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Porsche - Week 1 Nominated

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Holy cow.... if you are watching the live feeds you will see she is a NUTTER!!!!! She is upset because she doesn't think Keith really likes her and wants her and is using her - she is crying... she is pathetic....

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animated_rotfl.gifyes, I'm watching and she shut him down when he wanted to ask he an opinion, then he went to Daniele for advice and Dani shut him down too, I get the idea noone is keen on him, and yeah, this girl is a nut, she will go next if she keeps up the pity pot,lol
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Holy cow.... if you are watching the live feeds you will see she is a NUTTER!!!!! She is upset because she doesn't think Keith really likes her and wants her and is using her - she is crying... she is pathetic....

She's a wreck

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She is not cut out for this game that's for sure, cryin?? cause you think he threw you under the bus, his play would now be to let pppl know how loopdy loo she is and they will vote her out instead of him, since they think he is a loose cannon, if I was him, I would use her insecurity to my advantage, she is definaely insecure and doesn't get that this is how they have to play with this golden key thing,animated_rotfl.gif

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I listened this afternoon to the heavy discussion she had with Keith. Apparently last night he lost it, went off on her and threw her under the bus. She is having a very difficult time believing anything he has to say to her. He's apologized to her at least a dozen times and she's not having it.

A few minutes ago Jeff stated Porsche tried to talk to Cassi and Cassi shut her down. Porsche wanted to know what her problem was and Cassi told her up until this point you haven't said a word to me and now you want to acknowledge I'm actually here in the house? Thanks but I'll pass.

I think that's hilarious. She's so busy working the guys in the house she is ignoring the women and it's coming back to bite her in the butt.

I would say she does need to get over herself and try acting normal for a change. Her days in the house are numbered anyway.

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lookaround.gif I wish they would flip and vote her out, I dont like her at all, I think it's funny that Cassi shut her down
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A few minutes ago Jeff stated Porsche tried to talk to Cassi and Cassi shut her down. Porsche wanted to know what her problem was and Cassi told her up until this point you haven't said a word to me and now you want to acknowledge I'm actually here in the house? Thanks but I'll pass.

I think that's hilarious. She's so busy working the guys in the house she is ignoring the women and it's coming back to bite her in the butt.


If she winds up staying, that potential cat-fight moment could come back to bite Cassi in the a$$ instead since Porsche would have immunity for the next month.

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But I thought Dani was the one with the golden key.

Isn't it any duo-survivor for the first month...? :animated_scratchchin:

They HAVE to nom a duo so picking a loner wouldn't make sense.

I assumed once the month was over and 4 duos split, they'd go all singles again like they did with BB...9? or something? The couples one.

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Yeah, any of the duos who isn't voted out (next 3 votes) gets a gold key, making them safe.

I just woke up to Rachel and Porsche in the hoh. Porsche is the new like Rachel. It just like sucks, ya know. Like, if she stays and like makes it far, I might have to like ...slit my wrists, or at the very least, like jab myself in the ears, ya know?

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Meh, another average looking ditz who thinks shes hotter than she really is..prob aware of it too, thereby covering up her insecurity by being a snob and obnoxious. As much of a lunatic that Dick was, would have been nice if he ranted on her before he left and brought her back to reality.

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I think this chicky is way off the deep end, and I do not think she is great looking, the minute she opens her mouth sh*t falls out and definately takes away from her looks. She obviously does not know this game or she would not have been so blatently been tring to make Rachel think that J/J threw the comp, and that was something that could sooo be checked on, poor move on her part, and the way she came unglued over her partners actions?? paalleeaasse, I would never have reacted that way or let him know what I was thinking, all that cryin??Come on now, want her to go first cause I think she is a loose cannon, more so than preacher boyanimated_shocking.gif

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So many good looking women this season. However, they don't have any good looking available guys who could play mind games with them, that in itself is a AG fail. Brendon/Jeff are the only two that would qualify this season and they are taken. It is a waste to have this many beautiful girls if there aren't good looking, available guys who could create drama within the girls and to also play mind games with.

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yep I think she thinks that shse is being cagey by telling Rachel that tid bit, when in reality they caught on right away, she has no good idea of how to play this game, you can tell tales but not so obvious as she was with that one, I mean doesn't she know they will go directly to J/J and see what the deal is?? She's way too emotional and all that bunk with Keith was ridiculous, he's no better, they are a pair for sure,lololol

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I agree it was a poor choice for her to tell Rachel that Jeff and Jordan threw that comp, but planting seeds about Rachel and Brenden's alliance mates can work to the newbies advantage later on if they try to sway Brenden or Rachel to turn against them.

Last night she was talking up a blew streak to Rachel about Brenden using the veto and putting Cassie or Shelly up. She seemed to be gunning more for Shelly than Cassie though. It would be a power move to take someone off the block, as that would presumably lock that person's vote in their favor, and they need one more vote at this point in order to send someone home.

It would however also make a lot of enemies and if Cassie went home, Dominic would go crazy.

So I think the odds of Brenchel doing anything is slim to none.

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I think this chicky is way off the deep end, and I do not think she is great looking, the minute she opens her mouth sh*t falls out and definately takes away from her looks. She obviously does not know this game or she would not have been so blatently been tring to make Rachel think that J/J threw the comp, and that was something that could sooo be checked on, poor move on her part, and the way she came unglued over her partners actions?? paalleeaasse, I would never have reacted that way or let him know what I was thinking, all that cryin??Come on now, want her to go first cause I think she is a loose cannon, more so than preacher boyanimated_shocking.gif

I'm telling you - she's a complete dumba** even if she has been watching the show. She probably thought she could rely on her "looks" to get her through and therefore never thought up a strategy before going into the Big Brother house which is paramount because it's so unpredictable. (or supposed to be)

So many good looking women this season. However, they don't have any good looking available guys who could play mind games with them, that in itself is a AG fail. Brendon/Jeff are the only two that would qualify this season and they are taken. It is a waste to have this many beautiful girls if there aren't good looking, available guys who could create drama within the girls and to also play mind games with.

Good point. I remember the season with Jesse. I never liked Jesse. Thought he was kind of like the male Porsche and dumb as a stump, but he did know how to get the girls going over him. And they were having like a mock funeral service when he left, too, crying and mess. That was crazy.

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she currently eavesdropping on keith throwing lawon under the bus :animated_bouncy:

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