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if he sticks to the plan to take michelle to final two he has a shot to win

seem the woman left in the house are anti michelle right now

such a shame which i will touch on in the sequester thread

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You mean in the SS room when Jeff walked in? It has to be about the terrorist comment because they quickly went to fish. Sounded like he was almost crying when he said "Man, you just don't understand"...then fish.

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Russell has every right to po'd about being called a terrorist. Racial slurs shouldn't be tolerated by anyone and he was habitually taunted for 3 weeks... it's disgusting that it took CBS this long to do something about it... jmho.

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This is where I wish there were a reunion show for BB. I always want to see what happens AFTER the show and how ppl react with one another.

I agree- after they get a chance to see how a lot of different things went down, even just getting the evicted HG together on finale night there isn't much time for discussion.

Russell is a tough guy and all, but being hounded and insulted and called a terrorist for days on end HAS to wear on you, many other racial slurs wouldn't be tolerated at ALL. Apparently Nat may or may not have started carrying Chima's torch of ignorance now, so having it persist has got to be really tough. Being tough and physical doesn't mean not having emotions

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Given what tensions are for people of middle eastern decent those comments about being a terrorist have way more power than one may think. He's in a house, away from contact with his family. It has to scare him to think that some yahoo may hear those words and who knows what may happen. There's been some pretty horrific stuff happen to some really kind people lately for less and throwing that word around should not be seen as any less provocative or hurtful than other racial slurs. Not that the hurtful things he said to others were right either. There is no winner or loser in this situation, they both come off looking wrong.

But yes, a good cry would probably help him release all that tension without yelling his head off a everyone. ;P

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Russ has been one of the best players this season and now that e is not constantly at odds with someone seems to be very personalble. I can see him winning because he has played the game full on. Last night he kept on about his commitment to the other 3 and even layed the ground work to be in the final 4..(I havent won anything since HOH....I would just be happy to see none of them win....) dude is a smart capable player and if he is in the final 2 deserves to win.

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Russ and Michele has been abused so much by the Brat Pack that I am suprised they have not gone off more than they have. The only time I have seen Russ go off unprovoked was the day he went off on Jeff at the very beginning. Even at that point though, he was still under the delusion that Jesse knew how to play this game and he had had a few sips of the Kool-aid.

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Russ has been one of my favorites for the season...and I wouldn't mind if he won the whole shabang.

Basically, I think he's a decent guy...with flaws (as so many of us are.) He's got a good sense of humor, is smart and personable. He's played hard (sometimes too hard) and has easily maneuvered and aligned himself with several different people/sides of the house...without appearing to be a floater. 2 key moves that he made that really solidified my support of him were when he was fairly well aligned with Jessie side (although low on the totem pole) and he cast his vote to save Casey...then turned and nom'd and got Ronnie evicted. He didn't cave to the mob mentality and took some good risks in playing the game. He even tried to stay true to Jessie in the end as well...just not to Jessie's coven.

Sure...he's got a wicked temper and has said some hateful and hurtful things, he's lied, and is still kind of immature in a few regards...I see him as a naughty little boy that steps out of line, gets scolded by his mommy and then is a good boy for a while. He fell out of favor with me for a while when he was getting all paranoid and blabbed about Michele's Phd...started getting sucked into the web of lies by Nat and co. I won't even get into the confrontations he had with psycho Chima and psycho Lydia...understandable imo. But, after some of these incidents and others...I did see him apologize and admit he was wrong...and I give him a lot of credit for that.

I know this is way out of the popular opinion...but I'd love to see Russ and Jordan get together after the show. I think Russ is totally infatuated with her...she's the type of girl his mother would approve of and that's what Russ ultimately is looking for and would be true to. :hide:

hehe...I didn't really mean to get into a Russ tribute...nor am I a total fan...I just felt like saying something nice/positive about him...he's under-appreciated in the game imo.

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I like Russell too, and yes he definitely has his flaws and has done things I don't like. Think Evil Dick and the things he did...my goodness, he berated others to the point that they were truly tortured and at times was painful to watch. I do like that Russ has apologized many times to others and definitely has some very kind qualities. He can be very sweet and a gentleman. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

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I've become a Russell fan, Jeff is still my fave, but you have to hand it to Russell, he's playing a good game right now. He was smart enough to ditch the other side and join up with Jeff/Jordan and Michelle. My first choice in the finals is Jeff/Jordan, but I wouldn't be to upset if he made it either.

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I think Russ is hoping to hook up with Nat at the end and I'm thinking his ticket may be to use the hand job/wiping it on her shirt incident to pry her away from Lydia............thing is, I think J/J have figured this out as well and that's why they want Nat (instead of the obvious better player, Kevin) gone.

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I think Russ is hoping to hook up with Nat at the end and I'm thinking his ticket may be to use the hand job/wiping it on her shirt incident to pry her away from Lydia............thing is, I think J/J have figured this out as well and that's why they want Nat (instead of the obvious better player, Kevin) gone.

No way Russ will be with NAT as he does not respect her at all .

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