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Your Letter To A Hg


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dear nat,

this ya boy uvp. please stop whoring. if you are gonna whore you should get paid for it. if you need a pimp i am available my cut is 85%.

love, uvp

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Dear Allison,

I think that being a hypoctite is in your nature. You are always the first to cast stones yet you cannot handle the mirrage of stones that are thrust back in your direction. You have expelled some pretty negative phrases towards the other houseguests and now that the treatment is being returned you can not fight your own battles. I am sure you are saying "Oh really? Really? Myss911 just where did I not fight my own battles? Seriously, like I have fought my own battles. Seriously. I am like 1 million% sure I have done this, I like have fought my own battles. I just don't know what you are talking about Myss911, seriously." Well, Miss Allison, you have pulled Ryan in to clean up your messes and prodded him to 'go talk to them', "Really Ryan? Really? I mean like really, I it so frusterates me, you are my partner you need to go talk to _________ and smooth this out, seriously." "Just wait until he (Josh) goes outside, I'll bet my brother and father are waiting outside the walls/doors waiting, they will kill him" It is getting tiring Allison, I mean really tiring, seriously.

Another fault, and yes I am pointing out your faults, and I do this because you are obviously unaware of what they are, and unlike you I am aware of mine and don't need you to point them out for. See, Allison, I do not dwell in the realm in which you do, I live in reality... the real world. You have this innate quality of fabricating events/orccurances/conversations and then not remembering what you have said, and, in fact, you, in a pathological kind of way, believe that you have not said the things that you have. It is quite frightening. I am not sure how in 'God's' green acres you have managed to cohabitate with the rest of the semi-sane world as long as you have, usually such deluded individuals as yourself have been institutionalized or held on 5150 holds for extended periods of time and then been directed to seek counseling or life management.

As far as faults go, one of the most irritating and aggrivating, in my opinion, is watching your consumption of food. I am not sure if it is because of your beaver (shout out to Oregon!) teeth and maybe your jaw doesn't allign properly or quite possibly it is the mere fact that you just have not been taught now to eat with manners or with the proper etiquette. Chewing with ones mouth closed seems to be so over-rated in your realm. Honestly, I can think of no one that is in such a deprived state where they want to see every morsel of food that you incessantly shovel into your mouth in dumptruck sized loads. You do this each and everytime that you eat, graze, shovel, masticate, and during the time I have yet to see you eat with out that orifice of yours gaping wide open. It is unbecoming, uncivilized and completely unnecessary.

Allison, I do however feel that you are occupying the Big Brother house with some other individuals that have not got their candle lit completely as you have made some comments that we, in the 'real' world, have all picked up on, seen through, and shaken our heads in disbelief due to the inconsistant nature. I will not go into detail but you need to get your 'food allergies' straight, I mean 'seriously Allison' are you or aren't you allergic to mustard? Does your hair, which you stated is "all natural, I haven't dyed it in two years" just decide to grow inch long dark roots only when you are visiting (oh and how we can't wait until you vacate our great state) California? Do you run these, so-called, marathons alone? The dates that you gave regarding the places where these marathons were run are fictional, if you are going to throw out a date make sure that you have your facts checked.

I hope that this experience is an eye-opener and that you can 'better' yourself once you are out of the house. Life is a life long learning lesson and we all strive to better ourselves, unless one is seriously self destructive, on a daily basis. My hopes for you are that you can get your act together Allison... I mean 'seriously'.



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Dear Adam,

I feel no need to soften the blow. You freak me out. That's not easily done. I have decided to vote you most likely to go postal. I insist you donate a hair sample for DNA testing. I have no doubt crazy eyes Charles Manson looms somewhere in your genes. And wtf is up with your obsessive groping of your tally whacker? Is it trying to do all your thinking and your only choice is to physically hold it down? Maybe you should let Mr. Penis take over. Could it do ANY worse? And accusing Sheila of pooping her shorts. Please. It smells (pun intended) of a possible Adamish fetish? What will you do with the money should you win? Might I suggest sue your parents.


