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Monday, July 23rd


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*Gomer Pyle voice* Surprise Surprise Ick is having another evening of blowing up at people.

Funny thing is... he's doing it to "his side of the house" and now all of a sudden poor Amber, Dustin, Daniele, Eric think Ick is out of control. Yeah right, Amber's the empathetic one... ONLY when it comes to herself and how something might affect her.

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This feels like high school all over again. There's always a group of people who have nothing better to do than sit around and trash others. But I'm sure that none of them talked trash about the people in their own BEDROOMS! Who does that? These people have some balls...

I love how Amber is turning on Dick. I wish just one of the people she's talking this crap to would tell him. I also wish that Jen or Kail would remember the convo they had with Amber when Jen was HOH and TELL DICK.

I'm not an Amber fan anymore...not just because of the Dick thing, but because she sucks. She makes everything about her and then cries about it. Have we had one episode this season without her crying? I want this girl gone even before Jen... she annoys me that much!! I also don't like how she is pitting Danielle and Dick against each other, that is just disturbing on so many levels for me.

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Amber's mouth is so big....I'm just waiting for the day it catches up with her.......hopefully soon...then she'll have something to really cry about when everyone turns on her or calls her out.

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stephen, can that please be sometime soon?? I am wishing now I had voted for Amber to leave in the first week and not Carol. It wouldn't have made a difference...but still!!

EDIT: YESSSS!!!! Jen told Dick about Amber offering to go on the block against him so he would go home!! FINALLY!! im sad i missed it though :(

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i just started watching the bb afterdark... hahahaaa amber: "i am sorry i am emotional.. i dont like to cry.. (insert amber starting to cry) i i am just emotional"



someone introduce her to ivette.

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Well it is working for her. She has people rallying around her and I think it is going to get her to the Finals. Even Nick said yesterday he will do anything to make sure she or Daniele or Jameka wins. He said he really wants her to win the money for her family.

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i dont think they will be able to take it all the way to the end... sooner or later someone is going to say "ENOUGH! NO MORE CRYING! SHE HAS TO GO" i mean... i would if i was in the house.

i empathize a lot for people and/or situations and have been known to get teary more than the norm.. but amber is a walking crybaby. its like someone turned on the water and then went on vacation.

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I think Amber's downfall will be the fact that she runs her mouth to everyone. People tell her something & she swears she won't tell anybody & says she never tells people things" Then she promptly runs to the next person & blabs the entire convo. Last nite was nothing but a montage of Amber & Dani blabbing the same convo to almost every person in the house one at a time & with each telling they embellished the story a bit more.

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I really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY cannot stand Danielle or Amber. It got so bad last night that I just stopped watching. Danielle is one of the most spoiled rotten, self-absorbed people I've ever seen. Amber makes me sick. Yet what do the producers do ALLLLL last night? They follow Danielle and Amber around. What is wrong with you idiots? People don't want to see Amber and Danielle cry all night. Does anyone really care about Nick and Danielle's relationship?

Amber is quickly becoming such a wretch, taking things said in confidence and then running IMMEDIATELY to someone else to tell them. I actually am starting to feel bad for Dick because he has Danielle for a daughter and that wretch Amber as a "close friend".

One positive thing though, when idiots like this show their true colors it makes Jen look much better.

I usually don't get this sickened by HGs but when they constantly show the same two immature, whiney girls it grates on my nerves.

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Dick found Jen, Zach and Nick up in his HoH room and got really pissed, kicking them out. He didn't want three people who used to be (or could still be in his eyes) in an alliance plotting about him in his own HoH room, which is understandable in my opinion. Danielle got really pissed off about the whole episode and was demanding her father talk to her like a little snot while Dick was confronting Nick about it. She did this twice "I need to talk to you now!" while he was in his conversation.

When Danielle and Dick finally did talk he wasn't going to let her walk all over him and told her as much. He poured out about how she treats him in the house so she counters with their relationship the last few years which is obviously a very sore subject with him. When he tries to start talking about that she starts throwing a hissy fit and says she's leaving the room. He asks her why would she bring that up if she wasn't going to talk about it (in my opinion she brought it up just to hurt him) and she again just dismisses it and the whole conversation, telling him she's "done" (God I hate that) and that she's leaving, and then she left the room.

Amber was upset too because Dick was angry while they were washing dishes and slamming dishes in the sink. He asked her what Nick and Amber were talking about on the hammock and Amber got all emotional and left. Later Dick and Amber talked in the storage room and both seemed to be pouring their hearts out. It was a very long conversation, at least a half hour non stop. So what does Amber do afterword? She goes to Danielle and spills pretty much everything Dick told her in confidence so then Danielle and Amber could talk behind Dick's back about how bad a person he is.

I was annoyed!

