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* Chima *


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Seriously people someone please get the footage of Chima's remarks towards white folks out on the net now or just shut up about these "so called remarks"... I'm tired of reading all the whiningness about what Chima supposedly said without anyone coming up with any evidence. I for one was floored with what she said during her speech and was happy that she got that out there so that America knows exactly what Braden said. Yes is was very confrontational and made sooo many of you squirm in your chairs, but that's how it should be. If you spew ignorance you should be held accountable for what you said and given the chance to defend yourself. Braden was given that during the Early Show in which he came of as a bumbling idiot who saw nothing wrong in his own actions.

Until people can get that footage of Chima talking ignorant about white folks out. Then ya'll need to stop complaining about hear-say and stick to what you can prove.. Those live feeders out there may of heard the words, but until I see proof all the whining is meaningless to me.

Why is it so important for America to know what a nobody like Braden said? Following your logic, they should start every live show telling America the nasty things the houseguests called each other. Chima doesn't have a problem with the female slurs thrown around? Only the racist comments need to be announced?

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Why is it so important for America to know what a nobody like Braden said? Following your logic, they should start every live show telling America the nasty things the houseguests called each other. Chima doesn't have a problem with the female slurs thrown around? Only the racist comments need to be announced?

Most people if they are not from California have never heard of BEANER :)But to say it is the same as the N word is wrong and is more like honkey or redneck .

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I'm from Chicago and I have heard it. My friends daughter was going out with a guy whos family called her a beaner, supposedly in a joking way. She stopped dating the guy soon after.

beaner - a baseball deliberately thrown at the batter's head.

I have heard it this way ;)

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Hey, several people on this thread have tried to help you out on where to get the info about the W racist remark made by Chima. If you're to lazy too look up the info then shut up. It's all there. Do your own homework. I don't see why any more posters should have to give you anymore info on the subject. You've been informed.

HaHa, that's funny. All I'm doing is calling out folks who are too lazy to put together the footage from which they base their opinion on. You want to twist things around that's on you. It's not all there. The footage hasn't been posted. If your serious about calling Chima out as racist you need put it the video out there for all to see. Otherwise ya'll need to quit playing the race card and stop whining about it.

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Cracker can be a delightful nibble or a derogatory racial term. Does that make it any less hateful?

Beaner, in the context it was used, was a slap at Mexicans.

Wrong it was a direct slap at Kevin ;) Unlike the real racist Chimera who meant all white people.

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Yah I didn't know what it meant either. Chima is much worse than Braden, by a long shot. She was totally out of line yesterday, and I wish something could be done about it.

Are you kidding me? All Chima did yesterday was call out Braden for what he said. I applaud her for doing so. Braden's words were far worse than anything Chima has said in the house. There is no getting around that and Chima has said some ignorant things too. The way she called out Braden in her speech is nothing she should be ashamed of.

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HaHa, that's funny. All I'm doing is calling out folks who are too lazy to put together the footage from which they base their opinion on. You want to twist things around that's on you. It's not all there. The footage hasn't been posted. If your serious about calling Chima out as racist you need put it the video out there for all to see. Otherwise ya'll need to quit playing the race card and stop whining about it.

Now that did make me laugh , Chimera is a real racist and fool that used the race card for all of America to see last nite :animated_rotfl: ,unlike us on this forum .

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Wrong it was a direct slap at Kevin ;) Unlike the real racist Chimera who meant all white people.

You've got a distorted view on racism if you think what Chima said is worse than Braden's words.

Now that did make me laugh , Chimera is a real racist and fool that used the race card for all of America to see last nite :animated_rotfl: ,unlike us on this forum .


Classic =)

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What did Chima hope to accomplish by telling Julie Chen and all of America that Braden called her a "ho"?

I think it was totally uncalled for, and very classless.

I definitely agree.

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I watched the flashback of Chima's comment about white people and I really don't think they are that bad. She wasn't being hateful. They were nowhere near as bad as Braden's comments.

''about white people'' you just defeated your own argument ,they were directed at all white people not just one person ;)

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I watched the flashback of Chima's comment about white people and I really don't think they are that bad. She wasn't being hateful. They were nowhere near as bad as Braden's comments.

That's what I suspected, unfortunately everyone would rather hound her as a racist than let footage those remarks speak for her. I for one am tired of people always playing the race card unnecessary...

[Edited for baiting.]

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HaHa, that's funny. All I'm doing is calling out folks who are too lazy to put together the footage from which they base their opinion on. You want to twist things around that's on you. It's not all there. The footage hasn't been posted. If your serious about calling Chima out as racist you need put it the video out there for all to see. Otherwise ya'll need to quit playing the race card and stop whining about it.

Are you calling ME a racist, playing the race card? Be VERY VERY careful about your wording. I don't appreciate your remark!

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I for one am not playing any race card. I believe Chima was and is much worse than Braden. She is irritating, and fake, and she should have been the one to go home last night, ESPECIALLY after her wonderful little speech.

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[Edited due to previously edited post.]

Also from front page of Monty's BB yesterday ,

''What did Chima Say? We have learned more about what CBS bleeped during Chima's speech. Not only did she say that Braden called Kevin a "beaner," she said that Braden called Julie Chen a "whore. " Laura mentioned that Braden said "ho." As I wrote last night, this story is being told out of context, he wasn't really referring to Julie Chen. ''

From front page on BB .

Make that racist fool in front of Julie ,class act .Chimera

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