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Amber Week 6


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i bet he uses holy rollers!!!!


Ouch!!! Ouch!!! My side is ~Splitting~!!~

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VD boy and crazy girl are calling other people trash and saying Dani weep all you want...weep weep weep and how you can't play for revenge? They are talking about Karma?? What a joke karma will find them! God told Amber which paper to pick up in the food comp!!! OMG she is CRAZY!

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Cindy, I believe that Amber said God put her in the hospital in order to "show her the right foods to eat" :animated_rotfl:

I guess he couldn't just tell her directly :animated_rotfl: he wanted to tell her in the hospital setting :animated_rotfl: you know, so his words would have more meaning :animated_rotfl:

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Oh my. She just loves to air out all of her dirty linens in public, doesn't she?

I would suggest that she's trying to play the sympathy card with everyone, but I don't think she's bright enough to do that on purpose.

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She also tald Amber today that God told her they will be the last two.......she will win HOH and have to dump Dustin right before the finals...........I wish that God would spend a little more time on world peace and stop conversing with Amber all day :animated_rotfl:

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I don't know they were some stomach surgeries or something ..... Really all she talked about with the surgeries is her pooping her pants all the time and her boyfriend had to clean it up. Because he loves her sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.

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I wish that God would spend a little more time on world peace

I also wish god would come to my house, or let me know of her PRESENCE.

I prayed (Fizzle taught me how) to her to guide me and show me THE WAY.....nuthin'...

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I don't laugh at people's maladies.


her pooping her pants all the time

...I can't stop laughing over that.

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yath you have to be one of the good people like Amber and Dustin and Jameka. Amber said Eric is not one of the good people but she voted to keep him in her group anyway.

There is a chance for you yath... just keep prayin

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when she talked before about being so sick and in the hospital and her boyfriend cleaning up her pooooooooop... she said they ran test after test and found nothing wrong. after a while i had to stop listening because she got so disgusting in her stories.. (more about how great her boyfriend was.. the poop didnt freak me out :animated_rotfl: go figure )

so my question is... DID they ever find anything wrong with her? or was it just her detoxing her poop?

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could you see amber as a nurse? (i am one) "code in rm 316-STAT! "waaaaaaaaaaaaaah! the defibrilator called me a bad mom!" "i CAN'T with this defibrilator anymore!"

that made me pee a little when I laughed.

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