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Amber Week 6


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Since Amber wants to be a nurse sooooo much AND she is getting her own sitcom when she gets out of the house (read that on the front page update and nearly fell off the chair) she could be a nurse in a sitcom! They could call it something like,
Kill Me Now
where our brave nurse Amber trys to save her patients but no matter how much she prays or crys or tells them gross, really personal stories about herself, they all die! And what is really the kicker is that they usually off themselves (in really funny ways... this is a sitcom after all)!

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perfect sitcom....here's some dialogue...

elderly patient: (gasping) nurse amber, i'm having chest pain...i need my nitroglycerin!!(gasp)

nurse amber: "i CAAANNN'T. i need to pray for jameka's perm and i think it's really selfish of you to have chest pain now! (starts to cry) ths reminds me of the time when dustin took the $10,000 and the trip to barbados! WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! jameka could have used the $10,000 and the trip to barbados! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

(fade out on the flat line of the patients heart monitor, while amber continues crying, muttering"i'm such a good person. i am . the big brother good person committee told me i scored the highest" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

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Good one Straykat.........where did BB find this person????...they could

call the show the " Days of Amber's Lies " :animated_rotfl:

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still final four easily

the cowboy of this season

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HHHMMM Good questions... How about instead of Queer as Folk, Queer as Folk until I need to lie and deceive a woman that I love her so much, but I really hate he?

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Did anyone hear her on Shotoo last night saying she could be on America's Next Top Model? She said she needs to lose weight, but she has the face, the hair and the personality.

OMG yes I heard that.

That broad is off her freakin rocker.

America's Next Top Model??? WTF?

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i really actually felt sorry for her...she is so delusional. and then jameka says "you're gonna be on a magazine cover!" feeding the insanity. i particularly loved how she cures bad marriages! poor amber! it's gonna be tough on her when she comes out.

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She cures bad marriages?

I didn't hear that. I actually turned it off shortly after that, I just couldn't listen to it anymore.

Haha. Ya she said it was easy. It just takes something from both the husband and wife.

That whole Am. Next Top Model/pretty face/cover of a magaize/motivational speaker convo just made is crystal clear that she is delusional. I'm not even trying to be mean about it, she really is just out there.

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I feel bad for Amber more than any other player. What is to become of her when this show is over. She is getting the attention she seeks for three months..then what? There is something not quite right with her and maybe the drugs messed her up but maybe not. Many drug users have dual diagnosis...mental illness leads to substance abuse and vice versa.

It really is sad...JMO.

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I agree with Ginger.

The producers seriously need to think about what is going to happen to this woman when she leaves the house and realizes what she has exposed to the rest of the world.

I remember reading that Ivette and Maggie had a hard time dealing with how they were perceived by the public and Amber is wayyyyy more out there than either of those ladies. :animated_shocking:

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I kind of felt that Jameka was deliberately feeding into the insanity that is Amber during that conversation. It was almost like she was saying things and asking questions to make Amber look completely out of her mind. Maybe I'm just imagining that but Jameka is an educuated, smart girl. Does she seriously believe that Amber can help people and people will be all over her for her story when she gets out?

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Amber may be a bit smarter than people think. NOW WAIT! I'm not saying she's any genius but some of her questions with people could be to see where they really stand on things and that's what she uses later. At first I thought it was just for her own ego stroking but maybe it's to see more than that. She surprised me the other night with something really small - she was talkin to Zach when he was on the treadmill and remembered the ages of his siblings. Now that was Zach of all people so she clearly pays close attention to things.

She's not a fav but I'm just throwing that out there.

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