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Does Anyone Like/love Amber?

Guest janey_doll

Does Anyone Like/Love Amber?  

116 members have voted

  1. 1. Does Anyone Like/Love Amber

    • Yes, I LOVE Amber
    • Yes, I LIKE Amber
    • No, I DON'T LIKE Amber
    • No, I CAN'T STAND Amber

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Guest janey_doll

Ok, I just had to see if there are any Amber lovers, likers, tolerators out in mortyland.Of course when Amber sees this poll she will cryEVERYONE VOTE!No way, I can't stand her!

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I've said it before...I DID really, really like Amber at the start. Weeks 1-2.

She bothers me with the sudden (:cough: fake :cough:) interest in the Bible and religion, in an attempt to get "in" with Jameka.

She's like totally, manipulating the situation, you just don't understand! :animated_rotfl:

It almost made me spit out my tea the other day when I saw her and Jameka on the bed reading the Bible. Amber asked Jameka something about trusting Daniele, and Jameka said at one point "I was like, well, I don't really know you, have only known you three weeks, but...okay" (talking about how Daniele told Jameka she really trusts her 100%)....and Amber goes "Oh, I know!" - uhmmm, excuse me Amber, aren't you the one who is "Sooooooooo in love" with like...everyone everytime I turn around??????????? If you can love a certain person in those three weeks, can't you find it reasonable that you might trust someone in those same three weeks?

The constant down turned/pouty/trout mouth is going to give her serious wrinkles.

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Amber is just Peachy keen . . .

the cat's pajamas . . .

cute as a bug's ear. . .

pretty as a picture . . .

the cat's meow . . . .

sweet as she can be . .

smart as a whip . . .

sharp as a tack . . .

sly like a fox . . .

plain as a sow's ear . . .

No, I don't like her.

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Everytime they show a clip of her crying, my stomach turns. Her squinched up bloodshot eyes, and her runny snotnose are making me sick. The sooner she goes, the better. Which is sad coming from me, an admitted cryer.

I also realized that trying to keep up with how fast she talks (and the fact that she doesnt even seems to stop to breathe) gives me a headache, especially if she is whispering. When she is on one of her roles, I usually switch to another camera. I figure anything she has to say isnt going to be game altering enough for me to wish I had witnessed it.

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i had to up my migraine meds because of her...

well, i am not sure its ALL of her fault, but just to make things easier, i like to put blame on one thing... and its her turn. :animated_rotfl:

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Some more of her truest self shone through when Dick was talking to her after pouring the tea over Jen's head. He asked Amber to be a friend to Danielle - to talk to her because she (Dani) was so young and had a harder time of it with her dad there, etc. ANYway, Amber - in her truest, whiniest fashion said "I tried to" and pretty much blew the notion off that ANYone else might need some attention besides herself. She didn't want to entertain the idea that anyone had anything more difficult to deal with or might need attention more than or that anyone else might have any need, at all - besides Waaaahmber herself.

I haven't seen beyond that point, yet - but I'm certain that Waaaahmber has already gone running around blubbering to everyone else that Dick was mean to her or Dani was mean to her or SOMEone was mean to her OR that she's blubbering that she's soooo upset that so-and-so is upset and she loves so-and-so soooo much that she's crying out compassion (make that desperate need to be the center of attention) and blah blah blah

GRRRR!!! Waaaamber gets on my last nerve!!!!!!


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I don't hate her, but don't like her. The crying is too much, and I really don't like watching something happen, then watching her tell Dustin what happened, then watching her tell Jameka what she told Dustin...etc. She's annoying, def...but not super bad...YET!

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they need to baker act her

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I think her crying should be a drinking game. Everytime she cries, take a shot. You can't do it with each tear or we'd all be dead...and frankly, that doesn't sound fun at all.

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