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CBS showing James bashing Janelle


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I don't think she was all that surprised or embarrassed. Besides, James said he apologized for most of that stuff already so Janelle had to know about it. Like she said, it was just a game. They've all said mean things they didn't really mean about each other.

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of course it was. James is ridiculous. Regardless of a game or not, those were real mean words he called her and if I felt uncomfortable at home watching it, I know she did. Poor Sarah, I bet all she does is walk around behind him trying to say nice things about him so people won't hate him so much.


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Yep made James look like the sniveling idiot that he is. He still trys to spin the story that the filth that came out of his mouth was Janie's fault.

So if Sarah does not do something the way James likes does that give him the right to trash her too?

I was a fan of James going in the show but really lost a lot of respect for him. He is an a$$.

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It made James look like a crybaby. LOL at Jani for calling him a whiner, which he is.

I don't think janelle looked shocked...she looked disgusted. And his lame little speech to redeem himself, didn't come close. Just made him look like an idiot.

I know everyone called names and said nasty things...but James seemed like he had sourgrapes. Janelle didn't dwell on it, just called him a whiner and moved on. Frankly, I think she has no use for him.

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I think when James apologized, he didn't go into detail about how bad he was. It was probably, "Oh hey, Janelle, I'm sorry I trashed you during the game...oh yeah, I may have called you a bitch...sorry." IMO, she did look hurt.

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James looked like a deer caught in the headlights...I guess there was no heads up about how they would reveal his true feelings about Janelle. He's an ass...they should have prepared him then maybe he wouldn't have had that dumbstruck look on his face, which is almost as bad as his non-dumbstruck look. :)

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Both James and Janelle looked uncomfortable with the situation CBS put them in. They both looked embarrassed. James for saying the things he did about Janelle, and Janelle for having to see it in front of everyone during the finale.

I'm sorry, but I have to say that I think CBS/Big Brother is the "person" who doesn't have any class. It was quite evident during last night's show. I think a lot of people are upset about the way some of the houseguests were treated during the finale. It was a turn off to a lot of people I've talked to today at work, too. It's just not a very nice way to treat people.

But, that's just my 2 cents.

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James has always been an ass. I learned that very quickly about him last season. I was not really all that surprised in his behavior this year.

What does surprise me is that season 6 people didn't learn their lesson from last year and boot his ass just as quickly as possible. He cost them the game last year, and he had a big hand in doing it again this year.

I really hope they have now learned that he really is no friend of theirs.

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I agree with the above.

I agree that CBS should not have shown either of those clips live. The one of Erica was worse than the one with Janelle but to show either was in POOR taste.

Having said that, it also looked like both sets of houseguests involved knew a bit about some of this anyways.

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Gawd..............that James is a very unhappy man with a huge chip on his shoulders. Of all the houseguests I think he's the most in need of therapy to deal with his anger.

Having said that after Kayser he was the next most handsome guy this season and had the best looking chest of them all ;)

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Does anyone but me not think that all of those events were planned and those involved were aware what was coming. It did make good television I'll admit I liked seeing James and Boogie both called out on televison. I still feel sorry for Erika because what they showed last night was just the tip of the iceberg.

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