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Chima - Part 2


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Whatever her reasons or her excuses for acting like the spoiled primadonna beotch that she did, I'm just glad she is gone. I would have been sick if she had won BB (or even came in 2nd). Good riddance to bad rubbish. :party_smilie:

AMEN!! I totally agree!!! :animated_wave:

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Go4uckit, oops there's that typo again. Get your blankie and go take a nap. :baby::crybaby: You're unreasonable in the extreme.

LOL we had old Marty S. here in KC for years....... so I understand!

Kansas City!!! Another Missourian.... :cheers:

I'm not "ignoring" anything

Just that with some folks who post here everything is extremes. If you want to criticize Chima for making that kind of commentary then apply the same standards to ALL HGs including Jeff. I think you are one of those who want to "ignore" something. Gay slurs are not okay either. Or don't there feelings count?

unfortunately some BB fans want to pretend their hero is perfect and do no wrong and the folks they do not like are literally psychopath / sociopaths I don't think you realize how strong an attack that is. It is not just calling somebody nuts. It is literally calling somebody a terrorist in a medical sense

I'm trying to be even handed. But gosh don't say anything negative about Jeff!

I don't know where you live but where I live, saying something or someone is "gay" is just like saying someone is an idiot, douche or any other number of epithets. It doesn't have the connotation that they are a homosexual and a bad person because of it. However, when you say someone is a terrorist and you are the Twin Towers, there is NO other way to take it. You can't say the "N" word either and have it be anything but heinous.

So yes, there actually is a HUGE difference.

I'm sorry but lets look at the FACTS here (or are you scared to).

Terrorists kill innocent people, bomb children and fly planes into buildings, killing thousands.

Being literally gay means you are attracted to the same sex.

Please forgive me if I think being called a terrorist is much MUCH worse than being called "gay". Period. Life isn't black and white...there are shades of gray and different extremes. If someone takes being called "gay" or a "homo" worse than being called a "terrorist" or the "N" word, that's THEIR problem and I'd say it right to their face.

Yeah, I've said "gay" in that way before but I've NEVER called someone a terrorist or a racial epithet. Two ENTIRELY different things and if this stupid society is too politically correct to understand that, I give that same society the middle finger. :censored:


Excellent post Xal... I agree 110% with what you just posted!!! I have a gay nephew and he loves the show, and trust me he's more offended by what Chima has said than what Jeff has said...


I never realized that the A and the O are that close together on the keyboard!!

I hope they deal with Chima's walk of shame tonight and we never have to hear about her again


I think GO4it is just trying to get their post numbers up..74 posts since 2005???

I am also happy to see Chimp-a gone.....


Go4it, I do see where you're coming from. An ignorant slur is an ignorant slur. Jeff was wrong to refer to Kevin as a faggot. He did apologize and own his anger and comments after that whole blow up. From that point on he hasn't been rude, crude, or go out of his way to make others miserable. I agree though, it was wrong, but at least he stopped and apologized. The difference with he and Chima is that Chima never acknowledged her wrong doings, nor did she apologize. She also made it a point to slander Russell and attack him at every chance she got. We saw that tonight how once again during a fun challenge, she verablly abused him... she did the same to Casey during that luxury comp.

I'm not innocent, I've lashed out hateful things when I've been angry, but eventually my anger calms down and I realize my own mistakes. Chima isn't there yet, and the main issue here really is that people don't think she ever will be.

Regardless of our stance on Chima, I don't like to see us fighting or being rude to eachother. Disagree for sure, but let's avoid lashing out and calling names. We're better than that.


Chima quit because she couldn't be the queen in the house. She knew what she was signing up for when she auditioned and excepted. It's just a matter of being spoiled and a poor sport. Her behavior is no different than a 6 year old who finds out her best friend is having a cooler birthday bash than she is. Sure, her HOH powers were moot. But that is the game. Had she been more agreeable, likable and not such a nut job, American might have given her the coup d'etat (or one of her alliance buddies) One should stop assuming people are grown up as soon as they have hair to shave.


I really don't think Chima quit anything... I think she was kicked off... I think she threw a tantrum and acted like she would if she didn't get her way in any other situation, the differnce is this is Big Brother and America, not her family and friend, and BB and America just spanked her butt :)...


