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Amber Week 6


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Well lets think of a job for Amber. It has to be a job that the good people do because she is a good person and she feels a lot of emotion. She can't help it. She is just so caring.

How about a job in a funeral home? She could talk to dead people and God and nobody there would think she is weird.

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i am trying to find a job for amber that she wont end up crying in... its very hard.

she should be the poop cleaner upper at the hospital... but she would cry after a day.

i just dont know. maybe she was meant for drugs.

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Amber can be a meeter greeter at K-mart. Everyone that walks in the door she can tell them she loves them soooooooooooooo much. She can cry when they leave and say that they were like brothers and sisters to her.

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im going to try to say something nice about amber

she looked rather nice in her original pic for BB

is my 'great dislike' for her clouding my vision, is it just the minimal makeup that she wears in the house, or has her appearance really changed since entering the house? to me she really looks very different than the first show (the braids arent helping either)

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I want to thank all of you posters in this thread. I have just read all the preceding pages and have laughed big time - a lot of you people are truly talented writers! It has really helped today to know that people despise the Amber, Jameka, Eric, Dustin foursome as much as I do. I seriously thought of turning if off after seeing Eric stay but then I decided I want to sit and watch them tear each other apart when the "others" are gone. The "good" people - should be really fun to watch them go at each other, especially the God Squad. Amber will likely be brought out in a straitjacket. This bunch would've eaten the Nerd Herd alive. :animated_rotfl:

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