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Dear Natalie,

First and foremost, thanks for feeding the guinea pigs. They really do seem to like bananas the best.

Gosh, there's so much I would like to tell you that I don't even know how to put it all together. I wish I could just reach through the screen and shake you!

But listen, I'm sorry for your dodgy childhood. We've all had one in some form or another. The great thing about being an adult though, is that you get to make your own decisions. You no longer have to be the victim. You don't have to put yourself in harms way, or treat yourself less than what you're worth. Maybe you didn't hear this enough growing up, or at all, but you ARE of worth! God loves you. He made you, and you are not a mistake. You're not alone, and you're never forgotten. You don't need to tramp your way around or sell yourself like a piece of trash for attention's/acceptance sake. My wish and hope for you is that you come to learn to love yourself so that you're not in this constant race to gain approval (one in which you'll always be the loser).

Sadly Natalie, you're use to being treated like crap, so you've modeled yourself after such crap. You've been used and abused, objectified by your father. Your mother was into drugs and has a mental illness. You were probably left to raise yourself for much of your life. You survived the only way in which you were taught to. I'm here to tell you that there is another way. It's not too late to pick yourself up and get your head on straight. I implore you to please seek counselling. Even more than that though, I urge you to keep your clothes on! Something incredible happens when you begin to love yourself and treat yourself with respect. Your standards increase, and those around you will be forced to change the way in which they perceive/treat you.

Natalie, you're not a whore. You're not a slut. And you're not a free prostitute. But, you are acting like one. I truly feel that you're a good person at heart, that somewhere inside you looms a hurt little girl who is waiting to be shown what real love feels like. My dear, you will NEVER know this kind of proper love until you treat yourself with this same kind of love/respect. As Dr. Phil says, "you teach others how to treat you." It's hard. At first, you won't know where to begin or how to do it. So please follow these steps:

1) Keep your clothes on.

2) Stop using your body for approval.

3) Stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself.

4) Stop thinking that you're less than everyone, and that you are the lucky one to have "them" in your life. You need to start feeling that "they" are the lucky ones to have you.

5) Search your soul. Find out what you like about yourself that isn't physical/visual. Bring these gifts back to the surface.

6) Get a new job when you leave the BB house. And no, becoming a Playboy model isn't what I mean. I mean, leave that whole sexually based/fueled industry behind and instead use those gifts (see 5) to help others.

7) Go to church, read the scriptures, engage in daily prayer. Whatever your beliefs/background is regarding God, you need to re-evaluate what He means in your life. You claim to be religious. You've made claims to being Christian, but the way in which you conduct your life is not of God. Let's put it this way, would you be giving strangers blow jobs in front of God, or prance around in a bikini bottom while other girls lick whip cream off your nipples? I didn't think so, yet you neglect to remember that He's with you always and is saddened by the way in which He sees you treating yourself.

8) Forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made and know that it's not too late to change.

9) As you come to respect yourself, others will try to deceive you in hopes of bringing you back down to the misery they dwell in. Don't be fool. Don't be dismayed. Don't be discourgaed. And don't accept less than what you're worth (remember, you're the one who decides just how much this is).

10) Lose yourself in helping others. Charity is the best way to feel love.. love for others, love for self, love of life, and love of God.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as I watch you in the BB house. I wish you the very best things in life... Matt is not one of them. It saddens me when I hear you confuse his rejection of you for respect. He doesn't respect you dear. He's swine in the purest form of it. It oozes from his every pore. He doesn't respect you, he used you and countless others, preying always on their vulnerabilities. But this letter isn't about him. It's about you. Don't believe the lies people have told you. You are not the things that they've led you to believe that you are, so please stop treating yourself as such. Don't become what they've said. You're better than that.

My heart is with you,


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Dear Nat.......

After you leave the BB house, take this thought.........NO one, except, if you're lucky enough, a future husband and baby needs to know that you can shoot milk?? or whatever out of your breast. If you ever are lucky enough to have a husband and baby after this, just aim for the baby's mouth in the future.

Dear Matt.........

