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Is BB rigged/fixed???


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[i really don't mean to flame, but why do we have to do this every single year? Every year there is a BB is rigged thread. I really don't get it. It falls in the category of game show and is regulated by law. So no BB is not rigged. Maybe for BB9 we can avoid this discussion. ]

Because I thrive on annoying others.

This thread was for people to put on the table why they think it's rigged or not. Whether it's legal or not there's always ways around the rules. So the question remains...rigged..or not.

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You'll know it is rigged if the next competition is....

Who can cry the longest....

Who can smoke the most cigarettes and spit the farthest....

Who can say the words "me", "mine" OR "I" the most times in a sentence....

Who has the most nipple piercings and knows what Hamentachen and Haggadahs is...

Who looks most like Dewey in Malcom in the Middle....

Who can brush their teeth the longest...

Who can name each Apostle in the New Testament alphabetically...

:animated_rotfl: That was great!

You nailed it to a tee.

And no I don't think it is rigged.

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chichi beat me to it, but there's NO doubt in my mind that BB is manipulated. 'Rigged' would fall under definite laws/regulations pertaining to media & gaming (which I would think reality-type shows may fall under), & even though there's enough high-paid lawyers to find loopholes, a rigging scandal would be a deathwish for CBS. There have been many comps that obviously lean towards a desired outcome, but chance is always at play. The BB hg's are NOT totally shut off from outside interaction & influence, because they talk w/ show staff in the DR & can request to speak w/ a handler at any time. I seriously think the handlers feed their doubts & steer them away from a decision that won't make 'good tv'. I worked in radio for 7 yrs & can tell you that show business is more about the business than the show!


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I read in the logs last night that after Dick talked to Jess she had a diary room. Then she told Eric everything Dick told her. Eric asked her if she believed him and Jessica said she sorta did until she had her session. So wonder how they talked Jessica out of being suspicious of Eric???

CBS must be trying to protect the AP for now.

I found this statement above on the other thread "Eric-Ap" and I it shows how posters subconsciously may think the show is manipulated. Protecting a player to keep him/her around is a way of manipulating the outcome.

As for why the hg that are favored lose as an argument for not rigging - correct, that would be outright cheating to change votes and BB does not do that, but there is a level of manipulation on CBS part especially with the dicing and splicing of film and procedures of comps.

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I think that CBS plays with the HG in their sessions and try to effect their thinking. When Jessica asked them in her DR if it was true that Eric was the one that placed those votes they told her NO. So she changed her whole game for that reason. They did not lie to Jess because America placed those votes.

What the should have told her is we cannot tell you that answer. We are not allowed to say things that might affect the game.

Some people think the game is rigged for Dick and Daniele. What they told Jess in her DR was something that really hurt their game.

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The word "rigged" has sinister implications..

This is a TV show--CBS wants good ratings, so they fiddle with things to that end.

It doesn't surprise or bother me, but I know it does some people.

Hey, if this show--or any Reality show--were left totally on its own, it would fall apart.

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worked in radio for 7 yrs & can tell you that show business is more about the business than the show!

Hey me too! (less than 7)....Nice to meet a fellow sucker LOL

But I agree with the former.

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I think if the fix was in more fan favorites would win.

Yada, they can't fix final outcomes...but they sure can manipulate things along the way.

They can--and do-- help to keep a player going (witness Kaysar), but beyond that of course it has to be up to the player.

The old saying: You can lead a horse to water...

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I don't think they can, or would, rig the final outcome.

What ticks me off is that they certainly can, and do rig

viewers' opinions of individual hg's. The producers determine the amount of time a player gets. Consider the unjustified time Dick & Daniele got in that long sob session. The DR sessions absolutely

sway our opinions. The questions asked, the editing of their replies cause us to formulate opinions of their character, sincerity, etc. Eric, Mr. Fun-Loving Guy;

Amber, the crybaby; Daniele, America's sweetheart. Remember, most viewers, including myself, don't have the feeds. Their opinions are reached based solely on what they see on the show.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I believe Danielle or Dick is going to win and CBS is fixing it for them.....I know America can't be this ignorate and think it's cute to watch someone bash people the way Dick has done. It's funny how AP never gets a assignment to evict these two. If Eric was smart he would use the veto and get one of them out now if he want a chance to win, because it don't matter who says right now there not going to vote for D/D to win in the end, it always seems that when it's voting time the judges always have an change of heart and vote for the person they feel played the game better and that would be D/D because they use their enemys and turned them against their own alliance.

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I dont see how anyone can roll their eyes when the RIGGING is so blatant this season

Another thing that is fishy is Last night Eric said something about Amber's Popularity points on the CBS site he was only about a point off. He also said when Jen was there that she was probably 2nd behind Dick. Now I can see how he might think Amber is low but why would he think Jen was second behind dick if he wasnt getting that info

Allison Gordner sucks

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Because Jen was good for drama. Eric has been a fan of the show for a while and he knows that drama = popularity. I think they all knew (even the ones that swore they never watched BB before) that Jen's outburst was partly out of making a name for herself.

Indeed I agree that BB is somewhat fixed and that yes, Allison does suck at this. But I will continue to watch...up until Dick and Danielle are sitting in the F2 spots, and then I will wait until next season.

I would still like to know how one applies for allison's job. To this point a chimp with a handful of crap could do a better job.

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