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Jenn, Week 1


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Really liking her so far! Am worried about her though, based on how she did in the first HOH comp. Doubtful she was throwing it on purpose. But hopefully the house-guests will let her slide under the radar as bigger fish to fry instead of them trying to cut her loose as dead weight.

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Can't really see much of a personality yet. I will have to see more on the feeds. I get the impression she is awkward around regular people.

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bigger targets in front of her :animated_bouncy:

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she seems like a complete and total outcast.. her and ian are basically the two most ostracized people

joe is tolerated but no one takes him seriously..... he's like the running joke of the house, at least one willie's side

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OMG I was just watching Jenn eat a sammich and she was chewing with her mouth open and the had food falling out. She didn't even try to close her mouth when she was eating. ewwwwwwwwwwwww

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OMG I was just watching Jenn eat a sammich and she was chewing with her mouth open and the had food falling out. She didn't even try to close her mouth when she was eating. ewwwwwwwwwwwww

Her table manners, I agree Marty, are disgusting....Plus she is lazy, does not even help clean up, sits there and just watches everyone else help....PURELY LAZY

Can you tell she is not one of my favorite HG's

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should make jury

i would be somewhat surprised if she doesn't :animated_bouncy:

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Am curious what she will do if she ever gets any power. She seems totally invisible in the house. I was actually surprised she was still there when they had her on tonight's show.

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This morning Jenn said she was really pissed because she never gets any support from Boogie as a coach. I think she was grumpy from being woken up every few minutes but she was badmouthing Boogie. (which is a good thing tee hee)

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This morning Jenn said she was really pissed because she never gets any support from Boogie as a coach. I think she was grumpy from being woken up every few minutes but she was badmouthing Boogie. (which is a good thing tee hee)

I was wondering why it was being reported that Frank was apologizing to her and she turned away from him.

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I was wondering why it was being reported that Frank was apologizing to her and she turned away from him.

It was about 4 am BB time when she was furious about Frank farting on her. She said she is a lady after all. (I mean she was really really angry)

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