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who should be eric partner to final two  

153 members have voted

  1. 1. who should be eric partner to final two

    • jessica
    • daniele
    • amber
    • jameka
    • kail
    • jen
    • zach
    • dick
    • dustin

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On the official vote with CBS, each person can vote a maximum of 10 times. And I'm using every single one on Dick because I don't like how Eric is playing as AP. Not even trying the last assignment and telling us that we should be playing for him. It's the other way around, he's supposed to play for us and he's not. Whats the best way to get back at him. Vote online for Dick, and use the maximum 10 votes each time. :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

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Hey, you can't blame me. This isn't my poll.

include that option in you poll then :animated_shocking:

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Please don't bait or flame others.

stop baiting my poll then lol :animated_shocking:

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they have that poll there smh lol

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I just voted 10 times on CBS for Eric to ask Jam...... She seems to think he's not

lying.... she would see that he's playing people like what D/D are saying he's doing

I think she would then call him out.....of course he could say its a lie but then

that would cast more douht on him.......Hopefully Jess will see him for the turd he is.

Sorry Eric lovers......he was so frickin cocky tonight......he playing for himself!!!!!! :grin2:

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why does everyone hate Eric all of a sudden?? he didn't do very well in campaining to get Kail out....but other than that he has charisma, he loves reality shows, he deserves to be there. Think about it.....he's trying to juggle playing how HE wants and to get himself ahead AND then the AP thingy. I feel bad for Eric and I hope everyone who LIKES him picks Jessica, because I hope Jessica does go to the end....I think Eric has been as loyal and honest to her as he can be. AND technically in my opinion Eric hasn't really lied because HE doesn't PERSONALLY vote, it's America's pick....so he has never said "I choose to evict....". Julie Chen does it for him.

D&D should KNOW to "expect the unexpected"....and they should be thinking that maybe the "phantom vote" could have something to do with BB's twisting.....

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Last week Eric said, "Screw you America".

This week America says, "Screw you Eric".

Just cast my 10 votes for Jameka. The light bulb will go on and she will have the confirmation she needs to see him for the slithering snake he is!

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I have a question when Eric makes this promise does the other person get to be in on the QP thing??? This would make a huge difference who we would vote on seein as how Eric just did one of the lowest things yet by tellin Ambers business over the internet, he must go, kill off AP

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I think if people truly want to screw Eric over then they will vote Kail. Now hear [or read] me out on this one. Jameka could tell people but it could be flipped to where "Oh of course I'd want to go with the alliance in the end." Whereas with Kail, she has been adamant that Eric hasn't tried to work with her at all but if he goes to her about a final 2 thing then she will for SURE tell Dustin and he will be forced to believe her because she has been so upfront with him about other things.

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That wouldn't work XL because Dick already knows Eric lies. If you want Eric gone it has to be someone on the fence and know Eric went to Jen and said she was his #1. That way he is caught in a lie and they get the 4th vote needed to evict Eric so my vote was Jameka since I think she is still on the fence and will confirmation that Eric is a liar.

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Hey everyone, believe it or not your ignorant stupid wasted votes give him every reason to say screw you America, though he didn't. Get over it, the point of the twist is for Eric to do what we want, and it's our job to keep him in the house while doing this so he can win. Why screw it up for him when it's our place to keep him in the house, the point of America's player wasn't to friggen get him evicted because we like bad votes... stupid stupid stupid!

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Totally agree Justin, that's the only thing I hate about AP is that they dont vote in the best interest of Eric. I dont know why people wouldn't want to help him out, I'd rather him win the money then have of those people in that house.

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Hey everyone, believe it or not your ignorant stupid wasted votes give him every reason to say screw you America, though he didn't. Get over it, the point of the twist is for Eric to do what we want, and it's our job to keep him in the house while doing this so he can win. Why screw it up for him when it's our place to keep him in the house, the point of America's player wasn't to friggen get him evicted because we like bad votes... stupid stupid stupid!

uhh are you calling your fellow morty posters "ignorant and stupid"???

nice... real nice.

PS.. its not our job to keep him in the house. HE is america's player.. its not the other way around.. it doesnt say Eric's Player.. america.

and anyways, so far, the voting hasnt been to screw up eric's game. people have been voting to get kail out of the house.. how is that hurthing him? what hurt him was when he did nothing to get her out last week but instead he full forced campaigned for nick to go home.

now this week when he got his orders on who to try and get nominated.. before he opened it up he says "america, lets hope its jen or kail.. cause its time for one of them to go home" and he said it like there hasnt been a chance to get them out.. and he was annoyed by it.. uhh hello??? you had your chance and blew it! he opens up the paper and reads Jen's name and he is all excited... well of course he is.. he knows he has no work to do.. its a given she will go up!

time to face the facts.. not only is he playing the house.. but he is also playing america.

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I'll use ignorant when it's warranted, the world's a dirty place, it ain't candy land.

The only reason he campaigned against Nick is because he had to not look like an idiot. I'm not saying America has yet, I'm saying when we do because we all know it's going to happen when the heck are we blaming him. I'm also not saying it's our duty to keep him in the house, but I'd think it's common sense that we would want him to be in the house so we can tell him what to do, so he's you know...... America's Player within the house, but what do I know? I guess the entire point of the twist was to screw it up.

And no kidding he wanted it to be Jen or Kail, who wouldn't, look who is HoH. It's not like he was openly defying America with if this isn't them we're done here. This is Eric everything he says goes back to a joke. He knows as well as we do, seeing as he's had to deal with the votes, that Kail = hated.

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