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It started when Nick Zach and jen were all just sitting in HoH...while everyone was at dinner. They were all just laying around...not speaking a word. Then Nick realized that Jen and Zach were there...nick kicked them out. Dick saw them leave...threw a fit because he thought the 3 were plotting and that they are in an alliance. Dick started screaming "I don't want anyone in the Hoh"...then specifically telling Jen and Zach they were not allowed in there. Dick was washing dishes with Amber at the time...slamming dishes around and yelling how pissed he was. Shortly later he went outside and Him and NIck started going at it. Dani tried to interfer but Dick wouldn't allow her in the BY. Amber...in the meantime...went all psycho because there was drama in the house...Dani went psycho because her Dad and boyfriend were hashing it out. Everyone else was just kind of on the sidelines while those 4 went running around all talking and crying being po'd etc.... it really was quite a spectacle! I was literally lmao!!

A bit later Nick was called into the DR...was told to remove all beer from the house. Apparently he had had 7.

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anyone have the video lmao :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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lol uvp....I'm sure you tube or vid section here has it....or will soon.

What will be interesting now is that Amber, Dani, NIck, Eric, Dustin...few others I'm sure...all think Dick is on a power trip and are afraid of him and they don't like him anymore. Can't take how he bosses them around and tells them what to do and what to say regarding game. He treats them like they are his pawns and that they can't make a decision or talk to anyone else without talking to him. They're talking how they will have to tolerate him for the next few weeks in order to get rid of a few others (Zach & Jen...I think)...then he's got to go.

edit...just checked...vids are all posted in video thread for July 23...my favorite is "the cause" ...how stupid will Dick feel when he finally gets out and sees that one. :lol2:

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few weeks man these hg are dumb. last i heard someone spare a few weeks he end up winning hint dr. WILL :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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I think Daniele never would have confronted her father and had the arguement if it weren't for Amber. Daniele was all upset because Dick made Amber cry.

I tell you mark my words.... Amber is going to cry her way to the end. She is fracturing the house.

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a girl gotta do what a girl gottta do :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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I like Mike. He is just such a great guy. He has done nothing bad to anyone. Unfortunatly that gets you nowhere in the BB house.

Waaaaaaaah they need get vote out Kail.

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I think Daniele never would have confronted her father and had the arguement if it weren't for Amber. Daniele was all upset because Dick made Amber cry.

I tell you mark my words.... Amber is going to cry her way to the end. She is fracturing the house.

The person who cries is the one fracturing the house...interesting point of view....not mine though.

Amber was a part of it...but there was a lot of other things going on that led up to Dani arguing with him....20 years of issues. I saw she had an arguement in HoH room with him just recently (yesterday or day before?). Dani was equally upset that her boyfriend and Father, who she happens to practically hate, were screaming at eachother out in the back yard as well. Dani is extremely embarrassed by Dicks behavior...she said repeatedly how it negatively reflects on her because as soon as Dick goes on his tirades...everyone looks at her. She's also extremely upset with Dick because he demands she tell him what she knows...and she doesn't want to because she is playing her game...not his. He is a control freak and doesn't respect that she is an adult and has a mind of her own....she needs to make her own decisions/mistakes in life...in and out of the game.

I was actually impressed how she finally blasted him and told him what she thought...rather than running away like a child. She finally got some spine and I respected that.

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I wonder how Amber will react when she gets out and finds out her bathtub pics are all over the internet.... I'm sure she'll cry. For that, I feel bad.

But the fact that she cries over every conversation or action in the house? UGH! She was just stirring stuff up with Dani and it wears me OUT!

Danielle I was starting to like... but now? The way she's treating her father? He's abrasive, granted. But if that were my dad and he were trying to build a relationship with me under these brutal circumstances? I'd at least give him a chance...

If she were smart, she wouldn't be pushing for more drama with her dad. She'd just let him alienate himself and rest assured that if she went up against him she'd be safe. No reason to get all Ambered out about it.

Dick I still love... but HOH's got him all screwed up. He's nervousing and its exhausting me. He's starting to sound like Zach, only able to talk game.

Nick... whiny whiny whiny! Stop pouting over Danielle! She has a boyfriend, either tell her to make a decision and be prepared to leave her alone or let it go and take what you can get. Stop freakin whining!

Kail I feel bad for now... She's just freaking. But she's playing it smart, laying low and letting the rest of the house do the nervousing and campaigning and gossiping. Jen too, is being smart. That doesn't negate the fact that I want her gooooone!

The rest of the people are pretty much a non-entity now. I don't see anything from anyone worth noting. Dustin had a mild drama queen episode over Dick talking to Jameka which was dumb. Dick apologized and Dustin still went off to gossip about it... my my, how very JOE of you.

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I was actually impressed how she finally blasted him and told him what she thought...rather than running away like a child. She finally got some spine and I respected that.

She has ignored him and their realationship for 2 years now. It is all about Daniele when she is ready to work on the relationship. I go back an forth with liking her or not. I think she is acting like a spoiled child right now.

At least she has a father trying to be in her life that loves her. (also been sending her emails for 2 years she won't respond to) Some of us had father's that just chose to ingnore their children and would check in every 4 or 5 years.

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