Francis_3 Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I thought they showed the jury the DR confessions in season 4, too. which is why Jun won instead of Allison. I thought I remembered BB showing the jury house's reactions to some of the comments. When they were casting their votes, some even said, "I was going to vote for Allison, but then I saw her diary room..." Was that what you were talking about?? But I agree than Dani did get screwed out of Season 3, and I didn't even watch that season.
Marty Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Marty, according to Zach Dick and Danielle are going on the block. So Jameka wouldn't come off, she'd already be off. So when did this happen? Is there a backdoor plan and then in that case then Jameka would need to win the veto comp.
EVILD1CK Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I don't think she got screwed at all. Dani said those things and I glad they let the jury know before they casted there vote. I wish they still did show the DR'S so the jury knows what they need to to vote.
Francis_3 Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 according to Zach Dick and Danielle are going on the block Right, and also according to Zach he's going to the Final 3 with D&D. I smell a double cross...or was that Dick's gas?
fizzle Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 what? the black danielle / the white daniele ????
Francis_3 Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I want the DR sessions to play before every eviction vote...just because i want to see them
Marty Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Ya I guess Zach is the master of 2 tales. He used to tell whoever he was with he would be putting up the other group and visa vera.
arrowhead Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Zach has always said D&D needed to be broken up .On the hammock one night early in the game he said they are the same and one had to be taken out because they will always vote for each other. Go Zack ! If he wins POV they stay same D&D up and he will send Danille home and if Jameka wins she will vote to send her home . Its gonna be interesting.
Orionvierling Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Dani has been a whinified pain in the butt the whole game. I get so tired of her complaining about how she hates "these people" when she is the worse of the lot.
Sashaa Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Honestly...was there anything this year in the DR that came CLOSE to Danielle in S3 and her" Roddy is the DEVIL" stuff....complete with her making the horns with her fingers??? I thought she was a hoot in her seasons...a very funny lady!
Sashaa Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I really don't think Jen or Jessica was any more mature than Daniele in this game.... Jess pouted the last little while when things weren't going her way or secluded herself with weasel-boy or slept the weeks away (typically a teenager move). Jen got into the act by eating when she got nominated..."take THAT, BB"..just like a spoiled little child. I can agree that Dani is bratty at times....but not any worse than the others....
Mendes56 Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 After Season 3, BB began to sequester the jury so they couldn't see the show and the DRs. I remember in Season 4 when Erica went to sequester she joked about someone taking the knife out her back that Alison had stuck there. I don't think it was intentional sabotage in Season 3 and they tried to rectify the situation. I don't see how Daniele is being sabotaged this season. I have plenty gripes about the new producers but this isn't one of them IMO
fizzle Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 The way she acts is NOT normal. it sure is normal. there are more of "her" out there... sad but true. some of them grow out of it. some of them marry guys that allow them to forever act this way.
Polodar Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Her whining is not "Normal" normal implies average or usual. There may be many people that whine, but her whining is far from average. The way she treats her father is also not normal, it would have been fine if she chose to ignore him the whole game, but she has chosen to align with him and use him, so she has no right to pick and choose when to treat him like dirt. She cant have it both ways.
Marty Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I was pointed out to me that most of her big time whinning is with her Dad and not with the other HG. (I said most) I think people feel more free to act like little brats with their parents or partners sometimes. Anyway I hate her whinning too but not sure if it is a deal breaker with me. Still flip floppin on Dick and Dani. I will have to see how the Finals go and how they play and treat each other.
