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for some reason i like dana in her bb season

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I liked her BB4, I just felt she showed her hand way too soon ..

I'm voting for her to come back.

And Neb, I would be so amused to see her and Ivette in the same house .. just clucking away .. they could have some awesome fights I think. Each trying to out do each other in their own 'loudness' ..


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Madonna..... or Dana... let's see, who would I pay more attention to? What? did she really say she's going to Madonna's concert to gain votes? Is the girl on crack, if not, maybe she should be with a comment like that. Who the heck would shell out the kind of money it costs to see MADONNA only to care about seeing her there? No one cared about her the first time she was on BB, and if by chance she's on again (I highly doubt it), no one will care then either.

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