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Is BB rigged/fixed???


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The ongoing debate is that BB is rigged from start to finish. It is noted that many don't start claiming it until their favorites begin to lose. Then some Amberish whining begins. Some deny the rigging and feel it's 100% free game.

State some valid points as to whether or not you feel it's rigged.


RIGGED: Allowing banners to be seen at all. Past seasons were better managed.

NOT RIGGED:You cannot control the hamsters emotions. They tend to bend with peer pressure if anything.

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the last few years they had a no fly zone didnt they? at least thats what i thought.. this year it seems like there are so many planes flying over.. i dont recall hearing them in past seasons like we do this year.

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They have NEVER had control of LA's air space...they HAVE been able to put the house into lockdown when a plane was spotted...this was an outdoor endurance competition...the plane flew at dusk and was successful after many many attempts.good reply DJ lmao

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yhea this happens every year except we were able to get them to see it this year, with a pretty important message too, and thankfully dani is smarter than a bag of rocks unlike the other hg's

and if BB is rigged don't you think some one better would have won season 4 then June.... er what about erica making final 2 last year? yhea... no one would rig that....

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I think the banners are funny.

I think that sometimes they coach the HG in the diary or put some ideas in their heads but as far as being rigged I don't think it is.

Look at some of the winners we have had. Do you think if it was rigged that Maggie would have won S6 or Boogie All Stars ?

This year probably Jameka will win ~ but that is preordained anyway. God is her Ganster.

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If you watch, it is usually the same folks who bring up the same "rigged" argument every season. You can actually go back to previous seasons and see the exact same posts, just with the names changed to fit the season.

The game is not rigged, but mistakes do occur, especially during live comps. When this happens, BB tends to do everything they can to verify and then correct if they can, but hey, it's not always possible. That's what we get for having a live show. (Some people tend to forget that not everyone is perfect)

If the game was rigged, it would not have lasted 8 seasons. The proof is in the pudding.



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If you watch, it is usually the same folks who bring up the same "rigged" argument every season. You can actually go back to previous seasons and see the exact same posts, just with the names changed to fit the season.

OMG Dep how do you always manage to post exactly what I am thinking just before I post it? LOL... You are right... It is always the same ones...

The game isn't rigged... CBS wouldn't take on the legal ramifications of rigging it...

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Banners aside:

Many claim certain competitions are rigged. This was most prevalent during Janelle's reign.

Personally I don't see how they can predict who might excel 100% at anything. Someone can always step up to the plate unexpectedly.

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During one of the early seasons, there was a compeition where they had to walk up and down stairs through an obstacle course and balance something on their head. My whole family and I agreed that it was geared towards Amy (if it was that season; whichever had the girl who was a pagaent contestant) because she was used to walking up and down and keeping her head level.

That's the only one which really stands out in my mind

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You'll know it is rigged if the next competition is....

Who can cry the longest....

Who can smoke the most cigarettes and spit the farthest....

Who can say the words "me", "mine" OR "I" the most times in a sentence....

Who has the most nipple piercings and knows what Hamentachen and Haggadahs is...

Who looks most like Dewey in Malcom in the Middle....

Who can brush their teeth the longest...

Who can name each Apostle in the New Testament alphabetically...

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I really don't mean to flame, but why do we have to do this every single year? Every year there is a BB is rigged thread. I really don't get it. It falls in the category of game show and is regulated by law. So no BB is not rigged. Maybe for BB9 we can avoid this discussion.

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yath said it best. It is "manipulated" by the producers like all reality shows. They try to pick the little "irritating" moments like when Jen presses her face against the bathroom wall and sobs...Eric could have lopped off a nipple and they would still show Jen sobbing...she's human, awww. Almost every shot of Amber is a tearfest, and although she's coming a little unglued I don't think she cries ALL the time. Zach is hardly ever on camera, Jessica only when she started repeating Dick's strategy. Dick is always on, even when he's talking to the hottub pump. Jameka has had little airtime but it is usually only when the organ music starts up and she begins her Bible study group. The producers can sway the audience just by picking opportune moments. Only the live feeds are close to accurate. I have long suspected manipulation since I saw Survivor I with Richard.

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