all in all I enjoyed Big Brother 8.

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I think they should take away some things. Like no washer and dryer. Stuff like that.

Remember the good old days of BB1 when they had to scrub their clothes on a washboard in a big bucket and raise chickens. Ahhh...those were the days!

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Remember the good old days of BB1 when they had to scrub their clothes on a washboard in a big bucket and raise chickens. Ahhh...those were the days!

my favorite BB moment was when Bunky (I think) got to have some sory of wish, and he asked for a toaster. Everyone laughed at him, but then they got it and were really happy he wanted it. It was one of those, "oh yeah, you're right, thanks" moments.

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