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Thursday, August 16th


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Dick asks Dan if they should tell Eric about their plan, she says "to get him out of here? NO!" Dick says why not...Dan is very excited to have HOH on her B-day week...Dick says Eric was really upset that he didn't win HOH...

Just when i'm starting to like Eric again... does this mean he's going up?


Dick says that they are still on with the backdooring of Jen, right, and putting Amber/Jameka on the block?

Dani says yes, but she wants to talk it over with everyone.

Dick says "fuck that" talking it over--it doesn't have to be done by committee. She says maybe talk to Jess, though.

Regardless... looks like D/D plan on breaking their word...

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Regardless... looks like D/D plan on breaking their word...

How are they breaking their word? They said all along they wanted Jameka and Amber up with Jen as a back door.

Also I read here that Jessica said if Eric got HOH she wanted him to put up Dick and Daniele. hummmmm

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How are they breaking their word? They said all along they wanted Jameka and Amber up with Jen as a back door.

Also I read here that Jessica said if Eric got HOH she wanted him to put up Dick and Daniele. hummmmm

I thought their deal was the four of them to the final four, no?

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I think the part people are talking about Dick and Daniele going back on their word is when Dick told Jen and Kail they wouldn't vote for them for two weeks... That was two weeks ago... They are free to do as the please where Jen is concerned...

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Yana, the other day Dani told Jen TWICE that she had her back this week.

Yep, she has her back and she's going to plunge a knife into it.

Jen helped her dad and this is how she will repay her.

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They're mad at Jen for being ungrateful over the slop pass. I see their point but it's ridiculous to get personal after making a huge strategic move and especially Daniele saying she's trying to play strategically. Her dad may talk some sense into her.

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There is only one target that they should be going after, Amber. She will be pissed about Dustin, she came close to winning tonight, and she can play in the next 3 HOH comps unlike Jameka. They would be stupid for going after Jen because they are supposed to be a team, and Jameka is no threat for a few more weeks.

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But Amber is not a long-term threat. she can go any time.

Zach and Jen should be concerning D/D.

Everyone is a long term threat. Zach and Jen are on the same team as Dick and Dani right now. Zach worked hard to get Jess to keep Dick, and Jen was their spy in the hoh room all last week.

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It looked to me that Eric and Jess are also on their team, so if they stay on track with teams then Amber and Jameka should be the ones put up. But, if that happens then they are more stupid than I thought because Amber has no game and Jameka at this point in time can't even play the game.

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Everyone is a long term threat. Zach and Jen are on the same team as Dick and Dani right now. Zach worked hard to get Jess to keep Dick, and Jen was their spy in the hoh room all last week.

Agreed... If they backdoor Jen this week, I am going to be upset with Daniele and Dick... It's my opinion the only real choice for them is Amber...

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if they want to win the game jen needs to go

not a d&d fan by a long shot but this is the correct move

amber and jameka on the block with the plan to backdoor jen

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Jess and Jam are whispering on the couch outside of HOH room...sounds like Jess is putting the vote off on Eric...

Lots of Jam, 'I don't know...I don't know....'

Lots of Jess, 'I don't' know...'

Jesss just told Jam she had Jess, and Eric....' Wha?????

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