Read it all again......She did NOT QUIT....she was EVICTED by the producers.........

They foolishly gave her make-up & what-not before the vote last Thursday evening so she would shut up & not blow up.......

She probably figured she could threaten again & get away with it.........

Botom line she is ugly hearted & selfish inside.......she could have been such a great example to younger girls/women

who have gone thru the same experences she had in her earlier years.......I hope no-one gives her the chance to screw up

anyone's mind ever......

How embarassing for her grandma.........

Just sayin'

OK GO4it at least if you are going to post get the name of the site you are posting at right... This isn't MARTY'S it's MORTY'S... And stop quoting yourself please... That just causes the server to have probems and people can't get on, and I think it just might get you banned if you do it to much...

Then GO4it can be like the bitch Chima and say I quit :animated_rotfl:

Actually I didn't care for the woman from day one. I'm just kind of fed up with the extreme garbage that gets posted to dump on anybody

Good grief you have somebody with a Martys handle/user name "Chief Slapaho" attacking a reality TV competitor for their behaviour in BB. How ridiculous is that.

Women who are not more offended by that user name should be ashamed to criticize a reality TV contestant instead

I've been trying to think of a good comeback, but I keep drawing a blank...

My screen name is just that...A screen name...I'm not calling you or anyone else here a ho, nor am I purposely trying to be offensive to anyone here...Women should not be offended...I have a little story about how that screen name came about and if you or anyone else wants to know about it, all you have to do is ask me...

I've been trying to think of a good comeback, but I keep drawing a blank...

My screen name is just that...A screen name...I'm not calling you or anyone else here a ho, nor am I purposely trying to be offensive to anyone here...Women should not be offended...I have a little story about how that screen name came about and if you or anyone else wants to know about it, all you have to do is ask me...

No explaination needed here. I like the screen name. And Chief, it's nobody's damn business. Go4uckit (shoot that typo again) is just a trouble maker.


I have to admit that at first I was bugged by the name, as both a woman and a native american, but then I ranted a moment, and moved on... I can't tell anyone what to call themselves on a message board haha...


I don't understand why they had another HOH so soon? I know Jordon is the new HOH and one of her noms will go home Thursday but are they still going to do a double eviction Thursday?? With Chima now gone that will be three people gone in one week?

NO Nikki.. the double eviction won't happen now

This is like being half Jewish and half Christian. We had Hannauka Saturday when Chima left and will have Christmas Thursday when (hopefully) Nat leaves.

I have to admit that at first I was bugged by the name, as both a woman and a native american, but then I ranted a moment, and moved on... I can't tell anyone what to call themselves on a message board haha...

It's not a dig at Native Americans either...It's about my Indian Chief motorcycle and a Harley groupie that is a ho who was cyber stalking me and then my wife told her that she would "slap the ho right out of her" etc, etc...

It's not a dig at Native Americans either...It's about my Indian Chief motorcycle and a Harley groupie that is a ho who was cyber stalking me and then my wife told her that she would "slap the ho right out of her" etc, etc...

I like your name, dude.

It's not a dig at Native Americans either...It's about my Indian Chief motorcycle and a Harley groupie that is a ho who was cyber stalking me and then my wife told her that she would "slap the ho right out of her" etc, etc...

Glad you told us the story :animated_rotfl:


GO4it ... If you are upset with BB and don't agree with most of the posters here, then why the heck are you still here? The majority of your posts have been generated over the past week and I don't know that I've seen a single post from you in that time that wasn't antagonizing or "baiting" other posters.

The is a "free," public, and anonymous board, but I don't get why people see that as their free pass to be annoying, self-righteous bullies. It's often hard to be "accepted" on boards such as these, but that's why I try to tip toe and respect those who have obviously been members a long time and high post counts.

You, GO4it, may have been a member for a long time, but your recent surge of posts aren't gaining you respect. I usually don't speculate about who people are on here, but it is rather ironic that your posting picked up after Ronnie was kicked out! It'd be interesting to see if Morty would research your IP to see where you hail from. :animated_bouncy: that would certainly explain your know-it-all attitude. :lol:


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