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Wednesday, March 5th Cbs Tv Show


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yep adam definately threw it

matt better pray ryan dont hold a grudge

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Alright! I was wondering why the evicted HGs were being sequestered if they didn't show up with the siren. Maybe that's what we get to decide. Who do we want to vote back into the house, a couple, or person.

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I don't think he threw it. He would have thrown it sooner.

you know question he got wrong

trust me bhe threw it

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i vote jacob back or parker the rest had their time to shine and didnt

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I am so glad Ryan got to stay and Allison left... and then the bugger wins HOH...

I hope Alex gets voted back in... he got the short end of the straw because everyone hated Amanda he had to go to. Just like Ryan almost did tonight because everyone hated Allison. I'd even like to see Parker back... poor guy got ousted because of Jen, I think like Ryan, he deserves another chance too.

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HAHAHA! Loved watching Allisin freak out when the siren went off. Thought she was staying. THANK GOD she was evicted!

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I loved the twist! I loved that Allison was super psyched because she thought that she had a chance to stay in the game and I loved seeing her face when she found out that one of them was leaving. She knew right then that she was going home!! Good riddance Allison! Hello, Ryan! I'm voting for Alex to come back too! Can't wait to watch the live feeds and BBAD tonight/tomorrow!

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Alex being back in the house is about as exciting as new wallpaper. It would really be bad for Matt, if Alex returned as they would be a targeted couple.

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