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Has every season had one?

Any predictions if there will be any this year? Dominic and Cassi seem to get along well. But Dominic and Keith both seem interested in Daniele too now that Dick is gone.

And then there are the Dynamic Duos - I keep hoping their will be a Brenchal break-up for all to see, but dreams don't always come true.

So any other possibilities? Not really, right?


i really dont see any showmances forming beside the already establish couples

if any were going to form they would have already by now

the return of dynamic duos really messed the bb natural cycle of showmances forming

i cant say i am really upset since i hate showmances in general

dani looks to be all about game so i doubt she would go down that path again

porsche is an outcast so i doubt anyone would take the chance try to showmance her excluding keith who would showmance the washing machine if he could

cassi i get the impression that none of guys there are in her league :animated_bouncy:


Jeff breaks up with Jordan and I am taking a shower and the door opens and there stands Jeff with a big ............... smile

oh wait that was just a dream. :animated_rotfl:


LMAO @ straykat and Marty. You all crack me up.

I think given enough time .. there will be some fights over Dominic. Not that I think he's all that.. but he's sorta like the "default" single guy in the house. I think it will develop out of the fact that .. after a while.. everyone starts looking good to you .. granted it is only 3 months. So we'll see.

Guest 6Borders

Showmances are soooooo 12 seasons ago when Will was hooked up with Shannon and....'nuff said!!! They need to find some new avenues in the house!


^^^^Totally agree. Personal thing but I would concentrate on ridding the house of any/all showmances......pronto! Foolish to let them linger.


LMAO @ straykat and Marty. You all crack me up.

I think given enough time .. there will be some fights over Dominic. Not that I think he's all that.. but he's sorta like the "default" single guy in the house. I think it will develop out of the fact that .. after a while.. everyone starts looking good to you .. granted it is only 3 months. So we'll see.

Im glad I am not in the house! Dominic would reunion my game!!! I would so try hard for a showmance. But it would be call showmance...it would be call girl please!!! Leave me alone!!! LOL!!! I think he is hot!!!


There are 6 people 'out' there that didn't even get a chance at a Showmance because only 8 new HG's

got to play....

Makes the Playing Field a lot smaller for sure.


Dani and Dom seem to be getting a LOT closer than they were before.


Howbout a showmance category, that we haven't seen yet in BB history?Like:

After Rachel's next CatFight, Brendon seperates from Rachel, and then starts a fling with Lawon. :animated_scratchchin:


I hope Danielle doesn't start a showmance. She needs to stand on her own two feet.

Great call on that. I think she is doing well without ED...and make no mistake I miss ED



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