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Amber Week 7


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Call her any name you want, but the girl's visions are all coming true (minus a few details, of course).

Dear God, please help Amber get HOH Thursday and request a letter from Dustin. If you can. please let the letter from Dustin be identical to the one Nick "sent" Danielle. That would just be funny.

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she said if she gets hoh she is putting up zach and jessica

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I am feeling a bit sorry for Amber, but not in the way most of you guys are posting. Yes she said she had a drug problem, and to keep bringing that up is old news, we all heard that before. i don't think she's as lunatic or psychotic as most of you are saying. I think the game is making her act that way. As for the crying, yes its a bit much, but to be honest I'm an emotional person too and would probably cry alot in that crazy BB house. The gameplay must make you crazy and you act a certain way you may not in the "real world". JMHO

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the daughter that she barely talks about?

she talked about being a drug addict and her boyfriend cleaning her poopies more than her child. i am a sucker for a sob story, really i am.. (being the sob i am) but she's one sob story that i am over with. she feels she deserves to win the game over everyone else because her life sucks and... i quote from her "i am a mother, i clean, i am a good person."

she has told her sob stories to everyone in that house so everyone will give her a pity vote in the end. awweeee poor amber... she had to take care of her family all on her own. she is a single mother... she was a drug addict.. she was in the hospital and her boyfriend had to clean her poopies up cause nobody else would... she had her thyroid cut out of her and they left a scar... ohh, did we forget to say that she didnt have a choice in becoming a drug addict? she had to! cause she was taking care of 5 people and it was the only way she could keep up!

yea... i am totally over it. vote her out already. send her to dustin.

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i'm torn over amber. i seriously do feel bad for her because she just sounds so delusionsal. as much as i have disliked her on the show, i worry for her when she leaves the house and realizes she is not america's sweetheart and doesn't have a modeling contract, and maybe has to answer to the anti-semitic remarks she made. i thought she handled dustin's leaving relatively well, for her. but then she just keeps up the bashing, delusions, and excuses. it's difficult for me to watch her, seriously.

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Amber is a total idiot when it comes to game. Dani offered to use the veto on her for one week pass if (big if) Amber won HoH next week. Amber then gives her a free pass for the rest of her stay should Amber ever get HoH she won't nominate Dani. Geez, I want to play her in cards... she'll give away the farm and all the animals to boot.

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I have pittied Amber since day one. Do I want her to win the 1/2 mill?

No way, could she use it? Heck yeah! If Amber is for real or is acting,

she still is a pain in the butt....if she makes a deal with Dani to stay an-

week, she's another week closer to the money. Hopefully she'll be see-

ing Dustin soon, if not this week...soon please!!! :bigcry:

JMHO....LOL :heart:

OH yeah...the photo looks like one of those glamer shots photos!

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Amber is a total idiot when it comes to game. Dani offered to use the veto on her for one week pass if (big if) Amber won HoH next week. Amber then gives her a free pass for the rest of her stay should Amber ever get HoH she won't nominate Dani. Geez, I want to play her in cards... she'll give away the farm and all the animals to boot.

she is bb resident retard

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yep my fault lol

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i think in the bb house... especially this year... anything goes. she is the poster child for "retard"

"what does outed mean"

"what does "the peanut gallery mean?" jameka's anser: "well, he likes peanuts" :wacko:

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Waaamber 36_1_4.gif is such a complete manipulative liar!!! I do not feel sorry for her in the least. She made a deal with Dani and totally lied to her about not telling anyone about it. Not only did she throw her best friend in the world that she loves sooooo much - Jameka - under the bus, but she couldn't run fast enough down to tell Jameka about her deal with Dani (of course embellishing it to make herself look perfect.) She totally makes me ill!!!

She also let it spill to Dani that Eric let it spill to her (Waaaahmber 36_1_4.gif ) that Dani was probably going to be back-dooring someone else. The idea was to keep that little fact between the final four alliance (Dick 36_1_15.gif , Eric 36_1_12.gif , Dani and Jess (still looking for smilies for them...).

Why doesn't Dani see that Eric 36_1_12.gif cannot be trusted and that WAAAAHmber 36_1_4.gif needs to be voted out!!!!

Waaaamber so needs to go!!!

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They are really able to make a cartoon character out of her with her constant crying, saying that God has told her what is going to happen, and tonight's multiple clips of her asking what basic words mean. I find myself feeling sorry for her. I My pity doesn't lead me to want to see her win, but I'd like to see her evicted before she can give them any more fodder to play with.

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Hi All,

This is my very first post even though I've been coming here for three seasons, but Amber and her "chats" with God are making me physically sick to my stomach.

She is too ignorant to call a bigot...sheesh she doesn't even know the definition of 95% of the so called "big words" everyone else uses like ridicule, superficial, perceived, implication and integrity. She even had to ask Jameka what the basic tenets of Judaism were...not to mention not knowing what "outed", "sub-alliance" or "back-door" means...OMG have you ever SEEN BB?? Her idea of being on the next top model or even worse being a nurse/inspirational speaker is even more horrifying. She will need to go back to grade school and completely start over with her education to manage that feat.

The thought that she truly believes that God gives a rats booty about her winning BB is so disgusting, self centered and moronic it scares the heck out of me. How self serving can one person be? Sorry if I offended anyone, but I do know that most of the folks I know that are religious in any way would NEVER EVER EVER do this. They spend way too much time helping their neighbors/friends/family or praying for ANYONE OTHER THAN THEMSELVES!!!!

Again, I truly hope I haven't offended anyone, but she is so over the top with wearing her religion on her sleeve and believing God sent her visions in order to win BB sickens me. "7 is my lucky number so regardless of whether that is the right answer God sent it to me so I had to say false!"

Barf Bag Needed Immediately.

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