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Who's Your Favorite and Least Favorite HouseGuest - Week 5?


Favorite/Least Favorite  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. Favorite House Guest

    • Brendon
    • Britney
    • Enzo
    • Hayden
    • Kathy
    • Lane
    • Matt
    • Rachel
    • Ragan
  2. 2. Least Favorite

    • Brendon
    • Britney
    • Enzo
    • Hayden
    • Kathy
    • Lane
    • Matt
    • Rachel
    • Ragan

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I've always enjoyed this poll, in past seasons, at Morty's. :inquisitive:

My favorite HG now, is Britney. To me, she's lively, talkative, and the most entertaining HG. Ragan and Matt are close to the top of my list,too.

My least favorite is Kristen. She seems too strong willed, unforgiving, & mopey, to be a good BB player.

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fav good gameplay

least fav bad gameplay :animated_bouncy:

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I don't know. I've been all over the board on this one. I don't hate any of them on the scale I hated Gnat last season or Michelle from the season before and I'm not rooting for any of them the way I did Jeff and Jordan or Janelle. This season isn't even comparable to the horrid, yet unforgettable, season 9, where I hated them all.

My fave to date is Britney, but I'm not "loving" her. She's the most entertaining of them all. My least fave is Kathy as I can't figure out what she's even doing there. I'd like Brendon if he'd grow a pair. Kristin has turned out to be a huge disappointment. Hayden, Enzo and Lane are one in the same to me. Matt, that sly fox, is a good gamer but he bores me for some reason. Rachel, uuuuugh, she's played the game pretty well but she's just not a likable human being. Ragan is just okay. Annie, Monet and Andrew...I'm not missing any of them. They're a mediocre cast to say the least. None of them would know a power move if it bit them on the butt.

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I don't know. I've been all over the board on this one. I don't hate any of them on the scale I hated Gnat last season or Michelle from the season before and I'm not rooting for any of them the way I did Jeff and Jordan or Janelle. This season isn't even comparable to the horrid, yet unforgettable, season 9, where I hated them all.

My fave to date is Britney, but I'm not "loving" her. She's the most entertaining of them all. My least fave is Kathy as I can't figure out what she's even doing there. I'd like Brendon if he'd grow a pair. Kristin has turned out to be a huge disappointment. Hayden, Enzo and Lane are one in the same to me. Matt, that sly fox, is a good gamer but he bores me for some reason. Rachel, uuuuugh, she's played the game pretty well but she's just not a likable human being. Ragan is just okay. Annie, Monet and Andrew...I'm not missing any of them. They're a mediocre cast to say the least. None of them would know a power move if it bit them on the butt.

I think that's a really good assesment.I don't have strong feeligs for or against these HG's, like say a Gnat or Jessie, or for like Keesha.

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I don't like any of them. This is the WORSE cast ever. This season is completely boring me to tears. I would have said Brendon and Rachel were my favs but for both of them to be scientists, they don't know jack :lipsrsealed2:!

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Favorite: Miss Brit and Enzo

Least favorite: It's a tie between Brenchal and Kristen. Shut the f up Kristen. You obviously don't know how to negotiate with people so much that you needed Hayden to do it for you, and you need to look at other people instead of looking down at them.

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I don't hate or love any of the lab rats like I hated Gnatalie or loved J&J as posted by someone above.

The most tollerable.. Britney and Enzo

The least tollerable.. Kathy (and I had such high hopes for her)

As for the rest of them.. :furious3:

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Checking in for the first time this season to see who people like or hate. Not watching the feeds, just the shows.

Without question this is my least favorite season of BB. Could not be more bored. Some extremely bad "acting" in the diary room and just boring, ugly and unimaginative people. Ugh. Haven't missed an episode of BB for years, but not feeling remotely inclined to continue tuning in. Probably will out of habit, but what a meh cast.

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Most entertaining: Britney

Most annoying: Rachel

Favorite: I don't know because CBS isn't showing us ANYTHING besides Brendon/Rachel and Hayden/Kristen. I am guessing I don't have one though because it doesn't seem anyone does anything game wise except Rachel and she is too annoying to be my favorite :P

Least Favorite: Kristen. I am not even sure why, she has just been rubbing me the wrong way since Day 1.

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Favorite: Landslide victory for Britney... Lane would probably be 2nd, but it's not real close.

Least Favorite: Brendon with Kathy a close second. I really cannot stand anything about the guy. I'd rather listen to a loop of Rachel's crazy ass laugh than listen to anything this guy does.

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Yay! I actually changed my mind and went with Matt as my least favorite. His lie still does not sit well with me.

Hey. Where's "Strategy" at?

How come a topic is always thrown away that I suggest? Just wonderin'... Don't think it's fair since other topics are similar and are allowed to thrive for days. Just sayin'.

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