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Dick Week 7


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Sometimes you just need to jump up on a soapbox to point out the obvious to those less inclined to 'get it'. Got it?

Just saying...

Personally I'd like to see Dick and Jen be the final two. Could be interesting watching them alone.. in the BBH..alone.... :smartass2:

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I think D i c k will be the most affected when he leaves Big Brother.

Something tells me the overall public will treat him like crap outside the BB HOUSE.

Nothing is cool about disrespecting a woman!

I found his attacks on Jen , disturbing and utterly abusive.

BB and ANYONE condoning this should be ASHAMED !

I, as a woman, could not sit in the house allowing that to HAPPEN.

My heart goes out to Jen! < Stay strong.

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Well now. Isn't it INTERESTING that those who are SO mortified and appalled by Dick.. continue to torture themselves and watch BB? Not to mention the support they lend the network by tuning in. Oh gotta love THAT! :animated_scratchchin:
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You know I am a Dick fan but I cannot stand watching him on showtoo hacking and spitting. It freaking grosses me out. I also wish he wouldn't be so verbally abusive. There are ways to cut people down without being so vulgar. JMO

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I have watched BB since season 1, even on the live feeds back with crappy ole dial up. As well as most of the seasons from the other english speaking bb's from around the world. Season one was the worst of all up until now. I think the America's Player twist is aweful and very flawed. I hate Dick whom is repulsive inside and out. I hate Zach who is ignorant and arrogant for no good reason whatsoever. I hate Danielle and the fact that she will get out of bb go back to her bf and blame her "relationship" with nick on writing and camera tricks when in reality we all watched her hug on, rub on, lay on, sleep with, wake up with, and do everything but stick it in, and he will probably take her back because she could only have ever been with someone she could manipulate easily anyway. I hate Amber crying, Nick acting like he is a good guy and already saying all the things i have accused danielle of. Jen never standing up for herself, jessica holding a grudge over five dollars, joe for being ugly and spitefull, Kail for thinking that others knowing she has a lil bit of money wouldnt let her win, when in reality its her personality that would do more harm. And Eric's eyebrows, nipple rings, tragus piercing and lying without any guilt. I dont really have a judgement on mike cuz he dont talk, carrol cuz she was gone so fast. I only really like Dustin and Jameka, though they aren't perfect by far, they still look like the most well adjusted people ever compared to this lot of losers. I might as well say I hate Dick most of all and anyone who thinks that the way he talks to people is funny or ok.

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pretty much the same for me this cast is my least fav. i thought season 6 and was a bad castand season but this year is lights year leap and bounds ahead of it. the ap twist i wasnt a fan of it to begin with. ap player is nothing more than ac everyweek. the fact hate about the last few bb is the fact that bb only plan for twist in the beginning so if those twist boomb out they dont have no backup twist to shake things up.

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I agree this is the worst cast. This America player( Eric) is really a piece of work. I think he forgot about his vandalizing,and how he acted when they backdoored him, and when no one talked to him.There are no adjectives to discribe Dick, and can you imagine they are all afraid of him.

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There are no adjectives to discribe Dick, and can you imagine they are all afraid of him.

if i was there he would be missing a mouth full of teeth if he pulled any of those stunts on me

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If I had been allowed to play this season, Dick would be fine...until he stepped off the set. Then there would have been a big black car with very dark windows slowly following him...

At the beginning of the season, I was a Dick fan (never a Danielle fan), but then he went from loud obnoxious older guy, to grade A a**hole. I'm sure if HG's from other seasons were there, Dick would be missing more than teeth. For example, Ivette would have cut him. She would have threatened and then she would have cut him. Cappy, Kent and Marvin would have laughed at first, but after the second week, would have had enough. Mike Boogie would have dry humped his leg, but that's just Booger.

This cast (not just Dick) is pathetic in it's lack of backbone, and that goes double for Big brother and the new producer (who I would be surprised if she had a job after this). but is this the worst twist? True it could have been thought out better or better executed, but it's a pretty good twist.

Now the Cowboy/ Nakomis "twist" was terrible. It was like a Maury throwback. That had NOTHING to do with the game and was aweful.

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if people hate it so much...turn the channel...cancel the feeds...and don't pay attention to anything dealing with the show...like this forum..it's really that simple if you hate it all that much

thats not the attitude to have :food-smiley-005:

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i'm just saying...not meaning to rude, really...if i don't like a show...i turn the channel rather than let myself get worked up and upset about it

well half the board would be gone every bb season. season 6 the board would have maybe two poster if they follow your advice. the only show i ever got fed up to stop watching was survivor because it got dull. bb is still lots of full even with all the fixing < :animated_bouncy: and i still have to spread the truth on bb and idol. folks see you on the idol boards in january

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OK I love Big Brother. The cast is very interesting even though very dysfunctional.

I am really tired of people posting how much they hate the show and how horrible the cast is. If you hate the cast and the show what are you watching and posting for?

just sayin.....

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This season isn't the best by far, but I'll watch it until the end. I can't stand most

of the cast...but every year there's people I don't like. I don't have a favorite. I

hope Amber isn't in the final 4. I think the AP twist is lame. But I'm still watching.

It's a game....and I find it interesting. JMHO....and I value yours....LOL

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