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Alliances - Week 1 - 4

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lol, I've been here every day... but there are SO MANY POSTS and I just don't have patience to read them all. You can find me in chat sometimes. (I'm trying to make an effort to read all these posts lol. I miss the off season).

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From what I've seen today:

Eric and Jen have an alliance. They are making friends with everyone else to try to cover all of their bases.

Amber and Dustin are a solid alliance. They are making friends with everyone else to cover all of their bases. (ROFL!)

Kail--Mike--Zach--Nick are a solid alliance of four.

Having Jen up in the HOH with Kail was planned out. It was done to throw everyone else off the alliance of four. So far, they are just calling that alliance--THE FOUR.

Jameka -- Daniele and Jessica seem to have an alliance. They haven't actually said it, but they seem to be checking with each other about how they feel about the others.

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Instead of a new thread, I revived this one because I wondered just how everyone sees the shape of alliance's now.

Still together... Mrs Robinson Alliance = Kail, Mike, Jen, Zach

Just shaping up... The * Mafia Alliance = Danielle, Nick, Jameka, (*I still can't catch first word, sounded like Silk to me)

Floaters = Eric, Jess, Joe

Alliance of two... Tinber (what I call them) = Dustin & Amber

Alliance of one = Dick

From reading and watching feeds, I hope that Tinber don't get sucked into RA. I can see Jess in the MA. Eric thinking he belongs with both. Joe out the door instead of Nick. And Dick...what can I say but "Who's your daddy"...


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I don't think that Jen is in the Mrs.Robinson Alliance. I think they are just using her for the moment.

Also I don't think that the Mrs. Robinson Alliance knows that Nick is going to screw them over.

So far I think its...

Dustin and Amber- Definitely

Dani and Nick- Definitely

Dani, Nick, Jam- Possibly

Dustin, Amber, Dick- Pretty Sure

Kail, Mike, Zach- Definitely

Dustin, Amber, Dani, Nick- Maybe

Floaters- Eric, Jen, Joe (haven't made formal agreements with anyone..)

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I think it could be a little early, but it does seem like lines have already been drawn and I think these 3 could be a powerhouse. I don't whether or not Dick makes it on Thursday, but regardless it seems like Nick and Danielle are the closest natural alliance and outside of Dick they as a pair seem to be closest to Jameka or is it just me? Actually if Dick makes the 4 of them pairing up and maybe throwing in Jessica as good measure. Kail, Mike and Zack seem to have their thing with maybe even Jen (even though she herself doesn't know lol). Joe has burned enough bridges no one trusts him. And everyone is slowly realizing that the whole Dustin/Amber thing is too much (their not the brighest bunch esp Amber). And Eric is just floating. What do you all think?

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they may have an alliance but it doesnt mean crap if you cant win hoh. until they win hoh they are not powerhouse in my book :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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only time will tell. but if camp kali wins next week we can kissed that alliance away. one thing i dont like about nick, danielle, jameka alliance is they share their gameplay strategy with snakes likes amber and dustin :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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danielle is an idiot. i still cant believe she think she will get jen to put up zach. :flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates::flags_unitedstates:

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I think she's just hopeful..seems that tonight she's sure it will be Amber or Nick. This week's HOH will be important for their alliance..but will survive as long as Mike Zach or Kail don't win. I think Mrs Robinson alliance is in a worse predictament.

Jen isn't really part of "Mrs Robinson" they are just using her. Jen didn't know that they were an alliance until Nick told her and even then she still had doubts. She seemed a little pissed.

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