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Julie reveals new twists!


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This season there will be two head of household each week. Each one of them will nominate 2 players EACH making for a four person choice for eviction. The HOH will not be safe either. There will be a game each week called The Battle of the Block where they could lose their HOH. Also there will be Team America this year where the fans get to vote on various things and can influence the game.

Sounds like we really are getting some great changes this season!

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Guest 6Borders

Sounds mildly promising, especially the HOH not being safe.

It's always amusing to see how far Grodner will go to protect

her favorites so this might actually get interesting!!!

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This season there will be two head of household each week. Each one of them will nominate 2 players EACH making for a four person choice for eviction. The HOH will not be safe either. There will be a game each week called The Battle of the Block where they could lose their HOH. Also there will be Team America this year where the fans get to vote on various things and can influence the game.

Sounds like we really are getting some great changes this season!

Sounds like an even bigger excuse to fly under the radar and be a boring floater.

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We heard the same statement of "all season" when the coach season started, when Julie told the viewers that the returning HGs would be coaches "all season" And how long did that last? I just hope they change up enough stuff to keep the HGs in the dark about what is coming up each week.

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Guest 6Borders

We heard the same statement of "all season" when the coach season started, when Julie told the viewers that the returning HGs would be coaches "all season" And how long did that last? I just hope they change up enough stuff to keep the HGs in the dark about what is coming up each week.

Yeppers and we also heard that there would be an MVP "all season" (which their might have been if Rachel

hadn't asked Grodner to give her sister a chance to play and screwed that up)

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Hopefully there are no returnees - this twist is big enough to carry the show without them. It does sound promising - no idea what level of control the "Team America" thing will give viewers but as for the main twist I guess the 2 HoHs will nominate two different sets of noms (as having the same noms renders the twist pointless), then the Battle of the Block will determine which set of noms face eviction - and presumably replace the Veto - which I've been saying needs a massive overhaul since about season 8!

And then as with all BB twists we'll get to the final 10 and it'll be forgotten about and we'll return to the normal process - possibly with the Veto returning.

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BTW When Julie was telling us about the twists the camera panned to the audience and Rachel was there. That really gives me hope we won't have to put up with her this year. Woohoo! :animated_bouncy:

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I really hope they dont mess this up, like the normally do. Then again it all depands on what kind of HG they have this year too. Doesnt sound like its going to be a blood verses water thing to me.

I just hope the cast is better then last years one, It was truelly god awful. And I know I was updating that garbage. And can we please have a season without some stupid marriage. Really BB does anyone else think this show is going down the tubes??? It used to be good now not so much. Just my two cents for what it's worth.

Peace out

Sayre B)

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I am cautiously optimistic! with 4 people on the block it may not be such an open and shut eviction. I really wish people would keep their votes private and vote what is best for them not what the HOH wants. My hope is that the twists will help with that

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They only have one bed in the HOH for two HOH's and it doesn't look very big to me. I thought they would have that second bedroom like they did a couple of years ago and I suppose that's still a possibility but the dynamics for that one room will be very interesting to watch. There is always big pow-wows in there but now that there are two people you have to talk to how is the time going to be split between the two? Wow, so many questions are popping in my head about how this is all going to work but I'm looking forward to the new changes. :animated_bouncy:

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This twist actually sounds kind of cool and interesting to watch. I am optomistic for a few reasons, two teams with two HOH's and Two sets of nominees means more drama. As we all know if there are two teams and two nominees from each team the rest of the plays will just vote against someone from the other team which, but this way actually sounds like someone thought it through somewhat. (Is Grodner gone? this can't be her idea.)

They only have one bed in the HOH for two HOH's and it doesn't look very big to me. I thought they would have that second bedroom like they did a couple of years ago and I suppose that's still a possibility but the dynamics for that one room will be very interesting to watch. There is always big pow-wows in there but now that there are two people you have to talk to how is the time going to be split between the two? Wow, so many questions are popping in my head about how this is all going to work but I'm looking forward to the new changes. :animated_bouncy:

I was wondering about the bed situation as well since there are two HOH's, as for the Houseguests splitting their time I don't think that would happen. Each HOH would obviously be forced to nominate from their own team and then hopefully win the new competition to determine the real HOH and the two nominees. In the end the talking won't have to be split at all most likely.

I am cautiously optimistic! with 4 people on the block it may not be such an open and shut eviction. I really wish people would keep their votes private and vote what is best for them not what the HOH wants. My hope is that the twists will help with that

I seriously doubt the vote will remain a secret since all that you really need is everyone in your team deciding who to vote out.

