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*** CBS let the cat out of the bag?***


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This was after only the 3rd elimination and James is upset about this clip...hmmmmm I wonder how many clips can be found with him putting his "Strategy" to work.He played everyone in the house and that made him a good player.At this point in the game they know about the partners,why not make a deal to stay in the game.In the BB house "deals" aren't signed,sealed and delivered.

"The game changes on a dime" Well actually $1,000,000 if partners could get to the end. That was the original prize if partners made it to the finals.

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If this is what we have to look forward to this season i might have to pass...I really dont think i could stand 5 people from season 6

I agree there (yeah - just gives ya douch chills don't it :lol: ) - two from each season, I know you've mentioned it before. I just think it should be two we vote in, doesn't have to be a good vs evil thing.

All I have to say about this is Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.


Chair throwing, pole dances and girls flashing? Sounds like my kinda season.

Wow! That's the way to top season 6! Wait a minute, wasn't that Season 6???

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That is the real Johnny Fairplay, and I for one won't believe a word that jerk had to say... He's an even bigger jerk than I could have ever thought... :angry:

Yana...I finally found this post from Sucks! I agree that he is a total ass!!


Johnny Fairplay

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Posts: 735

(6/11/06 8:17 pm)


Re: Special guest chat with Will Kirby on Sunday June 11th a


I thought about something... I was there all the time... every single minute (I post everthing interresting here so)... and they NEVER asked why Janelle wasn't there. Let's speculate that...maybe Will was not chatting at all and Janelle took his place and bitch to give him a bad name? I have to admit that it's a bit weird...I was reading the chat again and again... and even if Will is an arrogant jerk (and we love him this way), I don't think he would have wrote all this stuff. Hard to say... it was staged or it was Janelle..

The most strange thing is... Kaysar and "Will" connected exactly at the same time... 1 second of difference between them. Howie was already there talking with peoples. I feel some "bullshit" there... the kicking of Will was also really really weird. Something wrong with this chat session... and "Will" also said during his chat that he never done that before .. but if my memory is good... I saw him in few chat for some special occasion. And Howie protecting Will all time seem a bit weird also...

Anyway we'll see what happen in the house... but more I'm thinking about that... more I have the bullshit vibe!



Kaysar at Joker's


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Reged: 06/11/06

Posts: 15

Chatting with Dr. Will & Kaysar

06/11/06 04:21 PM Edit Reply Quote

I want to thank those of you who came over to chat with Dr. Will and I earlier today.

I know some critics are trying to discredit the chat by saying it wasn't really Dr. Will. I would like to say to those people that he was verified... not through IP but by phone call. My MOD has spoken to him. If BB selects us to be part of the 20 and we get voted back in the house then I'll take it one step further... I'll bring up the chat in the house and prove those critics wrong. I take these things seriously and I would never perpetuate a hoax on my members.Kaysar

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That post from Fairplay now seems strange to me... Kaysar was there before anyone else (as far as celebs go)... He lost connection and came back very quickly... Fairplay WASN'T there for the whole thing... Also that doesn't look like Fairplay's typing style to me... I thought it was him, but now I'm wondering... I know the one in chat was really him, but this one at sucks, I'm not so sure anymore... :angry:

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OMG -- it's the "Brady Bunch ' house!

This could be fun...

"Here's a story

Of 12 loony houseguests..

who are locked inside this new Big Brother house..."

Feel free continue if you are so motivated....

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I think the basket of fruit in the kitchen will be replaced by PP&J !! :lol:

WTH..... No more coasters!!

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06/11/06 04:21 PM Edit Reply Quote

I want to thank those of you who came over to chat with Dr. Will and I earlier today.

I know some critics are trying to discredit the chat by saying it wasn't really Dr. Will. I would like to say to those people that he was verified... not through IP but by phone call. My MOD has spoken to him. If BB selects us to be part of the 20 and we get voted back in the house then I'll take it one step further... I'll bring up the chat in the house and prove those critics wrong. I take these things seriously and I would never perpetuate a hoax on my members.Kaysar

I know I am in the minority as for some UGHforsaken reason everybody loves Kaysar but sick0020.gif lordy I dread if he gets back in the house. He is so pompous & full of himself (& a big wad of hot air too :lol: ) I just don't think I can take him for another season.

