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Pov - Week 8, Part 2


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I don't think Renny telling Skreesha "you did good" means anything. From what I saw on the feeds earlier last night Renny was patronizing and pissing off Skreesha.

From the comments read here it appears Dan is not happy, so I guess he didn't win.

Memphis is sometimes hard to read. So who knows, it will be a long day waiting for the answer

The best scenario for Jerry I think would not have even tried to win POV (though totally not sure about this because I think its best for him to get rid of Skreesh or Dan). I don't think he can beat Renny in the F2, but he can beat her getting there.

Everyone wants to take Memphis and Jerry to the end, IMO.

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I think what happened is that they told them not to show the pov to keep us waiting and boost their rating, silly because we watch all the shows anywhay, or Dan won the pov and he is playin one of his shennanigans again and is acting down and keeping us wating because that is the silly crap he likes to do, so it would not surprise me if it is dan and a plan of his to f with the live feeders, etc

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Is it possible there was a mechanical error and they have to do a do-over?

Anyhoooo I hope Dan won. They have never withheld who won the night time veto's before.

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I read in live feeds that it was the morphing comp...so I can't imagine Jerry would have done well at that...nor Renny. Seems they'd be too easily confused by it.

If Keesha won it...she might be upset because if she uses it on herself...Renny could be going up on the block...who knows? Renny's "You did good" comment to her could be taken in a few different ways...but from what was written, it sounded more sympathetic than congratulatory.

Not too much was written about Memphis...but it didn't seem like he had an attitude...just being quiet...per usual. I also read in live feed updates that if Memphis won it...he said he'd use it to save Dan..(this was before pov comp). I'm hoping he did...Dan & Memphis would be safe...and 1 step closer to F2!!!

ugh..this really sucks not knowing!!! I wish someone knew the results...I'm going away for a few days and won't have access to internet to find out results...and I'm leaving before the hgs get up for the day...:crybaby:

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I know that is why I smell a dan game, to mess with us and he won the veto, just sayin, I am annoyed tho that we do not know,lol

Plus I have to go to work at the cleaners and will not be back until after 4:30, yuk,lol

Of course my take on Renny sayin that to Keesha is maybe she (Renny) won it and she was sorta sayin that like sorry, you did good, lol that would be my ideal

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Looking around the net and there are only guesses at other sites. One place said Keesha was crying in the sauna. One place said they thought it was Dan. One place said maybe Jerry. One place said it was probably Memphis and he was keeping his stone face.

My guess is Dan :lol:

memphis winning would be absolutly the worst thing that could happen..
If the F2 that Memphis made with Jerry was true then he wouldn't use it.
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Based on the LFUs, I think that Jerry won PoV. He was nowhere to be seen when the feeds came back and no one else had the necklace on. I don't know if Dan would be able to contain his excitement--even if it was drama for America's sake. They would have called the winner into the DR to get their reaction, etc.

I reaaaaaaaaaally want Dan to have won PoV...I'm not getting my hopes up too high yet. I'm hoping for the best but preparing myself for the worst! :donatello:

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I don't really know who DID win it, but I would bet Memphis did NOT - he did not look happy at all. Anybody that says they KNOW who got it is full of crap, because when the feeds came back on, very little was said by anyone. Renny said what she did to Keesha, a couple of them said good night to each other, and Dan mumbled something about what sounded like confession. We didn't see Jerry at all until they showed a close up of his wrinkly old face sleeping. But I will tell you, Dan was the last of "the four" to appear after POV, so maybe he was in the DR - hope that's a good sign but who knows. He didn't look excited or happy, but again, he could be playing us. I hope so!

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Could be BigMD. The thing is why does BB not want us to know? We have been through many late night POV's in the past and they never made them keep tight lipped before.

Hoping we know something by noon.

Time for me to catch up on the DVR's shows.

edit to add: good post Sugar we just have to sweat it out.

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I know Marty! I'm very perplexed as to why BB didn't want us to know!! That's why I think that Jerry won though (even though you KNOW that I want Dan to have won!)--he wasn't around and what could the HGs say about him winning.

I'm hoping that Dan is doing the Dan thing and keeping us in suspense for the D-R-A-M-A!!

Go Dan!!! :party_smilie:

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