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Jeff - Week 7 - HoH & PoV


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should be in good shape to win this hoh comp or at least come close to winning it :animated_bouncy:

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Hope he doesn't coward his way out of HOH tonight but instead wins it so he can be the big man he thinks he is.

C'mon Jeff, win one to do some dirty work. You and Jordon need to start pulling some weight around that house.

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I'm ready to call it.... :party_smilie:

me too he is so far ahead i dont see anyway he doesnt win

should nom daniele right away so she doesnt have the chance to save anyone in pov :animated_bouncy:

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WOOOHOOOO!!! The BB Gods must love us Jeff fans--he won HoH soaking wet & covered in bubbles...I mean c'mon now--we couldn't have set that up any better if we tried!! Well, we COULD, but it would have only been viewable on BBAD--bwahaaha =)

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Kalia and Daniele on the block. I thought about him forcing Dani to use her Veto Ticket but, if she's not on the block and pulls Kalia/Porsche off then Jeff will be forced to put someone in his alliance up... so, smart move is to make Daniele win PoV and take herself off.

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