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1 minute ago, Lamasquerade said:

Did she fall or throw herself down the stairs? 

I saw it as it happened and I honestly think she fell, she was walking around in pink fuzzy socks, not much traction on metal stairs 

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3 hours ago, Ziggy49 said:

I saw it as it happened and I honestly think she fell, she was walking around in pink fuzzy socks, not much traction on metal stairs 

It's not on BBAD so I guess it happened earlier and I'll take your word for it.  Thanks for the reply.

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Blah. I just cannot figure out how Paul was chosen to play again this season. Out of all the previous seasons' contestants, he was the special one...but...how? Why? I mean what was the criteria that he met? Did they ever explain why he was given a second chance, especially considering he just played last season, and also considering how well he did. I know they called him a fan favorite, but c'mon. A lot of the former contestants could be called that.

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FYI !!  I just went to vote for Temptation and as ready to vote it showed I only had 9 votes remaining?!  I had NOT pressed the voting key.  HAD NOT pressed key.  And so, wanted to communicate to all, if this happens to any more of you either it's computer glitch or something  fishy going on here.  Anyone else have that problem.  BTW, my votes all week and today are for Alex.  And, hallelujah!  Alex won HOH.  We now have a game going on.  But I am very angry that I lost a vote. And will contact BB.

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6 hours ago, srmarshall32 said:

Blah. I just cannot figure out how Paul was chosen to play again this season. Out of all the previous seasons' contestants, he was the special one...but...how? Why? I mean what was the criteria that he met? Did they ever explain why he was given a second chance, especially considering he just played last season, and also considering how well he did. I know they called him a fan favorite, but c'mon. A lot of the former contestants could be called that.

I agree 100%.  When I saw him walk in my heart and soul sank.  Last year he was horrid and most posting here were very afraid he might get the money but thankfully he did not.  Then when season ended figured wouldn't see his evil face again but then BB brings him back.  Some say his family is very wealth.  Maybe they had pull with BB.  I don't know but I cancelled live feeds as I could not stand watching him again.  Really disappointing.

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I will like the season and feel ok with time spent on this show as long as Matt, raven, Josh, mark, and Elena don't win. I don't believe in bringing back people but since he is there and others come back it won't be terrible if Paul ends up winning (rather he not).  At least he brought some excitement to a game that may have been boring without him. 

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56 minutes ago, BBLover4ever said:

What happened to backdooring Christmas? Dominique is a waste of HOH right now. Geeze 

I need to catch up on everything that's happened in the house this week.  But I would think if Alex is HOH, she probably wants Jessica out for revenge of being the source of Cody putting her up during his reign. Alex seems really cool with Paul, so it seems doubtful that she would put up Christmas, since they are aligned.

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6 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

I need to catch up on everything that's happened in the house this week.  But I would think if Alex is HOH, she probably wants Jessica out for revenge of being the source of Cody putting her up during his reign. Alex seems really cool with Paul, so it seems doubtful that she would put up Christmas, since they are aligned.

I agree. I'm surprised she has fallen under Paul's spell. Maybe she just knows that he is under protection right now and can't do anything about it. 

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10 hours ago, BBLover4ever said:

What happened to backdooring Christmas? Dominique is a waste of HOH right now. Geeze 


Exactly my question!  I didn't get BBAD last night I think because VETO comp was held but I read the night owl updates and absolutely no mention of Christmas.  What happened to the original plan.  Geez I can't wait for Paul to get out of there. He's muddling everything.  I thought Alex was smarter than that.  He doesn't need the money, he came 2nd last season WTH is he doing there this season!!!  I am so over him.  And Kevin also needs to be shown the way to the door.  He's playing too many sides right now.

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I am totally burned out re BB19.  Again Paul verbally ASSAULTS/INTIMIDATES/HARASSES a woman just like he did last season.  But this time it was even more vicious.  I feel so sorry for Dom. And Paul even questioned why Ramses was talking to her so long.  Paul calls all the shots and this crew agrees?!  He is SO cruel and heartless..  How any of these people can go along with his BS assaults  I cannot understand.  And not one of them has enough compassion to try to give her some level of compassion and comfort, leaving her alone, as Paul has ordered.  His vindictiveness is unrelenting 


And for Alex now to tell Paul everything Dom said and for her to have fallen for his faux 'FRIENDSHIP' of her is repulsive.  I wish I hadn't voted for her to get Temptation.  Wish I had given it to Dom as she is being unduly humiliated/pressured/shunned by this  group of idiots. BB has allowed an abuser of women back in.   This is a very sad season for me.

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Just a few observations...


Dom said God showed her who has betrayed her. God must want her out of the house because her sitting there alone, ignoring everyone is a death knell. I don't feel that bad for her though because she had no problem when Cody or that other girl was in the same boat. I won't miss her or her fake smile. I hope she creates some drama this week and reveals stuff she may know to the HGs who are out of the loop,


It's funny how Paul can go around and keep telling people he doesn't understand why Dom is acting that way because "it's just a game!" It wasn't just a game when his sorry ass was targeted. He went ballistic. But everyone else needs to suck it up and take their medicine because it's just a game. Yeah, it's a game, a game for $500,000!


No one seems to care about any of this when they are all socializing and joking around in the BY last night. Don't they realize their time is coming too?


Raven and Elena are so freaking irritating. Raven more so, but both drive me nuts. I don't want to hear either of them talk. I don't get why so many people seem to like Raven especially. She is so fake.


Why are they doing away with the Den of Temptation? Oh that's right, Paul and Christmas can't get it again. Never mind. 


Have any of these people watched this game before. When they start talking about winning HOH and that no one can beat them (Paul, Alex, Jason) I want to laugh. Paul declared last night that he is going to win HOH next! LMAO! 



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FINALLY !!  Someone mentions evicting king Paul.  Matt and Raven said if they have Mark on their side they will have the numbers to get him\Paul out.  Great to hear but, like my support for Alex which I question now, seems some are realizing Paul must go.  Will see.

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I do hear some questioning Paul and what his motives of trying to control everything.


Alex, Matt and Kevin were questioning why he wants Mark up so bad and if plans flipping.

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3 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

Unfortunately the majority of them need Paul to think for them and I don't see anyone getting rid of him until it's to late to. 


Bunch of lame groupies. He probably signals them when to take a dump.

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Just watching last night's BBAD and I'm thinking most of those girls are in there auditioning for something or other but one thing I'm sure of they're all exhibitionists.  I guess the guys are enjoying that lol but me, not so much.  Jessica's prancing around half naked; guess she's thrilled to be out of the frog suit.  I'd be willing to bet by the time the show's over they'd all be comfortable going around wearing pasties lol.

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I'm afraid that with all the talk about keeping Jess that the hg will be "guided" to evict her so they won't have her in the house with Cody. So it's either going to be Jess eviction or a comp designed for Jillian to win. I'm not sure if BB wants Cody in the house..with that interview he gave exposing the temptation rigging they may be afraid he will go rogue on them. Lol

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5 hours ago, Lamasquerade said:

I'm afraid that with all the talk about keeping Jess that the hg will be "guided" to evict her so they won't have her in the house with Cody. So it's either going to be Jess eviction or a comp designed for Jillian to win. I'm not sure if BB wants Cody in the house..with that interview he gave exposing the temptation rigging they may be afraid he will go rogue on them. Lol

did not see that interview...what did he say and where and when? I am sure BB wants him back because he created the most animosity.

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