It is OK NOT to "love a slut" what's NOT OK IS TO be A MALE SLUT!

Dear Ryan..........how many times do you need to get worked over B4 you know you've been worked over?

Dear Chelsia......

When you're trying to call out the slut in the house, becoming even more slutty never really works.

Dear James,

We all saw your HUGE d***(way more than I ever saw in my life!), why on earth would you be insecure about anything? Guess size ISN'T everything:-)

Dear Allison,

"I adore you".........."you have no idea, how much I respect you"......................."you are the most mature person in the house"...............sound familiar? You're right, all the crap you have told the other guests............right back at you.

Not to leave the others out but at this point in time,

The rest would be "too easy"

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I've been a pretty good boy on this forum to the HG's...time to get real

PS...these are just my tiny opinions :-)

Dear Shiela,

Grow the hell up...I mean mentally you ancient cow


Dear Josh,

Are you serious? I mean do you really positively think you are this great? If you do, then kudos to you. I am a psychology major and I have NEVER heard of a person getting themselves to believe something that is so wrong so quickly and so efficiently. If not...grow up to...see above letter to Shiela


Dear Adam,

I basically like ya but is there anyway you can close your eyes for a while? My sanity will thank you


Dear Allison,

Did you truely think that a lie like that would really help? Wow... No seriously...wow... But I appreciate how you yelled at your partner for honesty and loving his girlfriend. Yep...you're definately better than him ((this is where I have spit on the letter))


Dear Sharon,

Your partner is retarded...that is all


Dear Chelsia,

So....Natalie is a whore???


Dear James,

Thanks for saving Amanda...you showed some honest good...how rare is that?


Dear Matt,

Could you maybe find it possible to treat your partner a bit better? It's ok if you don't like her sexually advancing ways...seriously I don't mind...but perhaps you could...oh I dunno...what's the word...STOP LEADING HER ON!!! Otherwise you are ok you cold-hearted jerk


Dear Natalie,

I adore you darlin but as a friend I do feel the need to tell you a few things. Your life hasn't always been easy but you gotta know some stuff. Sleeping around doesn't make you likeable, it makes you easy and the others will lose respect over time. Also, keep things hidden. Regardless what the others may say, you're a pretty girl. The rest you will figure out when you respect yourself more and I am sure someday you will.

Love ya!


There ya have it

oh...one more thing...can I write a letter to one who is gone?

Dear Parker,

You were honest....I miss you


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My Dear Delusional Allison,

I hope you made sure the BB house door didn't hit you in the a$$ when you left. It was quite fun to see you get so excited about the siren, not realizing it was the sound of your demise coming sooner than you thought. That siren wasn't your saving grace.....it was the BB viewers....it saved us from having to watch you anymore!! Oh and by the way...yes, YOU were the one yelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Dear Big Brother,

Your twist was once again a let down. I was totally ready for the greatest surprise in BB history and it was lame, again. Even the sound of the siren was lame. Julie you spoiled it for me by telling me the surprise and the outcome before the twist was revelled. Why couldn't we find out real time with the houseguest. I won't stop watching Big Brother, however this is the last time I buy into your twist hype.

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Well if ya think about it, Elle has a right to her opinion and I think tha's what this thread was for. This coming from an actual Natalie fan. I frankly thought Elle's letter is the nicest bit I have heard about her to this point.

I am not personally a christian but she does have a point that while she isn't a whore she is acting it....sad


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I thought Elle's letter was beautiful, thoughtful, caring and on target. Natalie is pretty transparent. It wasn't judgmental at all! It was heartfelt!

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Yes loved the letter Elle. Those things are so spot on.

Don't understand all this Natalie defense. Why does she get a pass for her bad behavior? Yes she is a nice person but she has BAD BEHAVIOR and people have the right to comment on that.

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Well first I am not defending her, as I said Elle does have a point...but come on...we've seen alot of HG's get the free pass on bad behavior...maybe it's just Nat this year. I've heard people say Chill-Town or whatever the heck the are called can do no wrong...I think it's human nature to be a bit blinded by things no matter what.


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