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About bolt1963

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  1. Am I to assume that your name refers to the Chargers? If so, RIGHT ON, GO BOLTS!!! I know we say it every year, but this is really gonna be our year, I can feel it!!!

  2. CBS has NO CHOICE but to try and show the NH in a positive light. They are the only ones remaining in this game. They are hoping you guys continue to watch, either the people who don't know any better or the ones who just love BB. Me....I haven't watched a show in two weeks nor the feeds. I get on here and read some updates and what people are talking about. But like I said a month ago....why would anyone want to watch a show full of the NH? NOT good TV, NOT good people...and extremely BORING. Don't know how you guys continue to watch.
  3. I wish Rachel knew how close Howie was to getting her DOR. She absolutely ruined it by reeling him in. One more day and she was DONE.
  4. I fully understand where you are coming from Shockalot. You don't see anything wrong with calling someone the brown clown of LA Brown Bomber Sadaam I understand. You are just a sad person. Enough said.
  5. And I pity someone like you shockalot. You obviously are quite a sad person.
  6. I agree. I don't think Whacky Iraqi is racist. Its borderline, but I would agree with you. I quoted the its entire post, which DID have those comments. But I am not arguing with you on Whacky Iraqi.
  7. There is your problem. A MENTAL MIDGET is an insult to his intelligence. It has NOTHING to do with his height. You could be 7'6" and still be a MENTAL midget.
  8. I never said I had a problem with INSULTS. I have a problem with RACIST comments based on Kaysar's ethincity and/or Religion. There are many mental midgets walking around in the BB6 house. Crappy just happened to be the leader.
  9. DiamondAuraPayge- you don't see the difference? If Kaysar played the game like Crappy and behaved like Crappy, I would have NO problem calling Kaysar the Mental Midget, A three year old, a whiny little baby. etc. Because that would be an accurate assesment of his game play. That is a big difference than calling someone a BROWN clown of LA. etc.
  10. Classic Shockalot. Not that it was ever in doubt by reading your ignorant post, but thanks for proving your dislike of Kaysar is based on your RACISM and hateful prejudice thoughts. The nicknames for the MENTAL MIDGET are based on his game play. Napoleon Complex, Cry Baby, Three Year Old, etc. etc. They aren't based on him being a white man with a shaved head. But thanks for proving what we all knew. You are a horrible waste of a human being for even being able to THINK of those names. Unbelievable.
  11. watercooler said the same thing. Have to remember, BBS and chat are not an accurate representaion of what will happen. Have to vote as much as possible. Others don't know any better.
  12. Big Brother[New] 8 pm/ET, CBS The latest surprise in BB's Summer of Secrets is that one of the previously evicted houseguests will return to the house on Thursday. Since viewers will decide who returns, can you say, "Hello, Eric"? The Las Vegas father and firefighter looks like a shoo-in to receive the most viewer votes. All of which means that new Head of Household Howie must nominate Maggie, Eric's partner in the game, for eviction tonight. There's no way that Howie's group of Janelle, James, Sarah and Rachel is going to let Mags stick around.
  13. God NO don't trust that thing.
  14. Its obvious who has been watching the live feeds and who only watches the show. Vomette had been spouting off about everyone and especially KAY for quite some time before that comment. And everyone has seen her true colors over the course of the last week with her racial slurs and stereotyping. Whats even worse, she is actually THINKING about what she is saying, and STILL saying it. Like I said above. You guys need to go back to your N.O.W group and stop projecting your own issues onto everyone else.
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