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Derrick Levasseur (Week 11 - Take 2) + Team America


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If Caleb only had a brain....

He's not stupid when it comes to this game and he's been loyal as a survival tactic, but I do think his loyalty is with Frankie and he has got to know that Derrick and Cody are a team and will ditch them the first chance they get.

Hopefully, he also realizes his only chance to win will be against either Frankie or Cody because he won't have a chance if he is standing with Derrick in the end.


Have you noticed that he always lets Derrick and Cody think he wants to get rid of Frankie and then he pulls back and tells them he is scared to do it.  That's a good strategy because he is not letting Derrick know he doesn't want to get rid of Frankie and uses excuses.  Derrick falls for it.......

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Last night Derrick & Frankie were talking about the jury being bitter. (When they had the chance to trash the BB house for the luxury comp.)

If either Frankie or Derrick make F2 - and either of them win the $500K. Plus the money from the "Team America" missions at $5K a pop. According to the CBS website they have successfully completed 8 missions!

Then I believe you will see some "bitter jury members". Jocasta, Nicole & Christine did not win a dime in BB prize money. And Cody might be in the same position too if he doesn't make F2.

I dont think that Donnie would be bitter because he was a part of Team America. Zack won the trip to Germany. Caleb won the football outing +$5K. And lastly Hayden & Victoria won $5k each for the luxury comp.

All I can say at this point in the game is that when it's all over - Derricks little girl is gonna have a nice chunk of change for her college fund.

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Team America only completed 4 missions.


I really don't get anyone being bitter about other people winning money. I have never been bitter because I am not rich or didn't win the lottery and someone else did.


I think that they will vote on game play. The best being Frankie and Derrick with Caleb running a 3rd.

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I don't think the other HG will be bitter about the TA money. I think most of them will laugh about it because they really didn't suffer because of the TA challenges. In other words, they did not make the money at the expense of the others game play or by making them suffer on slop. 


The one person that I do think may be somewhat bitter is Donny. I kinda felt like he had been trying to tamp down his bitterness while he was in the house. However, the comment he made to Christine about the lawyer really confirmed my suspicious that he is bitter. However, I think the bitterness is against Derrick, Frankie and Cody for the most part and in that order. I don't think he is bitter towards Caleb or Vic. However, I don't think even he could bring himself to vote for Vic over the others. IMO, if Derrick makes the f2, Derrick will get at least 6 votes unless it is against Frankie, which will be a toss up. I believe Donny will vote for anyone over Derrick except for Vic. JMHO.  

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If Derrick makes it to the final 2, i am really hoping that who ever is sitting next to him win's the game. Derrick has turned my stomach the whole game.

Maybe it is some thing you ate...

Team America only completed 4 missions.


I really don't get anyone being bitter about other people winning money. I have never been bitter because I am not rich or didn't win the lottery and someone else did.


I think that they will vote on game play. The best being Frankie and Derrick with Caleb running a 3rd.

It's to bad everyone in the house didn't win money...

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I hope anyone wins over Derrick.  I don't know what it is about him but I really can't stand him and don't want to see him go down in bb history as one of the best to play the game. It's a trick to never be put on the block but I'd still like to see how he handles it.  We might see a completely different Derrick.


As for Caleb, he truly believes he can "crush" derrick in a F2 battle.  He said so.  But Caleb's completely delusional too.

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If Derrick makes it to the final 2, i am really hoping that who ever is sitting next to him win's the game. Derrick has turned my stomach the whole game.

Maybe it is some thing you ate...




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He has been really nice to her all season and the only one that gives her attention and makes her smile. He fixed her broken necklace yesterday. Bad Derrick :scared:


Zach would yell at her and call her names. Most of the other houseguests except Nicole have never tried to be friendly with her....

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Derrick just confirmed that there is a 50k bonus to the winner if both Derrick and Frankie make it to the end.  What kind of crap is this???  Openly rigging the game


Ya that is going crazy all over the Internet. I didn't hear that in their conversation. They were talking about if they get to the end and how much they would make thinking they have won more TA missions then they have and how much they want them to be together in the F2.


Hopefully Julie will tweet something to clear it up.

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He has been really nice to her all season and the only one that gives her attention and makes her smile. He fixed her broken necklace yesterday. Bad Derrick :scared:


Zach would yell at her and call her names. Most of the other houseguests except Nicole have never tried to be friendly with her....

If Derrick treated her like the rest of the HG, she would not say 100 words a day. He is using her to further his game without a doubt but he has definitely been the nicest and most patient person in the house to her. 

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Derrick is probably thrilled that none of them were nice to victoria.  Made it easier for him.  Maybe, like victoria, he will fib and say that they had a fight and try to pave the way for her to win 500K.  Now THAT is nice.  What's all this he is nice to her?  How about how nice SHE is to him?  Come on now, people.  

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