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Daniele Week 10


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As much as I hate Dick...I hate whiney/bratty Danielle even more and hope Dick wins over her.

Sadly...he would just hand her the money. I can just hear her now as he hands her the check....""Why didn't you put it in the bank for meeeeeee, you know I hate standing in line...it's so frustratinggggggg".

I want Dick and Dani in final 2, but that statement is too funny! :animated_rotfl:

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Cleanup on isle 4. LOL

Hey what is with Daniele and Jameka being best friends this morning and laughing and giggling like little kids? :animated_scratchchin:

Well I want either Daniele or Dick to win.

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King123, I have bad news. Jameka has "buddy'd" up with the last 4 evictee's. First it was Dustin, Amber and JAMEKA. Then Jen, Amber and JAMEKA. Next we have Jessica and JAMEKA. And, well it was really a 3-some of Eric, Jessica and JAMEKA.

Now it's Daniele and JAMEKA... see a pattern here? :P

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If I were Danielle I wouldn't talk to Jameka for the simple fact of how rude Jameka was toward her ... Jameka made religious remarks to Danielle and alienated her b/c Jameka had a problem with ED ... Then Jameke barely said 2 words to Dani the whole time she (Jameka) was nominated and put on the block... Jameka stayed secluded from Dani and would only talk to Jess ...

When Danielle was on the block no one talked to her everyone shunned her ... So if I were Dani I would make Jameka feel like crap...

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Cocoa...That's not Daniele's game though. Jameka isn't trying to talk to Daniele.. it's Daniele trying to be-friend Jameka. This is Daniele's MO. She's just trying to make sure that if Jameka does win POV... she will vote out Dick and not her.

Also, last night I figured out why Daniele was whining and complaining like she did after the HOH (the one Zach won.) This is exactly what she did when Jen and Jessica got HOH. She gets all emotional and let's Dick comfort her because she knows that it will manipulate him into saving her or throwing the POV to her, something like that.

And, what did Dick do... he went immediately to Zach and told him to put him (Dick) and Jameka on the block... "Dani is really upset right now." Dick told him he doesn't mind going up, instead of Daniele.

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Oh I think it is both that are working each other for sure. I have watched Jameka work many a player over the course of the season. Jameka is pretty good but her game play is to win by friendships.

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Danielle saying that she feels like she let everybody down by not winning HOH is a bunch of crock! She's just pissed off that she doesn't have a sure shot for final 3 and that floater Zach does.

Did she go to see Zach's HOH room? She said she wasn't. If Danielle's behavior last night wasn't a temper tantrum, I don't know what else you would call it.

I personally want Zach and Dick in final 2.

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Daniele is the sorest loser in BB history - how anyone can stand her in general is beyond me if she behaves this way regularly. That is probably why Daniele turned Jameka down for the wine last night... she was full of whine already. I will concede though that she is a great competitor and manipulator.

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Thx CeCiMom ... I guess that is Danielle's strategy

And I agree with Marty Jameka is trying to win by gaining friendship ... But I still say Jameka is fake cause when they were going to evict ED and Danielle was going to be in the house alone no one had sympathy for her ... And even if its strategy with Dani I find it very comforting that she always make sure the person who lost someone feels included ...

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BBinSavannah ... I agree ... I couldn't understand why she was so upset at Zach winning HOH .. To me it really didn't matter who won HOH ... The most important win for the Donato's is POV to stay in the game ...

But I guess she is just a sore loser and was being selfish about the situation b/c yes HOH gurantees you to be in the final 3 ...

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This week it is all about the POV. If Jameka wins the POV then she comes off and a second Danato goes up on the bolck That means either Dani or her Dad go home. I think she thinks that she will be sent home.

She is a tad on the moody side for sure.

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She was not aweful last night, she was her normal self. Zach's usefulness is up, so she will treat him like garbage, just like she did before.

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One of the reasons Dani continues to act like this in life is because of people like some of those on these boards who CONSTANTLY make excuses for her. She'll NEVER change as long as people pat her on the back and tell her it's OK.

The way she acts is NOT normal. Not only does it alienate some of those people around her but it is also having a severely negative effect on her own personal well being.

The WORST thing you can do to a personality like hers is coddle it and tell her it's perfectly OK to act like that. It's almost as bad as giving an alcoholic beer.

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i never made excuses for her, and i don't coddle her. i just have compassion for people in a different way than other people do. i also see a lot of good qualities and potential in her that have nothing to do with her looks. i've heard lots of stuff said about other houseguests i thought was deranged and spun...i just think anything dani does becomes a negative. it's really whatever to me at this point. i think she could find the cure for cancer and most people would say she was "bratty" about it.

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Well, I like Dani, but when she acts like a bratty, whiny little snot, it's hard to like her. She needs to grow up already. Oh yeah, she's only 21.

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Jessica and Carol were 21, and jen was 22, how much growing to you think Princess Snottypants is going to do? Especially if she loses in the F2 to Dick.

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