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Finally the game might be shifting in the right direction and the show might finally get interesting. I hope Kayser gets rid of either Maggie, James or Eric. They are all so incredibly stupid. I cant believe everyone thinks James is so smart. What has the guy done? He won a veto...big deal. Eric is an idiot...and has his little Napoleon complex and thinks he is so tough because he is a fire fighter. Maggie is as exciting as watching paint dry. I cant wait for the house to be shaken up and Kayser, Janelle, Howie and Rachael to run things for awhile.

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Guest somepeople

If you put up Jannelle we the group will know you want to be one of us? These people amaze me..

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Guest CelticAnthem

Sarah doesn't need any enemies. Just opening her mouth to Kaysar is providing enough ammunition

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i am only putting this on here b/c i really don't know where else to put it but IMO if Kaysar really wanted to shake things up in the house when he is giving his "nomination" speech he should say I put _____ and _____ up b/c I asked everyone for their input and your names were mentioned the most. LOL! Then everyone would be attacking everyone else. It would be a great week. LOL! I know Kaysar would not do that b/c he is so honest but wouldn't that just be great?

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I like Sarah. From what I have seen she seems very sweet and sincere. And very naieve.

I read a couple of articles about her that said prior to BB she was a tad sheltered and innocent. In watching her interaction with James, she seems way more into him than he into her. James is shrewd, sneaky and pretty smart. With all that being said, how much of a puppet is Sarah? How much influence does he have over her? I guess the easiest way to find out is to evict James and see how she fares.

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Sara Said....

If you put up Jannelle we the group will know you want to be one of us? These people amaze me..

And why would she think that Kaysar wants to be one of 'that' group ?

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Why would so any of them want to be part of 'that group'? Don't they realize that it's too big? That pretty soon, if 'the group' has their way, they will be the only ones left, and will have to start picking off each other? There has got to be some smart enough to realize this, and break away from 'the group' and form a new one. And they need to do it, before all potential members of this alliance are evicted!

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Why would so any of them want to be part of 'that group'?  Don't they realize that it's too big?  That pretty soon, if 'the group' has their way, they will be the only ones left, and will have to start picking off each other?  There has got to be some smart enough to realize this, and break away from 'the group' and form a new one.  And they need to do it, before all potential members of this alliance are evicted!

Doesn't this all remind you of Junior High??? Our group, their group, we don't like them, they don't like us....yadda yadda yadda...

I hope Kaysar nominates James & Maggie...becoz then Eric will have to take a stand...also hope Sarah realizes how much James is just using her...poor thing, gonna learn the hard way.

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I think the lack of being able to be physically affectionate with each other is a big part of the problem.

Not to say Sex solves anything .. but when your relationship is new ... that is a big part of what helps your affection for each other grow -- physical intimacy ..

In this game, not only are they not allowed to talk to each other too much .. or really look at each other .. but they can't hold hands, or kiss (well except for a few quick sneaks) .. or anything ..

It's no wonder she is feeling needy, and he is being mean.

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Guest baileysirish

Ivette is crying to Eric? Poor, poor thing. Shit is hitting the fan now, finally. It was so boring in the beginning, it's finally beginning to get interesting. :lol:

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