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Why does the house look so 70's?

It does look kinda lame.

Australia's BB House was really great to look at.

Here's a site with a 'virtual tour' thingy just in case you're bored - and want to compare.


Don't know how I feel about decor being an issue. It sure is nicer for us watching on live feeds and on the broadcasts tho.

But, the original concept.... was for them to be cut off from the world with the bare necessities.

.... it's probably a lot nicer conditions than some of them had at home.

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$350,000 - yikes! I kinda wish they'd have called in Hildy Santo Thomas from Trading Spaces - she makes rooms look like this on a regular basis and it only costs her $1,000 a week :P It's kind of disappointing to hear they spent so much on surface renovations instead of increasing the prize money for the winner - like they might have gotten a better game out of the players with a bigger pot than with a 'red' themed 'evil' room - grrr!

Eh, I don't know . . .

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Australia's BB House was really great to look at.

Here's a site with a 'virtual tour' thingy just in case you're bored - and want to compare.


WOW,Australia's house is AWESOME! Why can't CBS get some tips from them?

I just don't see 350,000 in our BB house.

I was really hoping for some more significant changes this year. I understand that they just built that house last year, but in my opinion the layout really has some problems.

I do hope they've changed up the bedroom situation this year. Having the Gold Room and HOH room that everyone congregated in for hours and hours at a time was boring.

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Neato - BB Australia has an animal enclosure! I wonder what kind of pets they got to have

Hey, I moved my post from the other thread for better flow - oops! :blush:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After making that comment about how weird it was that the producers spent $350,000 redecorating the BB house into that 'House of Extremes', I just went back and looked at some of the stuff the producers have hinted at like the All-Stars announcement:

"We're looking for a showdown," she said. "You've got your 'Big Brother' heroes and villains, and that's what's going to make for the best drama."

Clash of good vs. evil will be reflected throughout "Big Brother All-Stars," down to the interior design of the house, which will have elements that pay homage to past seasons' players and highlights.

and the BB7 page on CBS

While living together in a confined space won't be anything new to the HouseGuests, choosing between any pre-existing relationships and building new alliances could be a challenge.

Do you think it's possible they might tell houseguests that if two 'good' people or two 'evil' people make it to the finals together then the grand prize will be $1mil? They must have saved a ton of money not having to do casting this year and it'd kind of be a slap in the face for them to spend so much money on the renovations and not spend as much on the prize money for the people who really make the show what it is. Otherwise, I don't see how this 'good vs evil showdown' and 'building new alliances' thing is going to fly, eh?

If this is what the producers have up their sleeve, it might be kind of interesting - it tosses all of James' pre-game scheming out the window :P Now that Janelle's a huge threat to him winning an extra $500k, will he be willing to vote her out? Instead of voting Alison out at the earliest chance, might he want to keep her in as a good person to take to the final 2?

Hmmm . . . so much for the 'Elite 8' :D

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i really hope those aren't the people.

I wanted Jee, Justin and Robert back :angry:

Alison i can live with, this could be her what 4th reality show she failed at? hahaha

Jase oh god, i guess he was better than holly. I think i would rather stab myself in the ear than listen to her talk.

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The BB Australia house is just like a showhome though - it looks like BB USA is going the route BBUK has over the last few years and desigining the house to reflect the theme of the series (BBUK had an evil house in BB5, "Nowhere to hide" house last year with lots of glass and this year it's "Inside Out", with the longe and kitchen outside, and grass inside!

$350,000 is not much either (remember that probably covers re-fitting all the cameras etc. too) - they spent twice that amount in the UK this year (

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$350,000 isn't a lot for a one season.

Cheap compared to what they must have to pay actors for appearing on a 1/2 hour comedy each week.

.... but, they do dump a lot of money into some of the challenges.

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I guess can we use this thread to discuss BB news and make speculations?

They did an interview with the BB producers at Jokers. They talk about a bunch of stuff like the Sunday move means food comps have less chance of getting bumped by sports late in the season, whether they made more than surface changes to the house (woudn't answer that!), and whether there'll be any new rules or whatnot. Some of the more interesting questions:

Will there be any new rules this year? Like, will everyone be able to compete in POVs this year to avoid backdoor evictions?


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