fizzle Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 i think it depends on what is normal in the circles everyone runs in. anyone ever watch My super sweet sixteen on MTV? all those girls whine like there is no tomorrow. spoiled rotten rich girls. and no doubt that they will still be whiny at 21. its obnoxious but its also normal for a lot of girls. i think dani has had years of practice too. :::::::::shiver:::::::::
deesapeek Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 Ok, some of you are gonna hate me for this, but i just love Daniele. I have 3 daughters - they are in their 30's now but when they were teenagers and even in their early twenties - they still whined and acted like a bratty teenager. This is how Dani copes with things. If you really listened to her, she blames herself, she may say Zach is stupid, BB is stupid, etc etc. but she is only trying to work out her frustrations the only way she knows how. Because we see all this, we can all look at the surface and say "what a B**tch", but in reality, for just being 21, Dani is very SMART, a very good competitor. She thinks before she does something, she listens to things said in the house, she notices almost everything. She TRYS, is Jameka trying? NO, she is content to cry in the DR and say "I want this for my God Child, my niece, my mother, - are we supposed to feel sorry for her and hope she wins, when she does nothing but catches on to another coat tail, as the one she had before is voted out? Zach - he has done almost the same thing, he just now starting winning some things, but I have a feeling that CBS has something to do with Zach winning last nite, they have been known to interfer for ratings. I don't dislike Zach, but he lies just as much as all other HG's and ! to ask Jam to share the money with him - dumb. Dick is awesome when it comes to his daughter, true but the fact that she doesn't answer him sometime may be frustrating to us but she still has issues and whether anyone likes it or not, for some of us live TV just isn't the place to work out a family problem that has been going on for 7 years. SO I PROUDLY SAY - I LOVE DANIELE AND I HOPE SHE WINS IT ALL
Polodar Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I dont doubt Dani is smart, although there was that conversation with Dick about how Jen would only win a couple thousand dollars since she gave up $250k..... somehow Dani thought she would have to pay taxes on $500k even if she only won $250k......
Wynnigrrr Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I like Daniele too. She has been my favorite and will be to the end. She sometimes whines too much, but we ALL do especially when we don't get our way or when something doesn't happen like we really want even if people don't want to admit it. She has played this game well. She should have seen that Zach was throwing all the competitions the whole entire time until he was in danger then he has won them all or came very close. They should have got rid of him when they first thought about it. I hope she makes it....she may not win it, but I hope she is final 2. Zach would be stupid to take Jameka to final 2, the whole jury is her best friends.
Blue bird Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 For Seasons 2-3, things were very different. All of the evicted HG's were allowed to go home and resume their normal lives. They were able to watch the broadcasts and the feeds if they were so inclined, Diary Rooms included. (This was also the case for Season 1 but they only vote the HG's had regarding evictions was who would be nominated (America did the evictions)). In Season 2-3 all of the evicted HG's were allowed to vote for the winner of that season. After Season three, the evicted HG's said that it was Danielle's comments in the DR (Danielle also said in interviews she may have been too revealing in the DR) and her manipulations that caused them to vote for Lisa. That and she confessed to Lisa after Jason was evicted basically everything she had done. I also thing Roddy had a lot to do with Lisa's winning. They showed him doing a lot of active campaigning for Lisa due to Danielle's actions during the question and answer period. After that, the producers decided that they would go the jury route and show the evicted HG's limited footage of the activities in the house.
mingers Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I agree that Danielle lost because of the DR sessions. However, after watching the entire season, I was glad that they showed them. Danielle was soooooo cruel in her sessions. I felt that if those people voted to give her that money and then saw the sessions that they might have killed her. I know that seems extreme, but the anger would have been through the roof! I know, if it were me, I would be inconsolable in my anger.
deesapeek Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 I believe that Zack will be happy about that, he has already made up his mind that he will not come in 1st and he needs the 50,000.00 to start his graphic business, or whatever he is up to. Maybe he did play ghe game better than we thought, especially if he has outsmarted my girl Dani! I still want Dani to win and Dick. He is really making Dani mad right now, just really telling her the truth but with an attitude. Dani will start thinking and come up with something. I will be curious on how Jam will be treating D/D. JMO
TheGreatXL Posted September 7, 2007 Posted September 7, 2007 If Daniele wins PoV this week, I'm actually interested in seeing how she uses it. In the final three, although having her and her dad there for the sake of numbers would be nice, the jury might realize that Dick was the one who came up with most of the strategies that kept him and his daughter safe. Therefore, she might want to atleast think of getting rid of him before the final two.
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