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Coach Britney, Week 1


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I agree, still, with comments about Britney's sense of humor. She should be on a sitcom and not Big Brother. She has the looks - those expressive eyes especially - and the comedic timing and you can't buy that. To tell you the truth, I consider BB14 sort of a come-down for all of them except Boogie who is just so obnoxious to me that I am still in shock that they brought that yahoo back. Has to be for the $$$. I can understand short-term 100K payday but nothing but the chance to win 500K for a summer's work just doesn't add-up for me. I can't understand why anyone would play BB with the odds of coaches coming into the game after being able to steer the initial plays but Grodner and her pack are such loose cannons, anything is possible.

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OMG her reveal really stirred things up--damn--I was hoping the girls would at least get Booger out before crashing and burning---Brittney WTF really what chaos---I like chaos but with the plan being GET BOOGER OUT--I would have liked to see it NOT GET MESSED UP BRITTNEY--my only satisfaction now will be when we see the reprecussions for herself over this

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I don't think she should say a word to the rest of the house.. And besides we don't really know if all 4 coaches will become players, I somehow feel like they will have to compete to stay (get a key) I don't think all of them will stay.... She should not have said anything to Willie either... Play it dumb and when it happens act as shocked as the rest do. She mentioned to Willie that she would NOT have returned if she knew that she would be playing the game.. So she either has to quit whining and get into game mode and play or ask to leave/ be evicted.

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In my opinion, the coaches should be spending time with their teams and not each other, other than to pick brains and cause trouble. If you lose your team members to eviction then you lose. What better alliance than a coach and his/her team? Surely that was the original premise of the twist. Britney needs to bring her team together and stop all the rambling.

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No I don't think she screwed up I think she was smart because she will not look like the bad guy when and if they do enter the game the other coaches will look less than honest.

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I doubt the coaches will enter the game. There will be another special power for them.

Why wouldn't they have cut the feeds when Britney started telling Willie all of this if it were true??

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Maybe this is what BB really wanted, to stir the players up. The DR may have drop a little hint on Brit and Jani that maybe coaches would enter the game, knowing those two would run with it. It certainly has produced more activity and drama in the house than anything else.

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Britney you screwed up!

It's like she released an evil Genie from a bottle (willie) and everyone is scattering, trying to save themselves.

I doubt the coaches will enter the game. There will be another special power for them.

Why wouldn't they have cut the feeds when Britney started telling Willie all of this if it were true??

BB was cutting the feeds a lot when Janelle and Brit were talking about it the other night. I'd guess BB knew they weren't going to stop the talk so they've decided to run with it. Who knows what BB's planning next? Maybe they're going to improvise this into their next "twist" plan, if it wasn't already on the agenda. Or maybe not. Maybe BB is reading the boards and planning to please the crowd by not letting the coaches in the game. After all this drama, I hope they let them play at some point myself.

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Even if the coaches do I enter, I can't see all four of them entering the game. The more likely scenario to me is there will be a coaches challenge to enter the game.

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Coaches doesn't have that much power right now! Newbies are all forming little cliques.

Poor Janelle almost seems like a fish out of water at this point. Everyone is out of control. So interesting!

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If there is a twist then whichever coach loses their players first maybe the one to turn player. I can't understand why these all-stars didn't wait until another all-star game. Don't they play for like a million bucks? Although I'm sick of peops like Rachel, Brendon, etc.

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