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Eric Week 8 - America's Player


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Considering that 1) Jessica is now #2 in the popularity poles, 2) that America loves a showmance, and 3) that Jessica has been the winner of all the good AP poles I seriously doubt that she will be voted for nomination by Eric, or that he will have to vote against her.

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If I'm still friends with an ex, I still keep the pictures on the bookshelf, especially if it's a good picture. My husband's pretty secure that he's the love of my life, so he doesn't care. Besides, i always got the impression Eric's ex broke it off with him and that he still held a torch for her. Eric does seem to be that type of guy.

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"That's 100% strategy!"

Julie Chen: "Eric talks incessantly - in fact, he never shuts up! Doesn't it just drive you crazy"

Ex-Girlfriend: "Actually Julie, that's 100% strategy! He's hoping to drive the other HGs crazy so they'll take a voluntary DOR! He is normally very quiet and modest."

Julie Chen: "Eric doesn't appear to do very well in competitions. In fact, the only competition he has won involved really dumb and competely obvious riddles? What's your take?"

Ex-Girlfriend: "Julie, that's 100% strategy! He's actually extremely athletic, strong and masculine. The cross-dressing, RUTTing and general infeminate behavior is just a ruse to lull the other HGs into a false sense of security."

Julie Chen: "And what's with the eyebrow?"

Ex-Girlfriend: "Julie, again, that's 100% strategy! He had botox injected into the other eyebrow to give himself a devlish appearance for his diary room sessions. He couldn't raise both eyebrows if he tried now. It's all part of his strategy to replace Andy Rooney when he retires!"

As much as Eric makes my skin crawl, I think he has genuine feelings for Jessica otherwise why would he be effectively warning her in advance of the grand finale of his behavier. :inlove:

However, I don't think he'll be sorry if the Donatos get her out because he would lose to Jess in final two!

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Eric is a dirtbag weasel and I have never changed my opinion of him from the start.

Jessica is a fool and I'm sure her family isn't looking for a pet weasel to run around their house.

If Jessica isn't playing Eric....she has a low opinion of herself with a romantic choice such as Eric.

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I will be voting if Eric get's HOH to put up Jessica as well.

I would really like to see that come into play !

Haha, oh the drama that would rise..

Just too funny and too great to pass up.


Nothing personal, but it's attitudes like this that make the entire concept of AP suck. Not too many people could have pulled off what he's done with people just trying to screw with the vote. It would have served everyone right to have him evicted in week 2 or 3 and then listen to everybody bitch that America wasn't involved anymore.

At least this is a 1 year deal. With the surprise no longer there and the fact that nobody in their right mind would want to do it with America screwing with them, AP will be over for good.

Back to good old boring America's Choice.

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there are many people who are voting and your just one of them who would want jessica on the block...

I am not saying to put her on the block...America gives Eric a task if he starts campaigning against Jessica then she will find out and turn the tables on him and spill everything he told her about being him being the phantom voter and all the other stuff he has dont!!!!! The Weasal will then finally get his...that is all I am trying to say...Eric winds up on the block ... Eric goes home.... Dick and Danielle are already scheming to put up Jessica...... if America agrees with them...and they will because America is routing for Dick and Danielle.. this will also put Eric in the hot seat....

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Your aren't supposed to care about his personality you are supposed vote to help him make his way through the game to be the winner. How is sabotaging his strategy by forcing him to go against the people he is aligned with just makes no sense. No no America screwed Eric not the other way round. It's a miracle he's still in there with the bonehead decisions people were making based on his position in the game. He is the designated AP it's not a popularity contest. It's a game to win money.

This year has been the worst game play I've ever watched. Bad cast IMO.

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Nothing personal, but it's attitudes like this that make the entire concept of AP suck. Not too many people could have pulled off what he's done with people just trying to screw with the vote. It would have served everyone right to have him evicted in week 2 or 3 and then listen to everybody bitch that America wasn't involved anymore.

At least this is a 1 year deal. With the surprise no longer there and the fact that nobody in their right mind would want to do it with America screwing with them, AP will be over for good.

Back to good old boring America's Choice.

I can agree with u AP idea really sucks. I have been campaigning sent day one that Eric needs to be evicted ....let the players play their game....America needs to stay out of it....maybe with the recent senairos i posted maybe he will be evicted....I was going to try out for BB but not after the AP idea...NOWAY!!! People are going to be scared to play the game...Did I mentiong that the person who came up with the AP idea needs to be FIRED!!! This is the worst season ever beside season #1 I definately liked it better when America didnt have a say...

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Again I will ask, if that was the intent of the AP, then why is it that Alison has said that IF Eric makes it to the F2 they don't know when they are going to let him reveal that he is AP... If they had even thought he was going to have a chance at winning the game they would have already had plans in place for what would happen at F2 and I believe they would have offered him a million if he won the game instead of offering him $ 10,000.00 for every 5 tasks complete...

BB never intended us to help him win this game... They were just giving us a chance to have some kind of say in what happens in the game...

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Your aren't supposed to care about his personality you are supposed vote to help him make his way through the game to be the winner.

People will screw with his votes if they don't like him and don't want him to win. They are really going to go after him now.

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You may be right Yana however I don't know how well BB explained that. I don't think they have handled the AP very well. Too many people don't understand the rules or know much about it. And so therefore vote all over the place. I don't think it was intended to be based so much on popularity, if it did then it's a doomed exercise IMO.

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The fact that the producers haven't yet figured out if AP will be revealed before or after jury votes (if Eric makes it) really does not indicate that they never expected him to make it that far.

They're just making it all up as they go along b/c they're incompetent.

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