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Wednesday, March 5th Cbs Tv Show


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another cbs twist build up that wont live up to the hype

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I am with you UPV, not once have they EVER lived up to the saying "expect the unexpected", the only time I can remember was when they brought back Kaiser, or let us vote either him or Cappy back, the rest is all just a bunch of Hype that they never live up to,lol

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I agree. They've always had an endurance competition just as they are sending house guests to the jury.

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Well we know it is not a live vote, so plenty of time on show to do the "unexpected". I think we have all speculated so much that whatever happens some are going to be let down and some are going to be jumping up outta their chairs!! :animated_bouncy:

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the twin twist was probably one of the best

the hgs had no idea

but, it still never lived up to what they wanted

there wasn't much drama

and they were voted out right after

hope that the air raid sound happens during the live show

would be something that has never happened before

never have had anything live except the vote, eviction, and HOH comps

would be a first in big brother history

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I hope the twist is built up to be just a bunch of hype. I do not want to see Allisin helped to stay in any way shape or form!

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