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Porsche - Week 11 Part 2 HoH Winner - BB13 Runner Up


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has a thing for winning when many dont expect she will

so just going by that she will probably win part 1 :animated_bouncy:

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I don't even know who to cheer for now!!! I'd be happy for any of these three... they all played hard to be in F3.

If I look at it from competitions I would have to go with either Porsche or Rachel.

With Adam, he actually did play with about as much integrity and honesty as one could without doing it to a fault and managed to hang on coattails when he had to then pulled out the gusto when he needed to save himself so he's earned it in his own way. Just my opinion.

(forgive that run-on sentence!!!)

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Porsche going to vomit!

Now we know why BB spraying that crap on them... :lol:

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I bet Pork is thinking she should have taken Jordo.

oh well.........


but i think jordan would probably have beat her too

porsche immediately complain of dizziness :animated_bouncy:

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It's really time to cancel the feeds. I can't take listening to Porsche justify voting out Jordan while she squeezes her pimples.

Oh boohoo...Porsche's not happy about what Jordan said to her during her eviction speech. Maybe if you had made half and effort to be nice to her, she would have been nice to you...instead you said things like, "Talking to Jordan is like talking to a ham sandwich."

Please, Rachel, win this and take Adam to F2.

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She's probably just hungry. Maybe it's time to binge/purge.

So what is it on this board? is she fat or does she have an eatind disorder? :Camera2:

Another genius decision as the bimbo very well could have outlasted Jordan :animated_rotfl:

:animated_rotfl: Didnt Kevin and Natalie keep Jordon because they thought they could beat Jordon in the final HOH challenges? How did that work out for them?

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I bet Pork is thinking she should have taken Jordo.

oh well.........

Okay you call her Pork. Did you make fun of Jordon's weight gain in season 11?

I will say I did. I wont make fun of weight gain in the house anymore. Not just because my favs might gain weight. Because i it is silly and I was stupid to do it myself. Adam isnt the fittest guy and even though I didnt like him on the show I didnt make fun of his weight this season. I can understand the temptation of making fun of the weight but I dont think I will anymore. And if Porche is a porker (or if Jordon was fat her first season) than I wish I would be so fat :animated_rotfl:

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Okay you call her Pork. Did you make fun of Jordon's weight gain in season 11?

I will say I did. I wont make fun of weight gain in the house anymore. Not just because my favs might gain weight. Because i it is silly and I was stupid to do it myself. Adam isnt the fittest guy and even though I didnt like him on the show I didnt make fun of his weight this season. I can understand the temptation of making fun of the weight but I dont think I will anymore. And if Porche is a porker (or if Jordon was fat her first season) than I wish I would be so fat :animated_rotfl:

neb I think you have a crush on me. You sure do like my posts. :animated_wave:

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