Like I said above I like this twist if it is done right and not destroyed because of the Houseguests selected or Grodner pulling the plug after a few weeks. As we all know the twists of BB seem to get destroyed for one reason or another and I actually think it has more to do with Grodner coming up with an idea and running with it without thinking about all the possibilities. In season 12 the big twists was duo's where half the Houseguests we returnees. When the twist was announced it seemed interesting in the sense that there were potentially going to be some big names in the house, but it fell apart early on. Evel Dick left the house early which gave Danielle a Golden key which meant she was safe until the Duo's twist ran its course, and frankly the other Houseguests were completely unable to play with some of the biggest names of Big Brother. In the end it didn't work namely because the returnees were either really good game players or were really well liked or hated.

Season 13 had the Sabauteur, which I think was OK but it was really not thought about hard enough from the beginning, it was over in the first week as the person chosen was so weak and inept that she was evicted right away. Then they tried to have it later on in the season but really it just wasn't done right. Now BB could not have known that the first evictee would be the sabateur when they came up with it, but they needed to have a back up just in case which they didn't have. When the person chosen was evicted they let the Houseguests know and that was that which just ruined it. What should have happened was the sabateur information not get revealed and the Houseguests think the sabateur was still in the house causing mayhem. There are ways to do just that to make them think the person was not evicted.

Season 14 had the coaches which I think turned out to be better than I would have thought. The idea was stupid to begin with and Grodner was forced to get rid of it after a couple weeks because of how the teams were formed and what not. Dan had one player left which meant something had to happen, so Grodner ended it. In the end the best part of the season IMO was when the twist ended because everyone could talk.

Last year the MVP twist could have been great, but of course Grodner had to cast Elissa which basically gave her the MVP every week and of course she had to open her mouth. In the end if Elissa was not in the show it could have been much better.

Hopefully the twist this year is not ruined by Grodner, but I am not holding my breath,

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This is the first time I've seen pics of the ice room. Maybe it's the room for the have-nots.



The ice coming off the lamp is a crazy touch. It makes me cold just looking at it. lol

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I am cautiously optimistic! with 4 people on the block it may not be such an open and shut eviction. I really wish people would keep their votes private and vote what is best for them not what the HOH wants. My hope is that the twists will help with that

Agreed! I think it sounds like an interesting new twist, and the group that seems to be in power may suddenly find themselves scrambling if their team doesn't win that Battle of the Block challenge. For people working 2 alliances, it will be a lot of strategy to sort through in their head! :naughty:

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Im a little nervous. With 2 hoh and 4 nominees each week, does that mean double evictions EVERY week? I can't stand double evictions. :(

This show is suppose to be on for 90 days so they won't be having double evictions each week. Otherwise the show would only last until the second week of August. ;)

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I'm thinking Battle of the Block could be something that decides which HoH's noms are the ones that actually stay on the block.

That is what I think too! And with 16 people 4 nominees and possibly 6 POV players and two HOH's we would run out of houseguests in a hurry! I am anxious to see how it plays out. I am ready for some new rules!!

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With that many people on the block, they probably will not have additional people playing in the veto. You're on your own. :giggle:

Im a little nervous. With 2 hoh and 4 nominees each week, does that mean double evictions EVERY week? I can't stand double evictions. :(

The front page of Morty's states that there will be a new competition called Battle of the Block where the teams compete, the team that wins the competition is safe for the week including the nominees. That would mean that the nominees of the other HOH (I am assuming) are being voted out. If this is truly the case the HOH would actually have some leeway after an eviction. Sometimes getting someone evicted hurts the HOH and makes them a target, but in this case the HOH would be able to say that they didn't nominate the players at all and so therefore it truly wasn't their eviction.

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If the 2 Head of Households share the Head of Household room ... That should cut down on the floaters and 'suck ups' from camping out in there.

Wonder if they'll still have the SPY screen in there ?

Also with the added cameras and microphones ... I wonder if we'll be able to hear them better when they whisper ?

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I guess since only one HOH is going to be the top dog for the week, that will mean they don't receive their goody basket until after the Battle of the Block. Some things will definitely need to be shifted around from the "norm". One thing is certain. Doubling up on the number of people to go on the block will paint shiny red targets on the backs of those who didn't make the cut. That should cause more drama and we're all for more drama! :clap:

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